This huntress nonsense should stop

Im just tired of that. I don't want to play against huntress because of that
latency + hitboxes bro. when a survivor is injured, their hitbox is a little further back, with the circular hitbox of the hatchet and a slight difference between what is on your screen and what is on the killer screen, this things can happen, It's frustrating, but there's no better way to fix the problem.
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There is nothing that can be done. Huntress hitboxes will either work like that or they won't work at all, as it has been already proven.
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So it's time to rework huntress from scratch
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Careful with such a request. This word is known for destroying things and replacing them with trash.
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the word "rework" kinda scares me.
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Nothing can be worse than that so i'll take it
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Same, though "scare" is an understatement in my case.
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It is BHVR.
It can ALWAYS get worse.
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If it gets worse for huntress players im fine with that
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It saddens me to read this. No one deserves to lose the character which they love. I, among all players, should know what.
I hope you realize exactly what you are asking for.
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There you find the motivation in these types of post.
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Okay let's nerf the meta perks you're running. BT, DH, and CoH. If it gets worse for survivor players I'm okay with that. See how ######### that sounds?
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That sounds good. Survivor meta needs to be changed for half of decade
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You seem to be Russian. I bet the Killer was Russian as well (a lot of Huntress-players seem to be Russian on EU-Servers). So you both probably connect with somewhat high Ping to the Server, so the Ping Difference between you two is probably big.
And this is the result.
I also really dont like to go against Huntress anymore since Dedicated Server are live.
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And sadly me traveling to another country is not a solution
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It looks bad, seeing survivor perspective of this.
Will BHVR do anything to their most popular killer? Ping cap for matches? Really doubt it.
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Huntress's hatchet hitboxes we're always bad and dedicated servers made them worse. Survivor hitboxes are also a little weird, too.
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BHVR can not be trusted with such things unfortunately. Nurse was reworked from scratch and kill-switched within two weeks. They are completely incapable of a clean release on anything given their schedule and track record.
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As a former Billy main, I share this pain, knocking a skill based killer down a few tiers is an awful idea.
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I’d rather delete her, facing her every 4 games is annoying but that’s just me lmao
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I am not an expert on the subject, but latency-related hit absurdity (both ways) is unfortunately common, and when it happens with a projectile, it just seems all that more pronounced.
It seems like this problem is more general than just the Huntress.
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Exceptionally laggy player. Unfair to ask for a direct nerf to a killer's power when you as a devotion 20+ player know that's not the norm. Huntress' hatchets can hit around the shape of the survivor's hitbox and those hits can look like they didn't land (because obviously survivors aren't shaped like their hitbox), but something like the hit you showcased is clearly just an issue with the killer's ping. Every multiplayer game has problems with latency and unless BHVR figures out a magic solution to that I don't think Huntress should be touched at all.
Maybe restrict players with high ping from playing matches altogether. People with good internet shouldn't be punished because of them.
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Thats 85% because of bhvrs bad servers. The other 15% is from her hitboxes. Less of a huntress problem and more of a server problem.
0 - haven't enjoyed a Huntress match since before Dedicated Servers were a thing? sorry for you.
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Not enjoyed at all would be too much. But those Hits are not rare at all and it makes going against her sometimes really unenjoyable.
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That is still a long time to not enjoy matches against a highly popular killer.
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When will people stop making me have to post this explanation from Peanits over these stupid complaints?
One, flat hatchet hitboxes DO NOT WORK.
Two, survivor hitboxes are not individualized to every single part of each survivor's body because that takes an enormous amount of computing power, and BHVR does not have the power that companies like EA do.
Three, survivor hitboxes are not individualized to every single part of each survivor's body because that would give a competitive advantage to smaller characters which is stupid.
Four, latency is literally unavoidable.
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Ah yes, the 5 meters large capsule from the second clip. How could we forget about that.
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So what you're saying is I can call the current Freddy Mr Poopyhead since they changed him for the worse and when they revert him back to his original glory I can refer to him as Sir Fredrick the sexy daddy?
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His power sucks, granted, but he is still Freddy.
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Let people see the killers and survivors ping. That will fix it.
I just played against a huntress and they were so lagy that i had time to look around and hop on a gen for 200 points before corrupt kicked in.
Why should i play against this?
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Not a bad idea, ngl.
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I have a feeling they can't do it because they can't figure out a (cheap) way of doing it without MLGA working again.
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So what you're saying is they should rework Huntress to be a melee killer because BHVR isn't good enough. Agreed. #RemoveHatchets.
@landromat Huntress is my 26th favorite killer to go up against because of this garbage.
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This is why people think forums is a joke, lol.
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Obviously, I'm exaggerating. But she really is my least favorite killer to play against. She feels low-quality.
Other killers with ranged attacks - Trix, Slinger, Pinhead, and Executioner - feel higher quality with their ranged attacks. And I'm not talking about balance.
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Works both ways, sometimes terrain takes out hatchets that shouldn't. Sometimes Pallets hit that shouldn't Sometimes hatchets hit people already around a corner.
Sometimes deadhard works after a hatchet has landed.
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When they announced dedicated servers, I was one of the few people against them. One of the reasons was that people in remote areas would have significantly worse ping to the servers that are usually ubicated in highly popular areas.
If you haven't had a good match against Huntress since the release of dedicated servers, them I'm sorry for you.
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Those two videos are 100% an internet issue and not a Huntress design issue.
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Not a hitbox problem, the guy already cleared the turn before she threw the hatchet.
His ping is likely between 140-600 hella bad lag looking at it from just the video. And if he's Russian and playing against anyone from EU or SEA his ping is gonna be through the god damn roof.
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Reworks usually kill a killer. It happened to Freddy, Billy and now Nurse.
Believe me, you don't want to reduce the killer roster. Because then the chances of facing the same killer over and over are much much higher.
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Yeah.. and imagine that unfair hit combined with iri head. Devs should take a look at huntress..
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It's only been proven that they weren't able to fix them back then when they tried once and immediately gave up.
That's =/= from being proven to be impossible to fix (or even just improved) in general.
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It is BHVR.
They can't fix it.
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Darn, you used the secret weapon argument. I've been outmaneuvered. Touché.
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Ha, I got ya!
For there is no way the people whose "bug fixes" add even more bugs to the game will ever be able to fix those hitboxes!
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You ran into the Killer, then continued running into a straight line, got hit but it's Iridescent Head being overpowered the problem and not you playing extremely bad?
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There is no way to “fix” a non-issue without changing survivor hitboxes, when the entire reason the way they are the way they are is so that a smaller character doesn’t have advantages, as well as for computing efficiency. Latency is literally unavoidable.