How can i report people?

foodie Member Posts: 437
I just had a game with two lag switching claudettes. I have their profiles,steam id and video proof. 

Best Answer


  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
    I left after taking their profiles. Isnt there another way? Email or something else?
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,914

    Sorry, but I'm afraid not.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
    Then i guess these hackers will continue playing the game with no consequences.:(
  • Fluffy
    Fluffy Member Posts: 48

    @foodie said:
    Then i guess these hackers will continue playing the game with no consequences.:(

    it seems, even when you properly report cheaters with proof, they don't look at it. (my proof still only has 1 view from me).
    And when you try to expose obvious cheaters on forums, your posts are deleted and you'll get a temp ban.