Why do people keep dcing vs pinhead?

I have played 4 matches with him and in 3 of them survivors have dced. Worst part is I’m not even good with him lmao
I can barley connect on a chain lmao and no I just run jolt lethal dead lock and a pyramid head perk
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Not to mention it’s apparently bugged trying to solve it. The chains will keep harassing the box holder, which was supposed to have been fixed prior.
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That’s sad honestly he’s fun to play against but I swear people be dcing left and right
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Franklins engineer is all ill say
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I've been playing Deathslinger a fair bit recently and have been getting loads of player's DCing. Out of all the killers I've played he's the one that's been causing the most rage quits mid game. Some of the YouTube videos I've been watching about Deathslinger builds also have an unusually high rage quit rate. I guess he just rubs people up the wrong way when you start landing shots consistently.
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Weird thing is when almost all the deathslingers I play Against dc when they miss a ton of shots and 3 gens go by. I had 3 games straight where they dced
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Yeah and I don’t run any addons too😭
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Yep, I get that bug as well. I like playing as Pinhead, but I can't stand playing against him 😆
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The box is oppressive because solos are lazy and don't want to play safe and go for the box. They always wait until the very last second or after the chain hunt has already started, and that's completely on them. Losing to Pinhead is also completely on them, because he is a weak killer. Solve his box once and it's over, or it should be anyway. Franklin's/Hoarder on Pinhead is a unique build, but it just doesn't work anymore since Larry's Remains and Engineer's Fang were unjustly nerfed.
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They're giving you free wins instead of what should be difficult matches. Have you seen how quick his chains break?
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Yes but I want to learn his power but if people keep dcing I won’t learn anything and eventually get stomped by good teams lmao
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SoloQ. Ruin up, box spawns.
One of two things is going happen.
More than person goes for the box -> basically auto lose.
No person goes for the box -> basically auto lose.
There is a reason pinhead was leading the killrates, and it is not because he is such a great killer, but he is really oppressive against unorganized teams aka every soloq.
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It's never that simple against survivors who know what they're doing, even solos. I cannot recommend hexes on any killer, except maybe NOED.
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Ah yes, i am on a gen, surrounded by walls. I can maybe see part of the edge of the map. Surely i can just know where ALL my team mates spawned and where they went.
The big thing here is ALL. I can see that someone gets chased, i still need to know what the other two are doing.
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yeah 50% I get teammates that are pretty good vs teammates. The other 50% are teammates that wait until you are hooked to work on the box lmao
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Have been playing him almost exclusively during the event. Had like 1 dc. So maybe you were just unlucky.
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Then play it safe and go for the box.
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Maybe. His chains are so hard lmao
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And do bones
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Try placing the mark directly on survivors. It will result easier hitting them.
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So two to three people play it safe and lose a collective 40 to 60 seconds of time every three minutes, without ruin? That is up to three free pops repeatedly.
Totally a winning strategy that will not result in losing the game.
edit: Basically like pig-traps, just that it is always in the last box.
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I wish there was a practice mode instead of throwing you into the fire right away. I have had a couple of good shots with his chains surprisingly but most of the time I’m missing left and right. Maybe he’s easier to play on pc than console
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Probably because he is "boring"
But the truth is, the problem always lies with the person who DC
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You don’t like pinhead?
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I love him, P3 him recently
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Yeah, they should improve the bot mode. So people can try out new killers instead of instantly facing high mmr survivors which will stomp you.
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because solo q is a pain in the ass against him. every single killer that needs any kind of team play is a pain in the ass in solo q, and bortder line impossible.
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Congrats on that!!! I like pinhead too
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Survivors just like to rage quit. Happens on plague too quite often. Had 3 people insta dcing on me and then insult me as a bad killer ...i couldnt even do anything :D
Pinhead isnt even that good killer, but running to the box while you arent being chased is too hard for some ..
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Grab box while Pinhead's busy. Solve it in a strategic location so if he teleports he lands in a terrible spot. Profit.
I kinda enjoyed myself against Pinhead earlier today on Ormond. He was super campy and two teammates were useless and got themselves immediately killed, so it ended up being a hatch game, but grabbing the box and solving it in different areas of the main building was fun. I don't think he ever got value from a single teleport.
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You can criticize things without having to call it a real-life condition that genuinely affects people in a horrible way. It probably wasn't your intention, but it can be really insensitive to people who've dealt with it or had someone they know about deal with it.
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I have a video of a camping pinhead dcing lmao
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“Just don’t cleanse” but then everyone else starts cleansing lmao
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I posted something similar back in October. And recent stats suggested that he has the highest win rate among all killers. Meaning that he's probably the worst killer to go up against for solo survivors, despite not being a strong killer.
Personally, he is one of my favorite killers to go up against, alongside Doctor and Deathslinger.
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Because he is so incredibly annoying and boring to go up against for most people?
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Just a reminder that Pinhead can sometimes hit someone with his possessed chain 6 times before he's actually able to hit them. You're not starved for time against him. And maybe perks like Kindred would help, which you should be using anyway if you're solo.
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I am stronger with Nem but i have not so much dcs on him. Survivors are fighting so well against me. But i usually have dc when i play Pinhead. People just don't like him i guess
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THE BOX! THEY DONT LIKE TO OPEN IT, THEY DONT WANT PINHEAD TO CAME. Lmao yeah I don’t get it either. When I play survivor too you will see my teammates dcing one second in to the match
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"just to make you miserable"
To use their power more effectively.
Post edited by MrPenguin on1 -
This is the strategy they use to inflate the kill rate and get a killer nerfed. They did it against nurse, Billy, Freddy, and so on.
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He is incredibly annoying and unfun to go against, the chains are an irritating mechanic and trying to deal with the box in solo queue is beyond frustrating.
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Same reason(s) players DC against other killers. It's usually because they aren't having their idea of fun.
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This is supposed to happen otherwise the box holder can just run with it.
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Because they're just bad. Survivors DC against all killers for no reason, not just pinhead. But he will get nerfed for sure, survivor sided...
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He’s incredibly unfun/unbalanced to play against in solo q.