When you create a game that's miserable for survivors you lose players

gendoss Member Posts: 2,270
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

When you constantly buff killers and nerf survivors,

keep making new killers that are anti loop,

making perks that block all generators,

create maps that are just straight hallways,

keep incentivizing tunneling and camping,

rarely change any survivor perks in a stale meta,

Somehow make holding W meta,

don't fix window and pallet vaults,

making basic functions not work (spamming space bar 5 times and nothing happening),

slowing down generator speeds,

you lose players.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Keep losing players. This community is going to kill this game

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Well the gen speed nerf was a huge one. It's also that pretty much every time a survivor perk comes out that people freak out about it gets immediately demolished like Boil Over. Pretty much nobody uses CoH anymore because it was never that good to begin with. Everybody just spent 16 seconds blessing totems only for them to be destroyed instantly. Just bring a med-kit, those have existed since the game came out.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Yeah ok. If you think they're lies then just move along then. There's no convincing you.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I play as both and don't use it as survivor and barely notice it as killer. Literally just do bones. Boil Over was abuseable in a few spots and they could have just put hooks in those places... They didn't have to nuke the entire perk over a lack of a few hooks that could have been placed, problem solved.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Then no worries, game will be cakewalk for any good survivors and it will stays like that for eternity.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270
    edited February 2022

    "pretty well known" by forum members who you just claimed is filled with killer mains. Just talk to Otz or Ohtofu about how the game is in no way survivor sided and even teeters towards killer. In no way is what most forum members say reflected in-game and I think most people are just biased.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    In that case any problems you have with killer is a skill issue. Sorry but I just know it's a skill issue and you can't actually complain about them. So I better not see you ever complain about any issues with killer.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    You need a healthy population which is 4 survivors for every 1 killer. Queue times are already bad enough as survivor and if more stop playing well then it will just be a snowball of a loss of population. If you're claiming that you don't care about the game losing players that's fine lmao, I see where your priorities are at.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    No good killer players can actually have a chance with most killers in plenty of maps against good survivors team, hardly to call "skill issue".

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    That's a valid point and I somewhat agree with it. What really annoys me is that the game truly was very survivor sided back in the day but people didn't seem to care as much. Yeah a lot of people complained as they should but killers have gotten a TON of stuff to help them out since then and it seems like the complaining has gotten even worse. I just wish more people realized how bad they really had it and how much progress has been made. I believe it's been over-corrected but if you don't think it's gone that far yet it very well might one day.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    If complaint made game better, we should have more complaint, thoughts?

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    So, do you want old survivor perks how they used to be? Being able to heal with self care before killer could hit you again?

    Anti loop and killers with movement speed are going to be top tier because SBMM makes it miserable to play against survivors who are able to do everything at once. If you can't get weak survivor to get a quick kill, Then yeah, buff killers. It's not like killers can insta down survivors without working towards that ability.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Ok let's debunk all of this.

    When you constantly buff killers and nerf survivors,

    Look at every single killer add-on that gets buffed every update. Recently Nemesis got a really strong one.

    making perks that block all generators,

    It is hardly counterable if you're going against a killer who it's specifically great for like Doctor or Artist. Artist is completely busted right now and it's ridiculous.

    create maps that are just straight hallways,

    There's like one good loop on RPD granted it's a god loop. It also just got buffed for killers by adding 2 hooks that can be completely blocked by a killer and are unsaveable.

    keep incentivizing tunneling and camping,

    Tunneling and camping is just extremely unfun to go against. It's not that it's too OP or anything it's just not fun in the slightest dying on first hook or basically being disabled from playing the game by a killer.

    rarely change any survivor perks in a stale meta,

    We agree on this.

    Somehow make holding W meta,


    don't fix window and pallet vaults,

    I get 30 ping every game. Pallet drops and stuns are fine because they got fixed but they have not fixed vaults yet and that's been confirmed by devs. It's still objectively killer sided because whatever happens on the killer's screen is law. Vaults are not server sided like pallet stuns.

    making basic functions not work (spamming space bar 5 times and nothing happening),

    Sometimes actions just don't work even though you press the button as many times as you want. You can also be halfway through a vault and something can block you and cancel your action. Button presses are literally suggestions lol, they aren't actual actions you can perform.

    slowing down generator speeds,

    A while ago (maybe a year, I don't remember) they slowed down gen speeds when you're working on them with multiple people. It used to be a 1:1 ratio where 1 person = 80 seconds and 2 people = 40 seconds but they changed it so that there's diminishing returns. Now 2 people = 45 - 50 seconds and 3 people = 40 seconds, etc.

