High rank Killer queue times on PS4 NA post-Hallowed Blight event

How are they? Are they still really long or did they improve to where I can get four Survivors in a lobby without having to wait 20+ minutes? 

Best Answers

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Answer ✓
    How are they? Are they still really long or did they improve to where I can get four Survivors in a lobby without having to wait 20+ minutes? 
    Ranks reset.. so I'm not red rank atm but I'm pretty sure its back to normal.


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    I tried the game out on PS4 today - R20 Killer - Lobbies in 11 seconds.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2018
    Raccoon said:

    I tried the game out on PS4 today - R20 Killer - Lobbies in 11 seconds.

    Is this a joke or did you think that I was talking about ranks 20-16 when I said high ranks? 

    Unicorn said:
    How are they? Are they still really long or did they improve to where I can get four Survivors in a lobby without having to wait 20+ minutes? 
    Ranks reset.. so I'm not red rank atm but I'm pretty sure its back to normal.
    Considering how easy it is to rank up, I’m pretty sure that multiple people have already made it to red ranks.

    I was scared to rank up during the event because of how bad the queue times were, so I’m glad that it should be back to normal now.