5 Ways to deal with DBD stress

Damn it!! I got farmed again! This is the worst game ever!
We've all had good matches in our favorite edge of your seat game Dead by Daylight, and we've all had some games where we wish we were the killer so we can mori those pesky sandbaggers, or we wish those survivors didn't have the ability to fix 3 gens in the first 2 minutes of the game. But here are some things you can do to save your keyboard or controller from hitting the floor.
5- Look up Dead by Daylight memes
Trust me, there is some pretty good ones on the web
4- Play the opposite team
If you've had a bad game as survivor and you are too fed up with those Doctors with Distressing and Unnerving Presence. Or you are too tired to deal with pallet slams and teabags, then play the opposite! If you are a survivor main or a killer main, it is good to play the opposite of what you usually play every now and then so you can learn to play both sides. Me personally, I'm both survivor and killer main!
3- Message with your friends
When you have a bad game, simply because you lost, don't say vulgar and harsh words to your opponent. They are real people too and sometimes you could be saying harsh words to a 12 year old child when your over the age of 20. If you're mad, just have a message conversation with your friends on Discord or whatever you use to chat with people, this can help you vent and you can talk about the things that get on your nerve whilst playing online games. Or you can play with your buds on DBD!
2- Leave the PC/Console and take a few minutes of break time
If you can't contain your anger and find yourself thinking "OMG this game was a waste of 20 bucks, I should've bought this game instead" then it would probably be a good idea to get up and just take a small break, grab some soda, make a sandwich, watch Hybridpanda or Foxbrush Studios on YouTube and go play again! Do anything that you would normally do that makes your mind tame (As long as it doesn't involve breaking things)
1- Learn more tips and tricks
Usually we get mad at DBD because we died or we missed that kill. Most of us blame our team or the game because we lost. What personally helps me is to look up tips and tricks for the game. This helps me learn more on how to be better at the game and enjoy it more. Maybe you and your friends can practice Myth busting, or you can make up your own game modes in Kill you Friends, or you can finally learn how to properly use Dead Hard without running into a wall.
In the end of the day, Dead by Daylight is like a board game to play on a cozy evening (Or morning/night), everyone will lose and win but that's the point of the game! It's not a competition on who is the best player or how many hours you've played (seriously, I don't care if you have over 1000 hours, you will still make dumb decisions from time to time, just like how some newbies will make smart gameplay choices) DBD is a fun game to learn new strategies and meet awesome players, and don't get me started on the player progression! It's one of the funniest things about DBD! See you in the fog! (Unless you brought a clear regent, I know it was you Huntress)
You forgot playing civ
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What's that?
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I play huntress, and chill out with her humming.
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Her humming is relaxing, except when she laughs creepily after awhile.