What map offerings do you find acceptable/unacceptable?

And what is your preferred role?
I mainly play survivor and I'd say the only map offerings that make me go "ugh please no" are The Game, RPD, Swamp and Haddonfield. I don't like the look or gameplay of The Game, I love the look but hate the gameplay of RPD, Swamp is an ugly mess and Haddonfield just because I know killers hate it and are more likely to DC.
Any other offering is ok unless I've recently played on the map/in that realm a lot
RPD + Preschool maps + Haddonfield make me want to hook myself as a Killer on a hook and just die.
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Anything, only people who want to abuse that map bring map offering, so no offering is allowed.
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Any of the reworked maps, which doesn't leave many options left for me to use, now that I think about it.
Excluding them, then DDS. I play both sides, btw.
EDIT: But Swamp or Red Forest... oh they sure bring a smile to my face.
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RPD, Haddonfield, badham and DDS usually mean sweaty survivors/killers
Honourable mention to Hawkins. Forever in the heart of Ghostface mains
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I generally only use map offerings when.. I haven't been to it in a while, it's brand new and I want to learn it, I have a challenge (drop from a great height, hide in killers TR) that is more easily completed on certain maps. So not everyone's looking to abuse the game
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I'm 80% sure you are in minority, pal.
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Well I'm 85% sure you're wrong. I win! 😎
What kind of a sicko like Swamp? Just kidding lol but why do you like them?
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Any in-door map offerings pleases me.
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I don't have much left, my friend. I'll take whatever I can.
And besides, I never disliked The Pale Rose.
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Probably haddonfield, because its just a toxic survivor cliche at this point. In terms of actual maps, id say shelter woods. What a miserable map.
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When I'm playing killer unless I'm playing Trapper, if I see either a Haddonfield field or RBD offering i shut the game down during loading to cancel the match. Put those dirty survivors back in que and it sends them a message don't use those offerings.
Those 2 maps are the worst and most unfun stressful maps in the game to play on as killer.
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Dead Dawg Saloon and RPD are the two I cannot physically deal with. Both maps are so terribly designed that it doesn't matter which side I'm playing, I will never have fun on either of those maps and excitedly await the time they're killswitched and I can enjoy the game without them.
Shoutout to Badham and Haddonfield for being hellish for both sides too but not quite being this bad ✨
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Play both and regardless my opinion is the same for both sides.
No map offering should exist. maps can tilt the odds and even more so if played by a player making a build for said map (BL + haddonfield, Boil over + RPD/Ormond, Scratched mirror/All seeing + indoor map).
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All licensed maps and Azarov.
I can't see well in Azarov.
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I would be happy if they completely got rid of map offerings tbh.
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I play both sides pretty much 50/50. RPD, Swamp, and Haddonfield are the 3 maps that are terrible. They are just badly designed and miserable to play on.
Honorable mention goes to any of the Autohaven maps. Those are horrible, but not as bad as the 3 maps I listed.
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I play more killer than survivor but I dislike all map offerings.
Being sent to a map can suck but really I don't like them because they take up spots in my bloodwebs that could've been party streamers.
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It's the only reason I use them. Usually I avoid them in blood webs if I can.
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Just d/c in the loading screen. It doens't give penalty anymore.
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I think the game would be better without any map offerings at all. They just cause more issues than any minor benefit they give.
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I play both sides.
Delete all map offerings, they're used to abuse maps on both sides.
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They're all acceptable. The fact there are some that make want to uninstall doesn't make them unacceptable.
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It doesn't send any sort of a message, heck, they probably think your power went out or something
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RPD + Haddonfield makes me DC after I see the ofering burn
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I only hate map offerings, the rest i’m cool with.
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Don't worry you don't need map offerings anyway. you'll get the same map back to back sometimes without the help or sometimes playing a sacrificial ward that's supposed to cancel the map offering doesn't work and you will go there anyway.
maps that I can't stand as killer or survivor.
pre school which there are 5 versions of
and any of the farm maps.
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Map offerings are a relic that should be removed and forgotten. They're only used to tilt the gameplay to one side or to avoid going to the same map over and over.
The former is unnecessary and the latter can be done much better if BHVR tried.
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I always hated the Backstage Pass, Madeleine´s Skull and Hawkin´s National Laboratory ID.
Playing in a south korean studio was confusing.
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If I'm playing Killer then Haddonfield/Badham/RPD/Eyrie are the worst, but Ormond and Red Forest can be pretty annoying if I'm playing a Killer who particularly suffers on big maps. I don't mind Coldwind as much as most people, Rotten Fields can be pretty sweet revenge.
As a SoloQ survivor if I see a map offering as the last one that's not one of the above I just automatically DC during the loading screen. You are already going to 4k in less than 5 minutes, you don't need every bit of advantage under the sun to win.
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I hate all map offerings.
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Typically the idea of anyone burning a map offering annoys me because when you know what realm/map you're going to, you have an inherent advantage from the get-go
I said it before but if BHVR really wants to push MMR/SBMM then map offerings need to be looked at because in no 'competitive' game should it be fair for one side to just pick a map that favours them. Most typical MP games have map voting and stuff like that but it wouldn't work for DBD because it's 4 v 1.
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As long as it is not Autohaven or MacMillan on a day where I got nothing but Autohaven or MacMillan... I do not care.
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I'm a survivor main, but as a killer, if I see macmillan, autohaven, crotus prenn, yamaoka, or dead dawg, I'm okay with it. I'm also generally fine with lerys and midwich unless I'm playing a killer whose power suffers greatly from indoor maps. Everything else is annoying and RPD is usually a DC.
As a survivor, I don’t really care as much, but I don’t blame the killer for tunneling/camping if someone sends us to an annoying map for them. I never bring haddonfield/preschool/RPD as survivor.
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All map offerings can go as far as I'm concerned. 90% of the time, it's survivors picking a terrible map like RPD/Haddonfield/School/Game because they want to abuse the bad design and get an easy win. I don't think killers should be able to pick the map either.
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Obviously they are literally acceptable to use lol? I'm asking what ones make you want to uninstall.
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RPD, because no one wants to play RPD unless they intend to abuse it. Haddonfield as well, but we'll see what the rework brings.
And the Coldwind maps, because ######### corn, that's why.
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Not true. I offer Ormond because the lighting on that map is a nice change from all the darker maps. It's a nice break for my old weary eyes.