All new content | Sadako Rising | DBD 5.6.0 PTB

You may know me from summarising dev streams, or for having terrible takes complete with very passive aggressive comments, but a little known hobby of mine is also collecting and compiling all of the changes in a PTB to help people playing on consoles, or who are away from a consistent source of internet at the moment, understand exactly what changes have taken place, and see new content.
Firstly, though, massive massive shoutout to my friends Laurie and Sow, both of whom helped me gather footage for this (with Laurie playing on his terrible laptop and only being able to move with arrow keys). I appreciate it both of you!
The voice you may hear is that of Sow's, as my microphone decided to not cooperate with NVIDIA.
So, here is every change, and all new content, from the 5.6.0 PTB, "Ringu":
new content
This update features two new characters: The Onryō and Yoichi Asakawa.
the onryō
She is a 115%, short killer with a 32m terror radius.
Tiers at 5/6/7 seconds.
Tiers at 150/175/200% regression speed.
Tiers at 16/18/20 seconds.
She has a main mori and a mini mori, when a survivor is fully Condemned:
Perks + Power in action:
Both killer and survivor POVs.
Lobby animations:
yoichi asakawa
Tiers at 8/9/10 seconds.
Tiers at 32/64/96 meters.
Tiers at 2/3/4 seconds after leaving the Boon's range.
new lobby
other changes
- Daily Ritual tracking has been improved, however all Rituals must be wiped to do this. Upon starting the game for the first time in 5.6.0, all Rituals will be replaced.
- Added an option to lock aspect ratios to 16:9 for Ultrawide users.
- Stretched Resolution for an in-game advantage has been fixed!
- New audio queues for each different map (not included in the post).
(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(~ ̄³ ̄)~
Amazing as always!
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Omg my second pinned post at the same time I feel honoured 💅
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This new boon is ridiculous... RIP slow killers even more
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Imho it didn't feel that strong + is nowhere near COH levels.
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indoor maps have busted potential
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Tbf we only tried it on Coldwind + Asylum so it wasn't exactly exhaustive testing.
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I have (sadly) noticed that Sadaka has a "secret" jumpscare in the killer lobby. Took me around 5m to try to get it back again, so it's quite rare.
It got me hard while reading her power ;(
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Sounds cool. 🙂 I like some of the add-ons but for the love of Pete I wish they’d stop making useless Brown add-ons like Videotape Copy which handicap the killer but make related scoring events higher. It’s such a bad design, who runs these perks that they keep making them?
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I am hoping they add more to the survivor perspective of the Mori. I like the killer perspective however the survivor one seems lacking.
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If you pay attention to her pose, you can actually tell when it's coming.
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new killer?
1st match and got bodyblocked by swf group, i hate this
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I love this new scourge hook perk
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Poor Sadako gonna get bullied to oblivion since survivors can just disable her teleport power then she's basically a worse wraith.
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My favorite change might be how they finally moved on from the outdated and restricting "A <insert fitting adjective here> Killer" and finally made something new and more creative.
Also like how The Onryō is our first 'Small' Killer, good to see more variety.
Haven't looked through all the Add-ons but Cabin Sign and Ring Drawing might be her "best" ones.
Killer Perks are good, Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage might be killer with Make Your Choice.
Survivor Perks are fine, Parental Guidance might be cool with Smash Hit, Empathic Connections should've just been an Empathy buff to be honest and Boon: Dark Theory seems really good on paper but I don't see it having much use.
Overall, good and unique Chapter, though The Onryō could get some buffs, I personally find her quite weak
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Hag is a “small” killerNever mind she’s averagePost edited by Tr1nity on0 -
Isn't she "Average"?
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When is this update gonna be released?
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March 8th
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Allow me to preface this by saying two things. One, I'm on mobile, so forgive any formatting errors. Two, I haven't seen any gameplay and it's hard to make a good judgement without it.
I don't feel that any of the Killer perks are outstanding. I think the Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage is the best out of the three. The others are too situational/don't give enough of a bonus to be worth it.
