What the kris kringle heck is this

okay so context : i haven't played DBD in months and i know the new grade system purely reflects time played and not skill or whatever.

yesterday i had a break in my uni schedule and decided you know what , some light dbd just to test the state , i saw pain resonance and DMS was buffed and wanted to test them out , not only do i get purely matched against full iri squads who play more in 1 day than i do in a year but also i found it really hard to actually land hits - times where i would usually land a lunge were no longer , getting hits through pallets were non existent anymore even when my knife was literally in them as the pallet dropped , chases seemed to last forever and even when running FULL SLOWDOWN gens went by faster than the game breaks on a new update.

this is all on ETHERNET connectivity so i know it isn't a connectivity issue , but then again i get a message saying NAT type too strict so matchmaking will be longer (at most it was 2 mins)

am i being paired against PC sweatlords because i'm forced into using ethernet , am i that rusty or has the general game grown in a way in which console players are put at a horrible disadvantage due to being limited to a controller. a few times i outright lost survivors who were in my LOS and right infront of me because of how blurry things got (this is probably an eyesight issue thing or it could be an FOV thing)

i used to enjoy playing this game but in the 4 or so matches i had yesterday (3 killer 1 survivor) i outwardly said i hated , because in the end the only way for me to even get one kill was to "camp , tunnel , gatekeep" (and even then , most of the time it was because either all the gens were done or there was an unhook within 10m of me from the basement - i got actively punished for trying my best to play fair)
