Common Forum Lies/Embellishments

What are some common things people say to support their argument/make a point that are almost always absolute BS/Exaggerations*?
I'll start (and include how I commonly interpret them):
"I actually play both sides a lot" - I played killer/survivor a few times - actual ratio like 95/5
"I ran the killer for 5 gens" - actually like a gen and half
*not provable, but highly suspect, based on context
For some reason, I tend to doubt people who proudly state how many hours of DBD they have.
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"My survivor queue times are always a minute or less!"
"SWF doesn't give any advantages!"
"Circle of Healing isn't OP, it takes half a second to snuff!"
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Whenever the mods give us back the ability to add images to post I'll show you I have around 80 days logged into dbd.
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"I have a very high MMR."
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The thing about this one is that if you play on Steam it's easily verifiable. On console not so much.
Also, when I spend obscene amounts of time playing a single game, I'm not usually in a hurry to broadcast that, lol
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Why is console not "easily verifiable" on xbox so long as their profile isnt private I can see their hours its the same thing lol.
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"I go against a full SWF squad every game"
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4-man SWF on comms is an automatic 4-escape every time unless you're trash. (When all this does is put you in a higher MMR tier.)
Killer is tunneling. (When hooks have been spread around decently).
I actually do play killer and survivor fairly evenly and have the playtime split and stats to prove it. But I guess not sure about others.
Lol @ your gens comment. It's sometimes 3, but yeah...5 is a lie.
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I will wait, then.
I have time.
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I'm proud of the fact that I have no life xD. I am on console but on Xbox there is an area that says how much time I have on each game I've played on my profile.
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On PS4 you can't see it, not sure about PS5
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And when that time comes you shall see just how much time I truly have put into this game.
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Wanna see mine?!?!??!?!?!
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I've seen this on Xbox Game Pass people from my PC as well.
I'm with you on hours played. I don't understand why people wouldn't want to broadcast hours played. I think it's a cool way to see what games people are into. I see this as no different than "I binged Ozark."
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Exactly it just shows how deceacted you are to a game or app.
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Yes awhile ago I saw someone with devotion level 40 something so I'm sure there are people who have even more time ingame than me.
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No im only like 72 days.
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I think I have 110 days on my main account.
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How long have you been playing? Playing 15 hours a week for 2-3 years could add up to many hours very easily. Me, 14 months.
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I honestly don't even doubt you, but the chance too answer like that was far too good to ignore:)
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Yea I was kinda hoping for a reaction like that.
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Good thing you got what you wanted, then
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"Playing this killer/perk/item/add-on is literally braindead unless you have more then 2 braincells".
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Respectable. I would have much more but I had only started playing a few days before blight's release.
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Wait prove thyself gives you bonus bp I just used it for the gen repair speed boost?
Also I mostly use BBQ for BP as there are better info perks heck I used to discordance along with BBQ just so I can maximize bp hooks with bubba like my old tactic was to act like I'm face camping so two survivors would get on a gen to notify me and than I would head over there lol
Edit so I checked and it does give you more bp but I'm going to be honest if I need more bp I would do challenges and play killer lol
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"High MMR"
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I would be playing tons more but I also play Elder Scrolls Online and a couple other minor games. 😁
Mixing it up keeps the salt levels way low.
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Yea I've been playing a few different games with friends so I don't delete my Xbox after a streak of bad matches.
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This one here figured it out!
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I’m dumb. I never ever realized prove thyself gave extra BPs. Lol.
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The game is killer sided/the game is survivor sided
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I didn't either I just read the first half of the description after my friend told me to equip it and I was like damn this would be good for a genrush build lol
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I’ve used it on a gen rush build with a lengthy toolbox perk slapped onfor 3 1/2 years. Not sure how I missed it. I’m hoping it was added at some point and I just never noticed.
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I'm always skeptical when people start of saying how they are a killer or survivor main and then proceed talking about how x on the same side needs to be nerfed hard.
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"Just do bones" in regards to countering NoED.
That's actually a worse method, not feasible in solo-Q. What you should do is not destroy totems, and then circle back to known locations after the exit gates are powered. knowing 3/5 is better odds than a 2/5 that you hadn't seen all game.
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I'm hardly one for nerfs unless it's something clearly broken like the broken boil over buff that basically encouraged killers to slug and bleedout survivors who abused it
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I run killer for 3 gens usually means that survivors spawned on their own gen. Killer takes 20-30s to reach first survivor and that survivor has like 50s chase when those other 3 gens are being done.
Dont get me wrong, 50s chase is pretty good. But calling it 3 gen chase should mean 240s which is almost never the true
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“Huntress hatchets have huge hitboxes.”
”A good (killer, usually Nurse) is uncounterable.”
”There’s only 3 (or similarly low number) viable killers.”
“I’m high MMR.”
”I go against (death squad SWF)/(god killer) constantly.”
”I get (tunneled/camped/teabagged/etc) every game.”
”I keep getting garbage teammates.”
”A good SWF is unbeatable.”
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"I only swf to play with my friends"
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Ok the 2nd to last one is true for a lot of us heck I even made several posts complaining about the mmr expecting me to carry with pictures provided
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People that constantly complain about their teammates are not as good as they think they are.
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Never said I was good but go off I guess
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The thing about MMR is that no one really knows what their MMR is, but like 90% people think they at high
Funny thing about tunneling is that I think a lot of survs (particularly ones who never play killer) honestly feel like they are being tunneled when they aren't. All they know is they've been hit or downed more than once within what feels like a short time frame, unaware the killer has been pinballing all over.
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''Killers are leaving the game because this game is so survivor sided''
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I have seen that one tossed out a lot
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A minor one but I wish the myth Eyrie is a “huge map” would go away. It’s literally the median map size: 7 maps are the same size as it, and about 14 are smaller and 14 larger.
I’m not making any claims about how good or bad that map is for killers or survivors either way. If you don’t like the brightness or the central building or how the gens are arranged, etc, more power to you. I’m just saying this urban myth the map is really large is kind of dumb.
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The secret is that virtually no one is as good as they think they are. Some people just lean all the way into the self-delusion, while others have at least a little bit of self-awareness.
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Heck when I even pointed out in the post that had my complaint that it wasn't fair for the obvious newbies as we were getting newbie teammates back to back that day against eri killers who were decent and they kept bringing the killer to us using pallets when the killer was no one near them etc like me saying having to carry isn't lying heck I'll be the first to say it I'm not that good of a survivor but I know what to do generally
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Someone actually said they ran me for 3 gens and I was like, "while you were on the hook?" He was big mad that I facecamped him and thought it was because I was mad he ran me for like 45 seconds on Haddonfield. I do not think he realized that I just didn't like him because he had a flashlight and I committed to tunneling and face camping him before the match started. I guess a lot of killers face camp out of frustration, but like, it was a pretty standard chase. I am not even saying he was bad. It was just... Not 3 gens?
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Tbh if I ever run into you it would be a honor to get face camped by you lol