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Hatch Idea

I saw a post complaining about the hatch and it gave me an idea.

Opening the hatch.
Three new rules applied to the hatch.
1.The hatch is unlocked with a key or by the game getting to 1v1.
2. To use the hatch and escape the survivor must pull the heavy hatch open taking 10-15 seconds.
3. While opening the hatch the survivor will face 3 difficult skill checks as the survivor uses all their might to battle the tough wieght of the hatch. 
4. If they fail a skill check, are pulled of the hatch or stop pulling it open the hatch, they will drop it making a loud noise that alerts the killer to their location and the location of the hatch.
5. If two people open the hatch at the same time it still takes the same amount of time but their shared eight makes it easier to open. Therefore meaning the skill checks don't appear.
6. If a killer is within line of site and within 16 meters the survivor becomes fueled by there fear and an extremely small skill check (similar to desicive strike)will appear, if they complete it the hatch is opened instantly, if not they have to carry on opening the hatch at normal 10-15 second speed (carrying on from however far through they were before) they will still have to jump in when opened if they complete this skill check though.

Please leave any criticism.

These ideas are to prevent stand offs where the killer waits for the survivor to jump in the hatch so they can grab them.
Also to make it more rewarding to escape through the hatch as a survivor and add some nerve wrenching make or break skill checks.

This effectively means the killer wins if they get to the hatch first but not in all cases. This makes 4k wins much easier and not entirely impossible for the killer.


  • lindechene
    lindechene Member Posts: 76
    edited November 2018

    Some additional ideas:

    • Add two or three hatches so it will be quicker to find one.
    • Working on a hatch makes a noise.
    • There could be lights on the hatch indicating progress similar as with the exit gates
    • When only one survivor is left the killer has the option to immediately grab him and kill him on the spot.(Similar as the shape with those tombstone addons)

    For both killers and survivors this would mean a quicker end to the round.

    If the survivor is able to find any hatch and open it he can leave.
    If the killer manages to get close to the last survivor it is an guaranteed kill.
    No more hatch camping. No more stand offs.

    To further speed this whole process up there could be optional perks that show either killer or survivor auras once the exit gates are open.

  • MasonHugsCats
    MasonHugsCats Member Posts: 135

    Some additional ideas:

    • Add two or three hatches so it will be quicker to find one.
    • Working on a hatch makes a noise.
    • There could be lights on the hatch indicating progress similar as with the exit gates
    • When only one survivor is left the killer has the option to immediately grab him and kill him on the spot.(Similar as the shape with those tombstone addons)

    For both killers and survivors this would mean a quicker end to the round.

    If the survivor is able to find any hatch and open it he can leave.
    If the killer manages to get close to the last survivor it is an guaranteed kill.
    No more hatch camping. No more stand offs.

    To further speed this whole process up there could be optional perks that show either killer or survivor auras once the exit gates are open.

    The idea of multiple hatches make sense so the killer doesn't instantly win if they find the hatch. The idea of pulling open the hatch would make the lights unnecessary as in my head you'd see the hatch slowly opening showings it progress. The hatch making a distinctive noise when worked on also makes sense and the Mori on the last survivor is something that should of been implemnented since day one. 
  • pixpk
    pixpk Member Posts: 4

    I came up with a very similar idea yesterday, wanted to tell something about it on this forum but I saw @MasonHugsCats 's post and thought I'll just comment on it.
    I think that for killer if you're playing without ruin or/and some very good addons it's really hard for you to prevent optimally playing survivors from doing at least 2 gens. That's why in my opinion that shouldn't be enough for a survivor to get a free escape with no cost. It's also irritating from a survivor perspective - when you're playing with some random people, it's quite common (especially on lower ranks) for them to not care about unhooking someone or even doing gens, if 3 gens are done they'd be looking for a hatch and spending the time you're on the hook in a locker just waiting for you to die and for them to get these sweet 7k bps.

    I've had a similar idea to the one in the original post, with one little twist: I thought of making the time of opening the hatch by survivors dependent on the amount of generators left. For example: 1 gen left - 15 seconds, 2 gens - 30 s, 3 gens - 45 s. I haven't thought of giving them skillchecks while opening it, but I think that's a great idea. Difficulty of the skillchecks could also be dependent on the amount of gens repaired.

    Imo hatch could be a cool mechanic, but in a current form it could be irritating to both killer and survivor. In such situation (hatch standoff) the result shouldn't be just about "who wants it more". I think the killer should have an advantage in a hatch standoff, since he prevented survivors from finishing their main objective - repairing 5 generators. Right now in a 1v1 survivor still has an option to repair gens and try to open gates - on the other hand killer's chances of catching a survivor are strictly dependent on opponent's actions. That's not directly connected to a changes proposed above, but that's another thing to think about. There are some bigger issues in the game, but this one could be improved by creating a simple mechanic.

    Really hope to see some hatch changes in the next PTB! :)

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    So the killer waits at 17m away for the survivor to start the long ooening sequence then walks along and hits them. Also if the survivor gets it open just in time it can still cause a hatch standoff.

    If you really want to speed up the hatch part how about this...

    - Hatch does not appear until only 1 survivor remains
    - Only the survivor can see/hear the hatch
    - Survivor can't be pulled out while jumping

    - Rancor effect comes into play, survivor is exposed and can be killed.

    So the killer can't camp the hatch. The killer is forced to look for the survivor.

    The survior can't see the hatch location early and camp it. Survivor has to stealth around and try to find.

    So basically the survivor is stealthing around looking for it while the killer is walking around looking for the survivor. If the survivor finds it first they're guarenteed a free escape. If the killer finds the survivor they're guarenteed a free kill (so Decisive can't cheat them).

    It would add some intensity to the endgame, but would make yellow moris redundent (though lets be honest they are anyway).
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    One issue is solved by this, thats a basic hatch issue, the other is hatch stand off