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Suggestion: Talent Tree

I think a Talent Tree would be nice to reward people for hitting rank 1. The Talent Tree resets each month and by hitting rank 1 faster you get the most out of it. With the change to the derank after reset its easyer than before to get back at your best rank.

I designed a simple tree and added content to it but please see it as examples. My suggestion is the Talent Tree not what I wrote in it, thats just to help you understand how it works.

First of all heres a picture of a Talent Tree:

Starting at Rank 20 you get 1 point to spend.
Hitting Rank 19, 18 and 17 you get 1 point to spend.
Hitting Rank 16, 15, 14 and 13 you get 2 points to spend.
Hitting Rank 12, 11, 10 and 9 you get 3 points to spend.
Hitting Rank 8, 7, 6 and 5 you get 4 points to spend.
Hitting Rank 4, 3, 2 and 1 you get 5 points to spend.
This means you can spend a total of 60 points hitting Rank 1.

Inside each square you see the numbers 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15. These are the costs for the specific talents you buy. I had the thought of 3 different kind of trees. Bloodpoints Gain, Bloodweb and Ingame. I start with a example of what a Bloodpoints Gain Talent Tree could look like.

Bloodpoints Gain

Blue 1 - Gain 10% Bonus Bloodpoints in Survival/Deviousness Category.
Blue 3 - Gain 15% Bonus Bloodpoints in Survival/Deviousness Category.
Blue 5 - Gain 25% Bonus Bloodpoints in Survival/Deviousness Category.

Green 1 - Gain 10% Bonus Bloodpoints in Boldness/Sacrifice Category.
Green 3 - Gain 15% Bonus Bloodpoints in Boldness/Sacrifice Category.
Green 5 - Gain 25% Bonus Bloodpoints in Boldness/Sacrifice Category.

Orange 1 - Gain 10% Bonus Bloodpoints in Objective/Brutality Category.
Orange 3 - Gain 15% Bonus Bloodpoints in Objective/Brutality Category.
Orange 5 - Gain 25% Bonus Bloodpoints in Objective/Brutality Category.

Red 1 - Gain 10% Bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism/Hunting Category.
Red 3 - Gain 15% Bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism/Hunting Category.
Red 5 - Gain 25% Bonus Bloodpoints in Altruism/Hunting Category.

Brown 10 - Holding TAB will show all current Bloodpoints earned by the Killer and Survivors.
Purple 10 - Doubles the maximum amount of Bloodpoints you can hold. (2.000.000)

White 15 - Gain 50% Bonus Bloodpoints in all categories.


Blue 1 - Slightly increases the chance of Addons appearing in the bloodweb.
Blue 3 - Slightly increases the chance of Addons appearing in the bloodweb.
Blue 5 - Slightly increases the chance of Addons appearing in the bloodweb.

Green 1 - Slightly increases the chance of Offerings appearing in the bloodweb.
Green 3 - Slightly increases the chance of Offerings appearing in the bloodweb.
Green 5 - Slightly increases the chance of Offerings appearing in the bloodweb.

Orange 1 - Removes 1 slot from each bloodweb making it smaller.
Orange 3 - Removes 1 slot from each bloodweb making it smaller.
Orange 5 - Removes 1 slot from each bloodweb making it smaller.

Red 1 - Everything costs 5% less for prestiged characters.
Red 3 - Everything costs 5% less for prestiged characters.
Red 5 - Everything costs 5% less for prestiged characters.

Brown 10 - Gives you the option to buy the full bloodweb if you have the Bloodpoints to do so.
Purple 10 - Allows you to reroll a bloodweb before spending any Bloodpoints once per bloodweb.

White 15 - (Survivor) Your inventory is shared among all Survivors.
White 15 - (Killer) Addons will not be depleted if you killed all Survivors. (DC counts as a kill)


Brown 10 - Removes the blackbubble from appearing ingame.
Purple 10 - (Survivor) Your scratchmarks keep appearing for 1,5 second after you stop running.
Purple 10 - (Killer) Kicking a generator locks it for 15 seconds but still decays during the duration.

White 15 - Add a 5th perk slot to use exclusively for a neutral perk.

Couldnt think of anything to add on the 1, 3 and 5 slots.

All in all its just to give you an idea on how a Talent Tree can work. Again the Talent Tree is the suggestion not everything else those are just quickly thought up stuff to fill.


  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    I actually really like this idea, but with how many issues they have with balancing the game already, I feel this would only exacerbate the issue.
  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @Avariku said:
    I actually really like this idea, but with how many issues they have with balancing the game already, I feel this would only exacerbate the issue.

    Yeah I guess a ingame tree is then out of the question. Maybe a third one wich plays around Irridescent Shards. Like Gaining +25 per level or +1 for each category you have more than 5000 points in after a match. Maybe a extra perk choice in the Shrine or when the shrine resets you still see the last week shrine aswell giving you a extra week to buy a perk if you dont have too much time on your hands.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    still would be a cool addition if they could find a way to make it work... but they would have to be super careful about what kinds of things they could put into the tree