My view on the "DBD is Survivor sided" argument.

Quite a few people argue that DBD is Survivor sided. While I see what they mean, I don't directly agree with that specific statement. This isn't in the suggestions forum because I am not directly suggesting anything in particular to be added, but instead trying to have a discussion about this topic. Coming from a Survivor main here's what I think about this.

As a Survivor, getting generators on is a joke. The times for repairing gens is embarrassingly fast. You'll see what I mean when you go against an organized SWF. Gens pop left and right, even when it feels like you are doing really good. Even with a whole build of slowdown perks, you can still easily get genrushed. To make matters worse they could bring something like brand new parts and repairing perks. Even if you're catching Survivors super quick, the time it takes to catch, pick up, carry and then hook them allows the Survivors to get far too much repairing done. The only reason this doesn't happen to Killers every game is for two reasons. One, you don't always go against parties, and two, not everyone likes to play like that. Some people like to run the Killer around and mess with them and have fun.

However, Killers can still win against good SWFs, but only if they play extremely scummy, doing things like tunneling and camping. While getting tunneled or camped is annoying, I don't whine about it because I completely understand it. I've even started to do it myself when I play Killer, depending on the situation, even though I don't enjoy it. Many Killer mains would agree with me that camping and tunneling are the only ways to win against good parties. The game is Survivor sided when the Killer tries to play nice, but not when they play really scummy.

So then you might say "oh then the game is fine because you just said it's not Survivor sided" that isn't exactly true. Tunneling and camping, despite being the best strategies, make the game quite unfun, for both sides. Nobody enjoys getting tunneled or camped, and I personally don't enjoy doing it myself when I play Killer, but as previously said, I do it because I have to.

In my opinion, a way to make the game more fun for both sides would be to allow solo q Survivors to communicate, whether that be through a text chat, some sort of commands, or voice chat. And in exchange for that, balance the game better around parties, whether that be by buffing the Killer or by nerfing the Survivors, or both. This way, playing solo q wouldn't be so annoying, and going against parties wouldn't be so annoying. Both sides would be satisfied, and Killers would no longer need to play really scummy.

However, even if this were done, Killers could still very much play scummy if they really wanted to. Then people might start complaining about the game being Killer sided, as Survivor could still potentially be unfun. My suggestion for this would be to discourage tunneling and camping somehow. Yes, we do have DS and BT, though I don't think those would be enough anymore if my suggestion above went through, since Killers can already partially workaround both of those perks. Some people have suggested making DS or BT basekit, while that can sound good on paper, I think this would be problematic. For DS, the Killer would know you have it and thus easily workaround it by simply slugging you, and then everyone might start using Unbreakable so Killers can't do that, and I think this would lead to some huge problems, DS should not be basekit. For BT, it COULD work, however I feel like it would be too abused by people just using it to bodyblock, the duration would have to be reduced quite a bit, but then basekit BT might not even be enough. I'm not quite sure what exactly they could do to discourage tunneling and camping, without it being too much, not enough, or being abused by the Survivors.

Some people complain about things like NOED and The Nurse. However, while both of those are certainly powerful and annoying, in the current state of the game I don't think either one should be changed. If the game were made less Survivor sided, then perhaps they could be nerfed, though I'm not so sure about that.

Anyways, to sum it up, the game is not strictly Survivor sided. It is SWF sided, if the Killer tries to play nice. But when the Killer plays super scummy, it could be considered "balanced" but it does not mean it's fun. Sorry for the big wall of text, congrats if you made it this far. I just wanted to express how I feel about which side the game is on, and how fun the game is based on that.

