Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Biggest killer complaints - Generic

Hey killers -

Can you give me your biggest Survivor complaints - What really bugs you about Survivors - try and keep it simple and broad if you can.

I'm going to do some research once I have enough info


  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    My biggest gripe when playing a killer is when all the survivors that are left wait at the gate instead of leaving. does my nut in

  • SNTD
    SNTD Member Posts: 84

    Sprint Burst, t-bagging in a spot that you can easily go to, waiting at the exit gate(unless you take the time to open the second gate then your cool in my book.), flashlight on breaking a pallet, gen rushing, complaining about the killer, telling me how to play, and DC

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    edited June 2018
    “You idiot camper, stop tunneling!” Random angry kids

    I’m gonna stay at the hook if I see 3 survivors waiting and grap you for attempting save

    that’s what I hate
  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The fact that they can gen rush and pallet loop for days.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Entitlement and the mindset of "One bad game - FLAME! INSULT! MAKE THEM WANT TO DIE! REEEE!"

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I hate flashlights. I really really hate flashlights and the abuse of them.

  • DasMurich
    DasMurich Member Posts: 67
    Gen rushes. Flashlights when breaking pallets or picking up survivors. Body blocking and camping/swarming hooks. Tailgaters. Sprint burst. 

    There's no way to keep survivors truly isolated. They're extremely, absurdly fast. More horror, more tension please.
  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824
    Most annoying thing is probably when they flashlight at every single pallet. Triggers me from “I’m gonna hook you” to “I’m gonna hook you and hard patrol you” almost instantly. 

    Abusing every single pallet loop possible to where where I have to bloodlust to get them will trigger me also. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Hey killers -

    Can you give me your biggest Survivor complaints - What really bugs you about Survivors - try and keep it simple and broad if you can.

    I'm going to do some research once I have enough info

    Genrush, or to word it differently gentime vs chase time under the assumption survivors do as efficient as they can

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Thanks guys for your info

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited June 2018

    Totems and game times (aka gen rush).

    For totems, it feels extremely wrong that you can lose perks within the first few seconds of a game. You can't even use your hex perks most of the time unless they're active from the start (ruin). For the latter problems, there's just literally no time to experience or play the game in a lot of cases. One chase can be over half the game gone. Frustrating to say the least, especially when killers are expected to hook 12 times if they want a 4man, and at least 6 for a 2 man. Unless you want killers to camp, in which case it can be less.

    Seriously though, increase min and/or overall game times or decrease chase times (hint: former option is probably more survivor-friendly).

    Edit: Adding in Self Care. I just think the game would be a lot more manageable for killers if they could injure people and know that survivors had consequences for being injured. They'd either need to run around and find someone to heal them (wasting both of their time) or stay injured and be easier to down next time. Think of all the indirect map pressure this could give that killer's desperately need.

    Post edited by Beaburd on