SWF isn't just toxic to Killers. It can also be toxic to other Survivors, as I just experienced.

A VIDEO of this at the end of this post.
Okay, I queue up as a Solo survivor, which is 99.99% of the matches I play. I wish there was a Solo queue only, but alas. Anyway, a twitch streamer joins the team with 2 of her friends in an SWF on discord.
Throughout the game, whenever they have the killer on themselves, they ask "Where is Claudette??" and they help each other navigate to my location, regardless if I am doing a Generator or not, to try and get the killer on to me instead.
Eventually, one of them dies, and now he is the OVERWATCH. He decides to spectate me, and tell everyone where I am when they are being chased.
The streamer would go, "omg she found me, where is claudette ahhahah" and the shrimp guy would tell her, "turn left, behind that car, go straight" etc... to try and get the killer onto me all over again.
Eventually there was only 2 people left, me and the streamer. And you can guess what happened again. I recorded all of this from her stream so I have proof.
Unfortunately for her, I am a very good looper, and the killer chose to peel off to catch her first every time. As soon as she got downed, she rage quit disconnected on stream before even being hooked. Then they all 3 spectate me to cheer the killer on to kill me. She cheers when I failed to find the hatch before the killer. Wow.
But, fortunately for me, there is a happy ending. The SAW Killer (PIG) let me go. She let me open the gates, and leave. All the while the streamer complaining, "oh im so pissed if she lets her go, wow shes letting her go, ######### i cant believe this" etc...
Just to let you know, SWF can be toxic to their own teammates too. I wish solo players had a way to remove themselves from SWF's.
I could never imagine the mindset of someone who wakes up and goes "yeah Ima play M1 simulator by myself".
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Yeah, I've experienced this sort of crap as solo survivor, and I've witnessed it happen to others when I play killer (no, I don't tolerate that nonsense if I can tell it's going on). Sometimes your teammates are more deadly than the killer. It really sucks.
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If you don't enjoy DBD's core gameplay, why are you here.
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You are lucky it's only now you found it out. For me it was obvious since the day I learned what SWF stands for. No good person ever plays SWF, and this simple fact of life is as old as the game itself. SWFs are only here to bully, they don't really care who.
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That's an untrue generalization. I play as a 2-person SWF often, and my friend and I are always altruistic towards our teammates. There are definitely toxic SWF groups that give everyone else a bad name, but that's not the absolute rule.
That said, when I play killer, it's astounding how many times my matches swing in my favor over survivors screwing over their teammates somehow.
To the OP, that streamer should be embarrassed, but I'm sure they have no self-awareness about their behavior. Glad the Pig gave you a well-deserved escape.
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SWF in general can be pretty toxic for literally everyone.
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Theres 2 sides of core gameplay.
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I remember when someone messaged me "Swf?" I was just starting and only solo'd I thought it stood for "Single white female?" I replied with "I'm married" I still ugly laugh about it to this day
Post edited by VaJaybles on10 -
Yeah, Abusing unintended aspect and break the game as much as possible, and playing normally.
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I just meant killer and survivor.
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It's very bad finding a streamer that just gets super entitled when something doesn't go there way and they just unleash their anger out on other players.
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It could be more to do with them being a streamer. They have a bad reputation. As a killer only if i notice sandbagging which is what it sounds like, thats a big no no in my game. I dont mind playing against swf, but i could see it being frustrating for a solo 4th player. Maybe leave lobby if you are joined by streamers next time. Ive heard other solos say that. Good luck
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Thanks for the advice. Yes it is annoying i really hate SWF's, i wish we had a Solo queue for competitive ranked games.
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Exactly. I wish they would create a separate queue for only Duo's + solo players.
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And not just in DBD. A lot of stacks are toxic regardless of the game. Something about being in a group gives them a lot more confidence, wouldn't ya know?
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Mob mentality, the worst swf teams are probly the same types that existed in the middle ages chasing witches with pitch forks 😄.
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Lmao. Way to beat the odd and enjoy delicious salty tears of a gang of jackasses.
