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Pallet looping needs to die.



  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    Also, how do you expect survivors to hide against killers like doc who causes you to scream, especially when he has distressing?

    Uhm...simply put...GIT GUD????

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    They should definitely remove certain pallet loops and infinites (using this word loosely) in upcoming patches, but as a console player, we have certain delays within the game that causes loops to not be as good as PC players. Playing on PC and playing on console are very different and it should be taken into consideration during patches.

    Delays? What are you talking about?

    When jumping through a window or pallet, you are kinda like frozen in the animation for like a split second before you actually jump

    That has nothing to do with console though, you are describing lagg (maybe try connecting your console via LAN)

    That specific issue does sound like lag, but there is a known framerate issue on the consoles and it does cause the vault to be a bit glitchy.

    Yeah I guess that is what I am referring to

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    Also, how do you expect survivors to hide against killers like doc who causes you to scream, especially when he has distressing?

    Uhm...simply put...GIT GUD????

    So you expect survivors not to be found while playing against a doc who has distressing but get mad as soon as they start looping? Great logic.

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    Also, how do you expect survivors to hide against killers like doc who causes you to scream, especially when he has distressing?

    Uhm...simply put...GIT GUD????

    And you obviously can play stealthy against every killer except doc, unless they have some add ons (scratched mirror Michael, etc.)

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Asssthetic One of the points of having different killer styles is for survivors to have to adept and overcome each type of killer. The Doctor being anti-stealth, trying to play a stealth game against him is not going to work. If someone pallet loops me while I am playing the Doctor, I walk away. Good ol Herman is just horrible with looping. I wont waste my time with a looper against him. So no, I do not get mad if a survivor tries to loop when I play the Doctor. I expect it and adjust accordingly. When playing against the Doctor, you will not be stealthy, expect it and adjust accordingly.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited June 2018

    @Asssthetic said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    Also, how do you expect survivors to hide against killers like doc who causes you to scream, especially when he has distressing?

    Uhm...simply put...GIT GUD????

    And you obviously can play stealthy against every killer except doc, unless they have some add ons (scratched mirror Michael, etc.)

    Take my hint I gave you before and its beyond easy to stealth doctor,
    Get madness 1 while he is chasing someone else. stop making meme excuses.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @Asssthetic said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    Also, how do you expect survivors to hide against killers like doc who causes you to scream, especially when he has distressing?

    Uhm...simply put...GIT GUD????

    So you expect survivors not to be found while playing against a doc who has distressing but get mad as soon as they start looping? Great logic.

    Don't have too be mad anymore, pallet looping is getting nerfed in september~

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    Do you just expect survivors to run straight just so you can hit them? You could mind game the pallet loops and with bloodlust, you could probably catch the survivor.

    Meme post like this deserve flagging...really, stop being so stupid on purpose.

    Just flag them, I consider it as spam

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Asssthetic said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    Also, how do you expect survivors to hide against killers like doc who causes you to scream, especially when he has distressing?

    Uhm...simply put...GIT GUD????

    And you obviously can play stealthy against every killer except doc, unless they have some add ons (scratched mirror Michael, etc.)

    You can play stealthy against doc, you need to actually understand his mechanics though.
    Sure, scratched mirror it is impossible, but lets be honest, how often does this happen? :lol:

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Master said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    Do you just expect survivors to run straight just so you can hit them? You could mind game the pallet loops and with bloodlust, you could probably catch the survivor.

    Meme post like this deserve flagging...really, stop being so stupid on purpose.

    Just flag them, I consider it as spam

    It doesn’t matter what you consider it as. You shouldn’t flag it. He’s just on the wrong side, let him be.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Master said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    Do you just expect survivors to run straight just so you can hit them? You could mind game the pallet loops and with bloodlust, you could probably catch the survivor.

    Meme post like this deserve flagging...really, stop being so stupid on purpose.

    Just flag them, I consider it as spam

    It doesn’t matter what you consider it as. You shouldn’t flag it. He’s just on the wrong side, let him be.

    Yes yes, join the dark side. Let the anger flow......wait, this isnt a Star Wars forum.....move along, this is not the post you are looking for.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Master said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    Do you just expect survivors to run straight just so you can hit them? You could mind game the pallet loops and with bloodlust, you could probably catch the survivor.

    Meme post like this deserve flagging...really, stop being so stupid on purpose.

