Ragequits Against Pinhead
Forgive me, but I have to do the rant thing because I’m extremely frustrated & I’m hoping others can relate… Like the title says, why are there so many survivors ragequitting, letting go on hook, and going AFK against Pinhead?? I find him not fun to play against (especially a very good one who finds the box every single ######### time), but I take my medicine. How else are you supposed to get better vs. him if you keep DC’ing all the damn time?? The few times I have beat him, it feels very rewarding- so I’m always going to give it my all.
Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone else feel frustrated?
Why do you think his kill rates were so high?
using kills to balance the game is stupid without context.
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I think it's a mix of survivors not wanting to drop their item and not wanting to get into a chase. Sure it's the point of Cenobite's power and I get it, but also that's why it's happening.
I've been guilty of working on my unhook achievement when Vs. Pinhead. Only once though. I was running to get the box and it was the very start of the match and Pinhead spawned on top of me basically. Now I'm looping around the box and getting chain hunted while Pinhead bloodlusts me. I was mad. Saw teammates were on the other side of the map when I finally went down and was 500% done.
You're right, Pinhead isn't bad to go against, he's just annoying. I think it would be better if the chains just stayed in you and snared you instead of interrupting healing and repairing, so there's still a risk to not breaking the chains but it doesn't completely stop the chains. Plus that'd be better for Pinhead since survivors would start the chase snared.
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At least two of my solo queue teammates tend to lose any sort of brain function and decide that their brown toolbox is more important than the box while me and the one sorta competent teammate get stomped into the ground. I don't dc but they tend to hit the disconnect button alot.
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If they didn't interrupt actions, they would be so unbelievably terrible that Pinhead would drop to D tier overnight. Not even kidding. The sole reason Pinhead is even somewhat decent is because of the slowdown potential of his Chain Hunts, and the Chain Hunts wouldn't actually do any slowdown if the chains didn't interrupt actions. All he'd have going for him would be a mediocre, difficult to use and inconsistent anti-loop ability. Removing a killer's 1v4 ability in favour of making them better in the 1v1 isn't usually a great move.
Pinhead can't really be fixed to be more "fun" to play against without butchering him - and he's already not a great killer if the survivor team actually know how to deal with the Lament Configuration. I personally find playing against him very fun because I know the insane techs of "go for the box when it's at 75% progress" and "do the box when Pinhead's carrying a survivor, or take it to a safe loop of my choosing to loop him at". It's kind of the same thing with Pig, Freddy and Wraith, where they suck against smart players but people who don't know how to play against them will get rolled.
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Smh. You notice it’s the ones who never go for the box who ragequit?? The entitlement is real.
Good point- I didn’t think of it that way.
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IKR I swear I'd do it but I'm either busy doing a gen, getting tunneled or am on the other side of the map but nope. I guess there is no hope because the first chain hunt started before I could pop a gen and now I must dc. I swear some people refuse to learn and end up working harder to avoid having to learn how to play against him rather than just learning how to play against him.
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How is that better? the point of the box is to give him some 4v1 pressure. If you can just ignore it then there is zero point to the box and they should delete it and buff the hell out of chains to be super oppressive.
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The box is a great concept and I don't know how it works on the coding side of things but it'd get more people to pick up the box if they didn't drop the item (i.e. carrying your item and box at the same time.) I'd just prefer his power be more active so Pinhead has to participate to get value. Though I'd buff his M2 to be a homing chain rather than the aiming system you have now, mainly to keep Pinhead moving instead of stop, activate chain, aim chain, launch chain.
Just M2, summon chain, chain does its thing on its own while you pursue. Survivors that let chains idle on them start chases with 3 chains but if Pinhead is say, camping someone a mile away it's not an issue. Right now Pinhead can afk until a survivor summons him with the box, down the survivor and tab out til the next summon. Not a lot Pinheads do that, but they could.
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Then pick up the box and complete it before he downs the next survivor. you are typing as though someone with 5 hours playtime should be considered when it comes to balancing killers.
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You should have seen how despondent my survivors were as they discovered I had Devour Hope as Pinhead. Lulz. They lost the will to keep playing.
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They probably DC because Pinhead is an oppressive killer that has both good 4V1 and good 1V1 + he can teleport to survivors. The Box is a good way to distract survivors and prevent them from doing their objective and honestly he needs to be nerfed. They shouldnt keep making oppressive killers like him that make the game too hard for survivors.
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"Pinhead has an oppressive 1v1" do you even try to break chains or do you run in a straight line? Pinhead has one of the worst 1v1 Powers in the game
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Meg and total immersion Claudette will always be on your team. You can run with a 4 man SWF and you'll find there is a 5th survivor in your match. It will be Meg.
There is always a Meg.
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What, do you think survivors want to get better?
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People rage quitting against Pinhead? Bruh.