    I'm not surprised you missed almost all of this. There's a lot of changes to the game that you just aren't familiar with and I get that, just don't come after me when you don't know what you're talking about.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    There is a time and place for everything. One survivor game a day is not too bad. But I didn't pay for this game so that I could torture myself. In fact, I didn't pay for it at all. And the only money I ever spent for a survivor was Nancy and her pimp Rose Cardigan, ya dig?

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I play killer sometimes I just enjoy survivor gameplay more. All I want is a balanced game and we're allowed to have discussions about the balance.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    No what I believe is the reason for the player drops is the last year of just anti loop killers. I don't believe that MMR is the cause for players leaving because it's proven to be better than the last garbage ranking system. Also what makes a lot of sense is that the playerbase drops after every single October until around April and that's because it's a horror game where a ton of casual players just want to play a spooky game with their friends around Halloween time and then drop it, it happens every year. There are objectively more survivor players than killer players so it makes sense that there would be a sharper decrease in players because survivors are leaving, they're sick of not being able to play the game because of only new anti loop killers.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah but you can count the number of constructive discussions on one hand, most times its just sore losers ranting and accusing each other of bias, toxicity, entitlement etc etc. Heck its an online forum let the masses loose, it just always amuses me when people publicly display their ignorance or stupidity and then get all uppity when someone says hey that's kinda stupid. But that's the vitriolic mix of anonymity and ego that make up the online world. Previously you had to look stupid in public and confrontation was direct but those days are over thanks to online forums.

    You are never going to have balance in this set up, what you are going to get is oscillating swings between survivor and killer as perks/mechanics get introduced or changed. If folks are running around saying "killer isn't fun" then play some survivor and vice versa.

    I play way more killer than survivor, very few games let you be the bad guy so its fun to play antagonist. I'm not a fan a number of new changes and mechanics but I'll give my feedback, attenuate my expectations and finally realize its only a game and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter.

    Thicc I dig, I've usually only got a few survivor games in me before I get bored of it and go back to killer too. I've definitely sunk less cost into survivor. Kudos getting the game for free but time investment is another sunk cost might as well play both sides if you are gonna sink the time. Switching it up can keep the game fresh especially when you start having that, "man it sucks to play X" feeling.

  • Mr_Critical
    Mr_Critical Member Posts: 46

    They changed it from a 10% to a 15% reduction, not from a 1:1, and also gave survivors a perk to counter the reduction.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    No I'm saying there are way better reasons than MMR. I was listing all of the other reasons that make way more sense and it could be a mix of all of them, really.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    They didn't give survivors a perk to counter it, one already existed.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985

    As far as the window and pallet vaults go, just keep these two thing in mind: Even though you cleared a window with a gap behind you while you’re in the air, your feet need to be touching the ground to avoid a hit. For pallets, you need to be on the opposite end of the pallet to avoid a hit- you can’t be sliding in the middle (although the killer’s weapon can’t reach the middle). They both look stupid IMO, but without the hits working that way- it would be much harder for killers to get survivors. So I get it. Vaults are like Huntresses hatchets- they can be fine tuned to be precise but then she would barely hit any one.

    And to the tech nerds yea I know hitboxes, blah blah, servers, hit validation, yada, yada, yada- I get that too. Just helping OP accept it from a visual standpoint.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    I'm sorry, but after you claimed that Nemesis's recent addon-changes were a big buff you lost all credibility. One of his only actually good addons got nerfed and the ones they buffed are in the "garbage" category.

    Let me know when you rejoin reality and we can talk.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869
    edited February 2022

    What gen speed nerf? You mean the one from over a year ago where they made it take you slightly longer to repair a gen if you were working on it with more than one survivor?

    Also, I'm not sure what you're on about... CoH is literally meta... And why shouldn't it be? It's a free 5th perk slot for all other survivors and allows you to be healed at all times (which deminishes most of the pressure a killer can create by injuring survivors alone). Like... Disagreeing with people is one thing, but making stuff up to try and prove your point is just going to backfire on you...

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I mean how it is "alive" when a game takes 15minutes to que up.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Name me one killer buff that was out of nowhere and made killer OP. You can't. But I can name like a hundred times that's happened for survivors. These past few years have felt like an endless series of killer nerfs with a few mediocre qol changes to balance it out. Nurse nerf, Hillbilly nerf, Pyramid Head nerf, Freddy nerf, Blight nerf, Demogorgon nerf, Trickster nerf, Spirit nerf, Twins nerf, Pig nerf, Ghost Face nerf, Wraith nerf, Deathslinger nerf, Pinhead nerf, Nemesis nerf, Clown nerf. But I keep hearing people say how killer-pandering it was when infinites were removed and entity blockers were added.