    Just flag them, I consider it as spam

    It doesn’t matter what you consider it as. You shouldn’t flag it. He’s just on the wrong side, let him be.

    Yes I shouldnt flag them, but on the other hand killers shouldnt be reported for camping 8-)

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2018

    @lasombra1979 said:
    Yes yes, join the dark side. Let the anger flow......wait, this isnt a Star Wars forum.....move along, this is not the post you are looking for.

    oh I love Star Wars quotes.

    Let the past die.

    Am I a fanboy now Disney?

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @lasombra1979 said:
    Yes yes, join the dark side. Let the anger flow......wait, this isnt a Star Wars forum.....move along, this is not the post you are looking for.

    oh I love Star Wars quotes.

    Let the past die.

    Am I a fanboy now Disney?

    Just waiting for the day C3P0 is turned into a Disney Princess.

    Back to topic, R2D2 is horrible against pallet looping.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @lasombra1979 said:
    Just waiting for the day C3P0 is turned into a Disney Princess.

    Back to topic, R2D2 is horrible against pallet looping.

    Honestly with how many classic characters Disney has killed in this trilogy, I'm personally waiting for C3PO to be smelted into a golden pallet.

  • Neska
    Neska Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2018

    The problem is, that if nobody loops, and killers play like they do now (camping for example) 90% would die and won't pip or get points, because saves would not be possible.. now imagine you wouldn't be able to loop & the killer would never camp and instead check on generators & the other survivors could save the hooked person.. the killer would get kills because he get's the survivor faster and the gens wouldn't be done so fast & the survivors would get pips & points (even though they might died) and nobody would complaint.. but that would never happen because both sides just play so the other side gets nothing out of it.. you can't take something from one side so they have nothing when the other side doesn't give them a chance for it..

    It's just my opinion btw & you can totally have another, just wanted to say :)

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Mc_Harty said:

    Honestly with how many classic characters Disney has killed in this trilogy, I'm personally waiting for C3PO to be smelted into a golden pallet.

    Do not give Darth Mickey any more ideas.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @Zombiella said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    While I agree with your main point, I do feel the need to point out:
    You can't simply hide the entire game, you have to work on gens and help your team which puts you at risk, rightfully so. You can try to be smart about it and duck around a corner if you think they are coming your way, but most killers know to check the area and there's a lot of stealth killers/builds and detection perks at their disposal, as well.
    Once you've been found, you can't hide and, unless you have a SB perk, you can't gain distance. So you have no choice but to use the environment to try to delay capture/get away. If you don't---if you simply run in a straight line, and avoid using pallets---even with SB, you will go down so fast which greatly hinders your team and reduces your chances of survival.
    Hiding while in a chase, even with Urban Evasion, Lightweight, Iron Will and/or Quick & Quiet (which aren't commonly used perks), is still difficult and a percentage of the success is luck based.
    Gaining distance and trying to make them lose sight of you is all well and good except you have to run in order to do that which leaves a huge "follow me" trail behind you so it's also partially luck based.
    Pallet (and window) looping is the only thing you can do sometimes, and a good killer (or certain ones like Nurse, Huntress, Doctor, Trapper, Clown/anyone with a 1-shot) will counter you anyway. It's just a matter of when unless you're a really good survivor.

    I understand the frustration of pallet looping as I also play killer and it can get really annoying but they've already given killers BL and you have a stun reduction perk as well as one which lets you break pallets faster. They nerfed pallets, and are about to nerf them again. So, I don't think it's worth bringing up over and over.
    There are far bigger problems like the massive imbalance between SWF and solo players (in which case the solo player continuously gets screwed, right along with the killer), and the imbalance of perks such as SC, DS, and SB, and also camping.
    Personally, I think there should be 2 lobbies, with 2 different set of rules: casual and ranked. I also think SWF should be a separate queue which is balanced differently to avoid further screwing over the solo players and it should have limitations. Of course, they'd have to give heavy incentives to the killers who willingly queue against SWF, but those are just some ideas I have.

    correct me if I'm worng but when the hell was playing stealthy and doing gens not possible at the same time?

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606

    I don't fancy running in a striaght line for a killer to easily hit me.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018


    Let the hate flow through me!? O RLY?! Fine then, flag him.... DO IT

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Jack11803 said:

    Let the hate flow through me!? O RLY?! Fine then, flag him.... DO IT

    Yes yes, now tbag while flagging and you will have come to the Dark Side of DBD.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    Let the hate flow through me!? O RLY?! Fine then, flag him.... DO IT

    Yes yes, now tbag while flagging and you will have come to the Dark Side of DBD.