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Because he is frustrating to play against in solo q.
Solo Q already has to expect and hope others are doing gens, totems and going for saves. Now we also have to hope someone is doing a box.
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Can you blame them? I dont. He has the most overpowered 4v1 in the game.
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Do everything by yourself and escape with hatch, that's the way of soloq.
If you can't, try to find other players to play together.
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Yea that might work at low MMR.
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It doesn't matter whether it works or not, this is literally the only way to play soloq.
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Disconnects are not kills.
Otheriwse, I would have way more Tome challenges and Adept achievemnets completed by now.
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Just break the chain few times, chains will go for longer cooldown and it SHOULD allow you to solve the puzzle.
BHVR can broke something and it may not works as intended though.
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Its sad how you think this is funny and say this like you are proud of yourself. Why do people feel proud of running overpowered perks?
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Well he WILL teleport to you unless he is in chase or something anyway, so most survivors will just go to good location (like shacks) or try to solve it right after a down (so he has to choose between hook or teleport).
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Devour hope overpowered? this is 2022 bruh.
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In the past kills were included in the kill rates. Source (from 2019): https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/621461/#Comment_621461
We typically include DCs because people typically disconnect when they're losing. If you exclude DCs, you're excluding the matches where someone is doing so poorly that they rage quit. Removing any data at all will always skew things.
That argument still holds up and I am not aware of any confirmation that disconnects are no longer included.
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There's a challenge to deplete 5 toolboxes so I'm sure that's what they want to do before dropping their toolbox for the box.
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I've seen enough Dead Hard survivors teabagging at exits to not care about this Devour Hope gloating
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So the devs are okay using disconnects as a gauge to tell which killers need nerfs, but won't let them count towards challenges and achievements??
That's fogged up
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They are almost certainly using kill rates without disconnects as well, but kill rates are also not the only thing that are used for balancing.
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Better than pallet respecters into bloodlust 3 on unsafe pallets.
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LMAO!! They’re scarier than scratch mirror Meyers!
@ThanosPAWG “I swear some people refuse to learn and end up working harder to avoid having to learn how to play against him rather than just learning how to play against him.” -Well said.
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Killing yourself on hook asap to move onto the next game isn't a dc.
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Because you literally can't do anything against Pinhead.
Can't solve the box because the chains will interrupt you or Pinhead will teleport right next to you. Can't loop him because he will send a chain after you and slow you down so he can get a free hit. Can't do gens because most Pinhead's bring the most busted gen slowdown/regression builds.
So yeah, I don't blame survivors for giving up against this ridiculous killer.
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If pinhead teleported to you, it's pretty much same as solving box.
And just dodge the chain 4head, which is easier than any other projectile in the game.
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He's still a super difficult killer to play.
Anyone who can land the chains correctly and consistently could be just killing you with Nurse and skipping over the rest of the game too, honestly.
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I can even say nurse is easier to land hit than landing a chain as pinhead.
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You have to put it right on top of them, land it, and then you have to have done it at the apex of the loop. Then you have to pray to the RNG gods they don't instantly break out (I always run impaling wire on him because of that). THEN you go over and get an M1.
It's so much work as opposed to just teleporting on top of someone's head.
He does snowball like a beast if you are good at it, but any killer does.
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"He is a difficult killer to play" is an invalid argument because it doesnt disprove the fact that Pinhead is overpowered.
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Overpowered compared to what though, survivors can deal with him just fine, they have enough tools to do so.
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I honestly only think his killrate is so high because consoles get screwed over trying to take the chains off when they are going to vault a pallet.
His anti-loop is only oppressive if you are playing him perfectly, otherwise it's mediocre. And any killer is going to be very oppressive played perfectly.
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Pinhead is OP if you're new to the game 😅
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I mean, literally every one of killer is.
Trapper who doesn't use any addon, perks or even trap itself is already too OP for newbies.
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I mean yeah he can be frustrating to go against if you clearly have teammates not pulling their weight. But on an overall level I'd say Pinhead is just fine as he is.
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You have the right attitude - try to get better and learn stuff.
Sadly a lot of people don´t.
"no fun" then of course i dc - no sportsmanship.
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Nah. Even good teams struggle while playing against him. Because he can distract survivors so effectively and he has good synergy with Dead Man's Switch.
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Knew i was right.
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So he can actually do something to good teams in hands of the good player, what's the problem?
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This right here just about sums it up for me. Have an item you bring in the match? Have to drop it and possibly never see it again. Solo queue and running for the box? Sorry, another teammate was doing the same and got it already. Holding the box? Choose between perma oblivious and chains, or perma chains while trying to solve .. and giving him the chance to teleport right on top of you.
I could care less about his portal ability - that requires skill and sometimes results in nothing. It’s all about the chain hunt and the box doing half the job for Pinhead players.