Guide on how to pip as a survivor or a killer?
A thread for you to spend time on a forum doing math if you're bored!
I'm pretty sure everyone playing this game doesn't really bother with pips at all. "Oh well, I didn't get one", or "Oh well, I got one, neat". But since we've got a significant increase in bloodpoints awards, getting higher in grades seems more reasonable.
Can anyone help me calculate the bare minimum of actions to pip or even double pip as a survivor and a killer, please? Accurate to-do lists with all the numbers would be really nice. (Not just "oh, well, fix a bit, do that and that, I guess".) There are probably a lot of varieties in what you can do during the match for the emblems, but to keep things short: the easier it is to get higher scores to pip, the better a variant is.
But I would most certainly want to know two different ways to get a pip as a survivor, when you survive and when you die. Sometimes you can predetermine the unfortunate outcome of the match, so what can you do to get a pip in that scenario?
I don't want to guess if I may get a pip after the match, I want to know it for sure.
welcome to the fourms. Well if you want to get pips, you need to do plenty for the emblems. For altruism, unhook and heal alot of your ally’s. For chase well that’s pretty self explanatory. Objectives, 2 full gens and 2 totems will give you an iridescent for that category I believe. And finally the last one you just need to escape the trial
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I understand how emblems work, I asked about the bare minimum of actions I can keep in my head during the trial to know that I will certainly pip or double pip.
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Well it’s easier at first when your in ash rank. But as you get higher, it becomes more difficult to double pip. Just play the game normally you’ll pip up without even noticing
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Youtube has all sort of guides including how to pip
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Each emblem require different amount of point to be acquired, acording to the wiki, to stay in IRI 1 you need 9 emblem point where each quality award you different point:
None: 0
Bronze: 1
Silver: 2
Gold: 3
Iridescent: 4
Everything here will be for an iridescent quality emblem, you don't need every one of them to pip, even at IRI 1, you only need 2 IRI and 1 bronze emblem to safety pip, just choose the one that are the easiest for your playstyle and try not to do too badly in the other.
Point needed for each quality:
Bronze: 30
Silver: 100
Gold: 190
Iridescent: 270
Here is a quick summary of the most important task:
For each gen completed you get 5 point so: 5*5=25pt
cleansing a totem:20pt -> 50pt if it is a hex
1pt per % done on a gen. Note that if you do a gen with another survivor, the point are shared, so try to do solo gen as much as possible.
Up to 33pt if you are being chased while gens are being done.
15pt for opening the gate
So for a iri quality:
-5 gens completed =25
-2gen done alone =200pt -> 25+200=225
-2totem =20+20=40 -> 40+225=265
-being chased while gens are done = ~15pt -> 15+265=280
-If you aren't getting chased during the match -> Opening the gate =15 -> 15+265=280
There are variable that could make it easier but i aimed for a more universal point gain. For example, if there is a hex in play, it will become way easier since you will only need 1 totem to get enough point with what's said above.
Point needed for each quality:
Bronze: 899
Silver: 799
Gold: 699
Iridescent: 0
It's the nastiest one since getting downed once remove all possibility to get an iridescent, but it's the time you stay alive in the match so there is no tip other than to try and stay alive even if you stealth a little, which depend on your team and the killer.
Here are the information straight from the wiki since there is now math to be done:
Your goal is to gain as few points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 1 point: added for being put into the Dying State
- 999 points: added if the time you are alive is less than 300 seconds (5 minutes)
- 899 points: added if the time you are alive is less than 540 seconds (9 minutes), but exceeds 300 seconds (5 minutes)
- 799 points: added if the time you are alive exceeds 540 seconds (9 minutes)
Special Condition:
- If you escape unbroken (without having been downed once) and the time you were alive exceeds 540 seconds, you will automatically be awarded an Iridescent Emblem
Point needed for each quality:
Bronze: 25
Silver: 45
Gold: 75
Iridescent: 100
Major point gainer summary:
Starting value:35 (so a base bronze quality without doing anything, 10pt away from silver)
10pt for healing another surv
-10pt for each surv hooked (returned for the first 2 hook if there is a safe unhook)
20pt for safe unhook
-30pt for unsafe unhook
So for IRI quality:
-base 35pt
-survivor killed (so 2 hook penalty with no unsafe unhook during the match): -20pt -> 35-20=15
-3 safe unhook= 60pt -> 15 +60= 75
-3 heal=30 -> 75+30=105
This emblem is reliant on the match being being balanced since having not enough hook actively hurt you in the emblem categorie
If you are fine with flashlight safe, each one award you 30pt
Also, every action done after powering the exit gate have a x0.15 multiplier
Point needed for each quality:
Bronze: 230
Silver: 380
Gold: 560
Iridescent: 880
This one is too much work for my brain so i will just leave the info from the wiki here, but it's basicaly doing your best in chase, and even being in the killer's terror radius:
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 100 points: starting value
- 1 point per second: awarded for being in the Killer's Terror Radius
- This value is affected by a distance multiplier:
- within 5 metres: x6.0
- within 10 metres: x2.2
- within 20 metres: x1.1
- within 30 metres: x0.5
- within 45 metres: x0.3
- within 64 metres: x0.1
- farther than 64 metres: x0.0
- This value is affected by a distance multiplier:
- 1 point per second: awarded for an on-going Chase escaping the Chase successfully; the longer and the closer, the more points are awarded:
- This value is affected by a distance multiplier:
- within 5 metres: x1.2
- within 10 metres: x0.6
- within 20 metres: x0.6
- within 30 metres: x0.3
- within 45 metres: x0.3
- within 60 metres: x0.1
- This value also changes depending on the final Chase duration:
- 0-15 seconds: 1 point per second
- 15-30 seconds: 25 points per second
- 30-45 seconds: 60 points per second
- 45-60 seconds: 125 points per second
- 60+ seconds: 250 points per second
- This value is affected by a distance multiplier:
- 50 points: awarded for stunning the Killer with a Pallet
- -10 points: deducted when a Chase results in getting hit by the Killer
- 0 points: awarded for starting a Chase
Technical information:
- 5 seconds: time buffer after which the game considers a Chase ended if it is not re-initiated
- 15 seconds: interval at which the points gained during a Chase are banked
- x2: multiplier applied to gained points if a Chase has been successfully evaded