    I don’t like T-bagging, it’s cold, rash, and irritating; and it gets everywhere.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Jack11803 said:

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    Let the hate flow through me!? O RLY?! Fine then, flag him.... DO IT

    Yes yes, now tbag while flagging and you will have come to the Dark Side of DBD.

    I don’t like T-bagging, it’s cold, rash, and irritating; and it gets everywhere.

    We could call it survivor twerking

  • JxshHxrvey
    JxshHxrvey Member Posts: 22

    Just break the pallet or leave the survivor alone

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    The problem is the way the game is made, that's what survivors have. Stealth is almost completely obsolete, and any competent killer can track blood and sounds easily enough. I can't really blame them, it is just the way the game is set up

  • Zombiella
    Zombiella Member Posts: 53

    @Zombiella said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    While I agree with your main point, I do feel the need to point out:
    You can't simply hide the entire game, you have to work on gens and help your team which puts you at risk, rightfully so. You can try to be smart about it and duck around a corner if you think they are coming your way, but most killers know to check the area and there's a lot of stealth killers/builds and detection perks at their disposal, as well.
    Once you've been found, you can't hide and, unless you have a SB perk, you can't gain distance. So you have no choice but to use the environment to try to delay capture/get away. If you don't---if you simply run in a straight line, and avoid using pallets---even with SB, you will go down so fast which greatly hinders your team and reduces your chances of survival.
    Hiding while in a chase, even with Urban Evasion, Lightweight, Iron Will and/or Quick & Quiet (which aren't commonly used perks), is still difficult and a percentage of the success is luck based.
    Gaining distance and trying to make them lose sight of you is all well and good except you have to run in order to do that which leaves a huge "follow me" trail behind you so it's also partially luck based.
    Pallet (and window) looping is the only thing you can do sometimes, and a good killer (or certain ones like Nurse, Huntress, Doctor, Trapper, Clown/anyone with a 1-shot) will counter you anyway. It's just a matter of when unless you're a really good survivor.

    I understand the frustration of pallet looping as I also play killer and it can get really annoying but they've already given killers BL and you have a stun reduction perk as well as one which lets you break pallets faster. They nerfed pallets, and are about to nerf them again. So, I don't think it's worth bringing up over and over.
    There are far bigger problems like the massive imbalance between SWF and solo players (in which case the solo player continuously gets screwed, right along with the killer), and the imbalance of perks such as SC, DS, and SB, and also camping.
    Personally, I think there should be 2 lobbies, with 2 different set of rules: casual and ranked. I also think SWF should be a separate queue which is balanced differently to avoid further screwing over the solo players and it should have limitations. Of course, they'd have to give heavy incentives to the killers who willingly queue against SWF, but those are just some ideas I have.

    correct me if I'm worng but when the hell was playing stealthy and doing gens not possible at the same time?

    I missed the part where I said it wasn't possible.
    Are you referring to me saying you can't hide from killer while working on a gen? I follow it up by mentioning that you can infact stealth play when he comes towards you...
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @TheXenoborg said:
    Killers expect you to hide and gain distance from them, not run around in circles and exploit a poorly implemented game mechanic. It's not an alien concept since this is a hide and seek game.

    Also, how do you expect survivors to hide against killers like doc who causes you to scream, especially when he has distressing?

    If you see sparks under your feet maybe it's not a good idea to sit in the same spot for 3 hours until you scream?

    Regardless if I leave the spot or not, I eventually scream so hiding is not an option against him.

    Get madness 1 while he's chasing someone else, you win at that point meme post extremist.

    I think they don't know but you explained to me when I asked about this was the fact that the doc doesn't actually see your aura when you scream that 1st time. So if you get that 1st scream out of the way while he's chasing someone else you're fine as long as you stealth him.

    If you're seeing his static field at long range then that means you need to play smarter. If you stand in a locker you're madness level drops. But unless you're in stage III it can't be lowered unless snap out of it or someone snaps you out of it. which knocks you down to phase II. Again if you stand in locker long enough it resets to the bottom of that stage.

    You also aren't affected by his electrode while in a locker either.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237
    edited June 2018

    It's part of the game now, you can't change it. It's too late. The game is designed around it

This discussion has been closed.