How long are we expected to wait?
I can agree boil over is different from anything we’ve seen before. I don’t like noed but I can fully agree counters to it exist. Again my issue with it is that I do not want that type of counter perk mindset to become the standard. First it was just noed, now that mindset is spreading to boil over for some. I don’t want this to become the standard response people give to problematic things in the game. Because while people like you and me are able/willing to differentiate between these two perks and any others there are without a doubt those who are not.
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2 years minimum.
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You often dont know how to read between the lines, huh? Maybe "working as intended" but unfortunately everything surrounding the perk such as map design makes it unhealthy.
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3 minimum take it or leave it.
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He’s a bait account. Not worth entertaining him.
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I still think boil over is fine.
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I just wanted BO to be - you wiggle faster 3/6/9%... that would be fine
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With the new wiggle system and how great skill checks shave off one second, that probably wouldn’t work.
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I never wanted another skill check thing. Wiggle is fine - people only don´t get that they don´t need to destroy their keys and controllers to wiggle...
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In fairness, and feel free to disagree with me about this, but if a player (killer OR survivor) commit their entire build to doing something, they should have a high likelihood of doing that thing. For example, if they are running Boil Over, Unbreakable, No Mither, Soul Guard they SHOULD be practically impossible to slug. The same if a killer uses Ruin, Undying, Pain Resonance, Corrupt Intervention they SHOULD make it very difficult to finish gens.
Unfortunately the buff that Boil Over got is too much, and they probably knew that, but at the same time we cannot change the meta without putting powerful things in it TO change it.
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What if intended use means the perk is over powered?
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It’s not OP
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It’s not just anti slug though. It’s also anti pick up, it creates a lose-lose situation.
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RPD is mechanically broken, with or without boil over.
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is there a problem of us knowing about it?
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People are gonna ask to kill switch everything
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Does it considered "everything" when dev itself acknowledging it is game breaking and something has to be done?
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You're not necessarily wrong, but thats a slippery slope argument. This is an extremely big oversight, or an extremely bad design choice. It needs to be addressed asap regardless of losing face in the process.
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one of currently few justified requests to kill switch
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RPD, The Game, Coldwind, Asylum, Swamp, Lery's, Forest, Springwood, Ormond, and Dead Dawg though. This perk all has areas Killers are forced to drop down to reach hooks, that Boil Over takes advantage of. Even the other realms on some of their maps too.
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Power creep isn't always the answer. I is if you dunno what to do. But 9 times out of 10 things can be toned back rather than buffed to extreme measures. Unless the thing you're working on is just a trash which case, it gets buffed to the moon.
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I would agree, but boil over is not even close to powercreep. Most people complaining about it believe it is a genuinely bad perk.
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"Last but not least, let’s talk about a game health feature: The Item & Character Kill Switch. With over 50 playable characters and their cosmetics, nearly 200 perks and hundreds more add-ons and offerings in the game, sometimes things do break. Rarely, things will break in a way that makes them exploitable, and that can make the next week or two before a fix really rough.
Enter the Kill Switch. (It’s actually a lot nicer than it sounds!)
The Kill Switch allows us to disable anything that’s causing an issue without needing an update. When something breaks and becomes exploitable, we switch it off until it is fixed. This is something we’ve been able to do with maps for a while now to great effect. Disabled items & characters will be clearly marked and cannot be selected.
What this means to you: When that one thing breaks and people start to abuse it, you won’t have to play against it for a week or two until there’s a fix."
There's the original quote. BHVR needs to disable Boil Over. Or don't, but I'll keep laughing as Survivor queue times go up past 20 minutes.
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"Believe" its a bad perk. A growing number of people "believe" the earth is flat, doesn't make it correct.
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I'm unsure what power creep you are describing here. I'm almost positive that outside of a specific niche purpose, the new boil over will never be used over currently used meta perks.
Does toning things back make for a fun game though? The less impactful you make a perk, the less enjoyable it is to use. I'm a big believer in a circular imbalance type system, especially for a game like this. And for that sort of balance everything must be strong.
So I would prefer they buffed things up to be meta. I just wish they would do it sooner and faster than they do it now. I feel like thats the real problem, BHVR roll changes out so slowly and tentatively that nothing has the chance to shake loose and be changed.
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You use perks to take advantages
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"Does toning things back make for a fun game though?"
Absolutely. In an MMO or game where theres tons of players and tons of options to play various strategies etc. Absolutely. I used to balance stats for certain pvp mmo/rpgs back in the day, and a lot of the time the base product had nothing wrong with it (IE the base idea for a character its functions and theme etc) the accessories that get expanded upon and allow a player to control them are usually what breaks things (IE personal stat improvement and scaling, skills chosen, augments chosen etc.)
A lot of the time (and a reason I even found a spot where I did) devs would try to give more "fun" by just throwing more numbers and inflating things. What this did though was reduce the base product making things less fun for anyone who wasn't playing the "meta". When in actuality they could make adjustments to the base class and improve things significantly, while "nerfing" or moving power from the accessorized augmentations a player could make to a character. For example,
We have say a Giant Class, its new just came out, The concept is solid, its had 2 years worth of production and is released, problem is its base scaling doesn't match up with legacy classes, and legacy classes are already incredibly inflated. Easy solution, we tone down the inflated power scaling by reducing the % multiplier but for the classes accessory we intend to buff move its scaling from less % multipliers to more flat numbers within the same algorithm. Then adjust and boost the Giants base power to fit in line with the rest.
Or say for instance you have a skill thats just incredibly strong, but its a fundamental part of a kit. You could buff everyone to match up with that skill, or you could tune that skill down without removing its function. The faster you move to keep power creep from coming in, the less work you have to do in the long run or god forbid you ever run into a situation where you have to literally buff every single thing in the game to match a new concept in the works coming to the game aka a full systems overhaul. Its also good to have general rules and categories for the functions of a game in the first place so they can be handled separately. This game though has let perks dominate its base creation for so long that they'll likely have to do the very thing you're suggesting at the bottom. Which as I mentioned going to take...a long....long...long...extremely long time. <----Nightmare scenario.
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I'm saying in general
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But even then, it would still be working as intended. Sure, it would be horrible, but it wouldn’t need a kill switch
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Look at a DH. QnA did confirm its not working as intended. And yet, here it still is