Sadako's power seems interesting. I've heard that Condemned doesn't really do anything though. I've also heard that all of her animations are super good, like Pinhead.
I enjoy the fact that Yoichi literally just has Empathy 2, a straight upgrade to Empathy, but still bad. His Boon perk sounds good, not as good as CoH, but good. 2% seems low, but I imagine if it were any higher than we would have another CoH situation. Parental Guidance is just bad, imo.
So far, my favorite thing out of this update is Stretched Res apparently being fixed.
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I absolutly love that new scourge perk
eat your heart out bbq
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I thought she was “small”
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The wiki says Hag is "Average" and I currently don't have time to check if she's also "Average" in-game
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Thank you!
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Uh...i believe hag is considered short
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Well. At least stretched res is (supposedly) gone. And it’s not another anti-Loop killer? Though i guess condemned could do something more before reaching maximum?
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I couldn't help but noticed in those pictures that the person is using a custom icon pack. Unless the devs are planning on changing the icons and colouring them in I didn't think that was allowed. That's how hacks can be snuck into the game.
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tiny donkeys!! omg!!! precious!!
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stretched res is officially gone. playing at a res outside of 16:9 will add black borders.
(Screenshot courtesy of my friend Laurie)
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When I suddenly speedhack through a changed PNG which has been given the go-ahead by the devs with the explicit criteria of "If you do get banned for this by EAC, we won't help you" so tru3
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Eh the new killer is alright.
It's all fun and games though until Mr incredible comes after you for teabagging his daughter at the exit gates lol
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Hm. But there surely are other ways to still stretch the resolution? Well. Let’s hope it’s gone for good.
also, this isn’t a feedback thread but a summary one, so thank you very much for this is what I forgot to say in my first post
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Thank you for good effort!
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Disappointed that call of brine doesn't work with surge or pain resonance. The description says damaging a gen activates it but it actually requires you to kick it which is unfortunate, could have been pretty strong
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Thank you! The audio cues for every map sounds interesting
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so fun fact, Hag is average
So is Freddy, Pig, Spirit, Legion, Ghostface, Trickster, etc. So it does seem liek Sadako is the first small killer.
But something I found kinda funny:
That white box is apparently the difference between an average killer (artist) and a tall killer (pinhead).
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I never said you were hacking to be clear. I just know that some have used custom icons to sneak hacks in
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Petition to change GoodBoyKarus name to BestBoyKaru
Seriously though thank you for these posts, you help restore my faith in the forum LOL
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Bloodweb filler.
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is she coming to xbox dbd if not ok I'll play on here I'll get her on steam I'm ticked at xbox anyways they banned me from talking to people because I called a camper killer a camping bad word for female dog lol and he was the pervert his name was mywiiwiismol and it didn't mean the wii console but I got banned and not him because I reported him for cheating he had somebody telling him where we was and wasn't letting anybody save anybody from the hook and I'm the one that got banned for calling him a female dog I feel like not paying for xbox gold for awhile I pay for 3 people I should stop paying see what they do , they always send me emails asking me hey you coming back to xbox we have specials
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I should and start playing on steam and my other thing oculus
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Bloodweb filler.
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Let’s talk about The Doctor with Merciless Storm. 🤣
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What are you even talking about? They said they thought Hag was considered small.
what does that have to do with being a pathological liar or anything you said? Are you ok?
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A really helpful post, thank you. I'm surprised you didn't go with, "I played the PTB so you don't have to".
On another note, isn 't it a shame the Mori camera angle doesn't show the Ringu death face? You only really get to see it when you teabag the victim:
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Omg it's an anti-maker? On my thread? I'm honoured ✨
(get vaxxed + wear a mask kids)
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Sadly they can't change my name more than once and I've already had the name change 😔💅
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This is a wonderful idea why didn't I think of that
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Yes, like all other DLCs this will be coming to Xbox, and all other supported platforms, on March 8th.