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Its more boring than toxic. Some of the more fun games i have had are the ones where SWF are bored of winning and just want to mess with the killer. If you know how to deal with it then you will win with plenty of points.
The boring and toxic ones are the groups who are just out to depip the killer and do gens asap while giving as little hooks as possible. The body blocking and synergised perks just make it awful. You can call everything that will happen before it does from the incoming body block to the next gen that will be done. And depending on who you play, there is nothing you can do about it.
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Oh man. I ######### hate SWF as a killer, but I ######### HATE SWF as a survivor.
I can't count the times where they've clearly just said "nah" it at the end game and decided to ditch... or outright hook farm... no matter how much you helped them or had their backs, as long as they're getting out together because they don't have the same stake in the game having to depend on 3 strangers.
God. This game can be sooooo good under its actual premise, but it's totally bastardized and corrupted by trying to be two things at once without leaning into either for real.
Oh but we can't actually go giving people about a choice about the thing that makes this game impossible to ever balance, a form of de facto cheating you gotta just accept for every other match, and boosting the toxicity out the roof. Cause THAT would just KILL THE GAME!!!! Because no one likes games that are balanced and good and fun more than playing with friends... who get burned out after a week and then you end up playing with strangers but over voicecoms anyhow.
Sorry. Haven't bitched about the insane contradiction of SWF in awhile and the back of my mind is loaded with those hypocritical "PUNSIHED FOR FRIENDZ!!!" talking points as if that means we deserve to be "punished" by having to play with your scumbag FRIENDZ then.
Like I said... been awhile...
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These are just rare one-off cases IMO. Not even worth to write a forum post about it.
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I feel like we’ve all been in situations like that. Some survivors are just there to mess around.
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Solo survs can be toxic to solo surv also. It is not exclusive to swf's.
Everyone can be toxic to everyone in this game.
The only difference is that swf can gang up on others more easily because of the comms.
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True, it was even worse with the old key + hatch system.
Funny how is always the random fault, basically the player who is not carried by any external advantage.
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It's the nature of team-based games. Team-killing and trolling have been a problem in games forever. Can't fix human nature.
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Too bad for you. Not only did I make a forum post about toxic SWF's to survirors... I also uploaded the video of the final moments of this match.
All props to the Killer for making things right.
The final moments of the match, after surviving their constant attempts to get the killer off of them and onto me :
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I have mentioned this in a few threads because generally people seem to think the argument is Killer vs Survivor though generally both sides have the potential to be toxic not only to opposite team, but also to their teammates. It is often difficult to notice a Survivor being toxic to other Survivors when playing Killer, but it's more common than what people give credit for.
I do believe the generalisation that "all SWFs" are toxic is wrong. I've encountered more than a few that are pretty wholesome or have the mentality of teamwork and help SoloQs, etc. and I've also encountered similar experiences to yours, OP.
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I think all of them are toxic, for the simple fact that they are using unfair advantages in the game because of voice comms.
The game has carefully designed PERKS and such, to give you the location of the Killer aura, but SWF doesn't need that, as they have free comms all game to tell each other where the Killer is, which Generator to do, where items are on the floor, etc.
Please watch the video in the OP. These people trolled me all game for no reason, and then have the nerve to be upset that the Killer noticed what was going on and let me go.
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people are just messed up and think they all that and they not.
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Yup. As you can hear in the video, she even had the nerve to get mad that the Killer noticed what was going on and let me escape.
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I surely don’t miss those days... I hated being left behind like that.
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I mean yeah no #########. Every TTV is complaining or mocking someone the moment I tune in.
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I always pull the TTVs up on my phone and if they are being bad teammates or toxic it's time to stream snipe survivor to survivor. Nothing makes DBD more fun than watching a streamer rage, actually makes DBD pretty fun.
They act like dummies for views but get instantly enraged if anyone else does the same thing.
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I actually just avoid ttv lobbies nowadays
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What is bad for me? :D
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You know ,,, this kind of player exist … it’s a part of swf .
say thx piggy ;)