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Remove BP cap or I will not play DBD until the Ringu release

With the grade rewards I have around 3 million BPs now. I was thinking about not playing until the Ringu release so that I can put all of this into the new killer and survivor. I was playing too much lately so a break would be fine. Unless of course they remove the BP cap, then probably I would play in the meantime as well. Anyone else in a similar situation?
I was. But i am lucky, i still have so much characters waiting for level. So i wanted level my Meg, i used all BPs on her.
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Yeah, of course I could also pour it into the infinite killer grind, but not sure if I want to. It would be maybe better to just have a good headstart when the new killer releases.
I have already maxed out Meg, so now I am just pouring BPs into killers. Or leveling up new released survivors to 40 to unlock the teachables.
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Didn't the devs say they put a Bloodpoint cap in place to limit the damage cheaters can do?
Speedhacking, god flashlghts, sprinting while dying, flying, insta-healing, and the devs are worried about cheaters buying perks, items, and addons??
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I don't think so that cheating is related to this.
Also at one point cheaters could unlock and buy everything (all perks) with some cheat. Not sure if it is still possible.
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I mean the cap isn't stopping them from using flashlights and honestly the only reason the cap is there is for you not be able to just get all the teachables you want quickly and/or prestige a character multiple times in one go imo
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Now that the ranked rewards are 1 million BP, they should increase the cap to 5 million. I have nothing to spend it on and I can’t save it till the Ringu chapter either
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What you are trying to do is WHY there's a bloodpoint cap.
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Remove BP cap or I will not play DBD until the Ringu release ?????
You can't be serious..... are you seriously trying to blackmail the developers with statements like this? If you want to take a break, go ahead...., but a statement like this (headline, title) doesn't do anything. This is ridiculous
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Of course it is possible. Why would anyone pay for cheats if they just get 100 million BP and have to unlock everything manually for several hours
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It is not blackmailing, it is just the truth how I and possibly other people feel.
And a post like this can make a difference, it can be another drop that will eventually fill the bucket and make the devs do something about it.
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I still have some Bloodwebs to do (30 or something like that) to get all Perks on Artist. So I have a good use for those BPs.
But I agree, the Cap should be increased. Because if you dont have anything to spend, you can either keep playing without receiving BPs (which is not really good IMO) or you have to spend them, despite not wanting to spend them. Especially with 2 Million as a reward, spending over 1 Million BPs to be able to get BPs again is unreasonable.
The Devs said in their latest Q&A that they are looking into it, because they also think that it is strange that they added rewards which allow you to go over the Cap, because at this point, why should the Cap exist?
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This doesnt stop them though..
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Yeah, but I wanted to level up Pinhead to get plaything so I was like screw it...
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A couple of thoughts
- I think (hopefully I’m not misremembering) that the rewards you get from things like end of the season rewards are internally stored as a separate uncapped pool from the capped pool that you build up from matches. So if your uncapped portion of the bloodpoints is below 1 million you will still earn points after matches, at least until that part hits its cap.
- Even if you’re at the cap currently, hypothetically if all you care about is points for some reason you can still play now in order to build up your grades for next season’s rewards which would give you another big boost more or less around when Ringu releases.
- Finally you can always do what I do - Prestige characters and intentionally force yourself to play characters using whatever the bloodweb gives you after the reset. I find it’s a fun way to force myself to use perks I wouldn’t normally consider.
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This was a long, long time back when cheaters were a very rare occurrence afaik.
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I had my normal bloodpoints at almost 1 million, so now with the rewards it is around 3 million. So I can't earn more. Probably I should have spent all those 1 million before 13th. If I spend Bloodpoints where does it subtract first? From the normal or from the rewards pool?
I am not doing prestige, it is a waste of Bloodpoints and the time invested. I don't need those bloody skins. Also those tiny percentage changes are not worth it compared to what I lose during prestige.
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Pretty sure it spends the uncapped bp first.
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I don't think they'll ever remove the BP cap. I wish they would, though.
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One answer they gave on a QnA stream when I asked was because they don't want people to fully max out new content in a day and never touch it again.
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Hmm... For some reason they assume that I would use the new character for farming Bloodpoints.
Maybe I try a new character a bit but I start playing with it normally once I have some reasonable perks unlocked. And I use my other levelled up killers to farm the Bloodpoints needed.
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Just to be clear. I emphasize again that I have nothing against your proposal to change the BP caps. What I do have a problem with, however, are posts with headings like this one. It clearly sounds like blackmail and you can't deny that, sorry. Whether that is true or whether other people think the same way you do is up to you. But the fact is that there have been enough BP increase posts like this in the past. The developers will make adjustments as soon as they deem it necessary.
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I don't necessarily think the BP cap should be removed, but increase based on how many characters you own. With the base 8-ish characters, I can understand why 1 million BP is fine, it would still be a bit short, but at least it's "easy" to unlock all the teachables and have everyone p3 with just 1 million as a cap. Right now, I think the cap should be based on how many characters you own times 250k BP. Meaning that if you own all characters right now, you would have either 13 million or 13.75 million BP as a cap(depending if you got the stranger things dlc or not). And after Ringu, you would have 13.5 or 14.25 as the highest possible cap. That would mean enough BP to unlock all the new teachables and unlock them on all other characters assuming you have all other perks unlocked already.
The only downside here is that the bloodcap increases linearly where perks increase exponentially. The solution would simply be to keep the amount your cap gets increased by as a variable, so that if the total amount of characters exceeds 80(20 million BP cap), barely enough to get the teachables and have them unlocked on your other characters, it gets upped to 300k BP per character.
That way, you get "rewarded" for actually unlocking characters, which is financially beneficial for BHVR as people might decide to buy a chapter faster, while it also offers a longer term solution for existing players that doesn't need to have constant attention as it slows down the exponential speed of new content significantly.
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What kind of joke is that? They are just blood points, you can farm easily over a million in 1 day even as survivor... what difference makes it if you level the new killer with just 1 million or 3? You will have the killer done a few hours later congratulations...
like bro grow up I have nothing more to say xD