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Thoughts on buffs for Sadako

TheHunter2529 Member Posts: 42
  1. A bigger speed boost when coming out of a TV.
  2. Survivors are exposed while fully condemned.
  3. Sadoko can see the condemned metre on survivors.

Thoughts on buffs for Sadako 31 votes

GibberishTapeKnotJacoby2041konchokmusstang62RougualMrPenguinTaigaGlamourousLeviathanValikMaxwellElcopolloxtr4meFobboMan_of_trianglesNoName4PathozTheHunter2529GazgemauchD4M4VR1CK 24 votes
Tatariubm33GuiltiiAurelleGarlicRiceDyingWish92Smoe 7 votes


  • Good

    I like the first and second changes but the third one seems problematic to me. As it is for Pig, she shouldn't be able to see the death timer on survivor as to avoid tunneling with her power. On Sadako's case it is much more dangerous since she has some agency over the curse meter.

    The change that I would suggest is either:

    A: Decrease the curse meter on the survivors.

    B: Make it so that the meter starts filling up on the moment they receive the first condemned stack (best option imo).

    This is for a very simple reason, survivors never feel pressure to copy the tape in the first place. It is EXTREMELY RARE to come to a point where the survivor's condemned meter gets dangerous to a point where they have to copy a tape and when it happens, it occurs only once per match. Not only that, but it can come to a situation that the survivor may even become fully condemned but they already are on their last hook so there is absolutely no reason to copy the tape.

    Just think about it, Sadako is supposed to be a killer focused on 4v1 with a passive slowdown. Now let's compare it to other killers with passive slowdown.

    Doctor - A good Doctor will put you on madness 3 multiple times throughout the match, making you snap out of it over and over.

    Freddy - Against a Freddy, you're always going to sleep and waking up.

    Cenobite - The box gets solved at least 3 times per match, at least from my experience.

    Pig - There is one trap per survivor and it's can escalate to a big secondary objective if they have bad RNG.

    At the end of the day, Sadako doesn't have a good 1v1, which is okay if she was designed to be 4v1 focused. However, she doesn't accomplish that because part of her kit is so underwhelming that she rarely gets any use out of it.

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302

    All Sadako needs is massive buffs to her Condemn mechanic and making TVs more effective for ambushes mid-chase. All of her other problems stem from Circle of Healing arguably Dead Hard which have destroyed the game for M1 killers.

  • Good

    Also, I would like to add that the existence of CoH is in itself a nerf to Sadako. She clearly is a hit & run killer and this perk has basically made this playstyle impossible.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Seeing condemned status is a bit too strong.

    Nerf the Condemnation loss from inserting a VHS tape.