Camping at 5 Gens
Went against a Legion on McMillan, 5 gens left, one dead due to suicide on hook, and the Leg set up their tent next to someone on hook (It was me) and the other two randoms just sat there, doing nothing, truly intimidated by the Leg's camping prowess.
And with how MMR works this is the player that gets rewarded. Smh
You simply had less skill than them, didn't you know that?
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Clearly I did not have the better gaming chair. I need to rethink my life choices
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I'd bet that guy lost his last couple of matches and decided to take it out on you guys, this games breeds a viscous cycle of paying forward your frustration.
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I don't think I would be upset at a Legion camping me. It's the Nurses, Spirits, Blights, etc that drive me git gud dude.
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I get you, whenever I'm playing killer I think "f these survivors" and vice versa when playing survivor. I just play how I want, it just so happens that I like to play with meme builds, if I found sweating fun, I'd do it.
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I have been feeling the same way. Getting destroyed with demo but tbaggers with flashlights. When I was waiting in the lobby with my bubba, I just started playing darts vaders theme. Fits well. And I destroyed the opposing team lmao
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It wasn't so much me upset at the Legion camping, but the situation as a whole.
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He took out his anger at you
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I could tell. I understand playing killer can give me heart palpitations, but at least I try to go into a new match knowing these are different people than who I last played. Granted, if I see repeat players, it's on.
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I understand your frustration but you can't deny the fact that no hockey team has ever lost a match because they camped the generators.
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I feel you. Right now I am at 3500 hours and 1500 is survivor roughly so the balance is a bit clearer now. I hate face camping (unless end game) but survivors from my perspective complain about any camping. Face camping at 5 gens is uncalled for IMO as you don't even know if the survivors are good yet lol. on top of that you got a down before any gens popped so decent start too. Proxy camping is a legit strat and decided on the fly by what's going on around the hook....that should never be complained about because the situation was created by survivors. last but not least is EG camping and anyone complaining about that needs to do the community a favor and uninstall please.
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Oh I'm def for proxy. Twins and Huntress are fantastic at that, especially when EGC occurs. It amounts so much late game pressure, and rewards the use of Blood Warden when timed right.
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Thankfully this b.s is not every match we play. We just gotta take one on the chin when we run into games like these and move on. Hope the next game is much better and fun for both sides.
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These hockey jokes are funny lol
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You need more rgb.
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Body blocking at 5 gens, zero hooks. Body blocking at 3 gens zero hooks. Flashlight blinding at 0 gens 0 deaths.
Just play the game already or do like many of us have a quit until they fix this disaster.
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If I could face camp at 6 gens, I would.
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Yeah, killers can get away with camping and tunneling and it frustrates me honestly. I think the time has come to punish killers who use these strategies.
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I'm sick of survivors going for flashlight saves and sabos when there have been no hooks at 2 or 3 gens done. That's unfair!!!! Get good!!!!