I'm tired of new chapters without maps

Who else is with me?
Doesn't it get boring to play the same maps over and over again?
I mean, come on, sometimes it takes a half a year just to get a new map yet we're being constantly bombarded with new characters.
Don't get me wrong, the killers/survivors are cool, refreshing implementations into the game, but it's about time maps receive a larger focus.
I'd even be down with old chapters that never received maps getting maps.
Or even entire chapters of just maps.
We just got a new map with the Artist chapter and playing the same map over and over? IMO I think we got to many maps already.
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How do we have too many maps? There's no way you honestly think that.
We've had numerous chapters introduce new characters with no new map. If anything, there's a character overload rather than a map overload.
Plus, this game is technically down 1 map since we lost Hawkins. That doesn't even include the multiple chapters without a map.
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I maybe wrong but the last map we got was RPD right? And before that was dead dawg?
Oh forgot about old ormond but on sand.
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when our most recent maps were Eyerie, RPD, and Midwich, my hopes for new maps are not high. id rather they work on fixing the existing ones (which they also arent doing) than making new ones if the new ones are just going to be worse than the old ones.
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on8 -
i'm not, all the new ones are awful
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So how is it fun to have more maps with the same tiles but just other visuals?
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Still changes up the scenery rather than playing the same environments over and over. Plus, people complain about everything no matter what. People like to complain. About characters, maps, cosmetics, the devs, etc.
There is no making everyone happen because people love to complain.
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Hey, that's a lot to ask! BHVR's map design team are currently hard at work adding breakable walls and god pallets to Haddonfield.
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People always say that, but having different maps is valuable. Personally, although I'm not a huge fan of Eyerie, it's okay overall.
RPD may not be the best gameplay design, but it can be one of the most intense maps to play on against a competent killer. I definitely had one of the scariest matches I've ever played against a Myers on RPD.
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I think RPD and and Midwich have a great atmosphere, and their design challenges conventional DBD map design. If anything, the maps are a breath of fresh air since they don't fit the exact carbon copy of other maps.
Plus, I've had some of the scariest matches I've ever had on both of these maps.
I think Eyerie blends old map design with unique map design and does a good job of it. Only thing I don't like about it is how bright the map is.
To me, Midwife and RPD got the ambience perfect.
If Eyerie was perhaps at dawn or dusk rather than full blown day time, I'd like it more.
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I think RPD and and Midwich have a great atmosphere, and their design challenges conventional DBD map design. If anything, the maps are a breath of fresh air since they don't fit the exact carbon copy of other maps.
atmospherically, they're great. aesthetically, they're great. design wise, they're terrible for DBD. there's a reason most maps were designed how they were and there's a reason why everyone hates them. sometimes breaking the convention isn't good when the convention is what works and straying too far causes issues (the idiom, "if it ain't broke don't fix it" comes to mind here).
I think Eyerie blends old map design with unique map design and does a good job of it. Only thing I don't like about it is how bright the map is.
it's far too long and feels too large to play on due to the spacing of tiles meaning there isn't ever really a dead zone. main building has very strong windows and an upstairs that can be both confusing and obnoxious to play on, with no way down from the outside. breakable walls exist to hinder everyone's life while totems spawn directly in the open. it's terrible imho.
because while most modern maps look good (even if they did, for some reason, look at the complaints on macmillan and decide to make autohaven greener than me after playing 3 rounds of high-DPI blight without shadowborn out of spite) they do not feel good. and, in a video game, aesthetics should always take a backseat to actual gameplay.
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I want new maps.
It is sad they are so slow with them.
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We have like 33 maps (doesnt count badham multiple times) within 17 Realms. Thats more than enough variety for this game. I guess people are just too spoilt by getting maps at each chapter for the first 4 years. the same devs just throw in killer sand survivors within each chapter like cheap goodies. At some point this game has to evolve rather than producing goodies as a routine.
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Please no. All recent maps have been terrible
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No, the recent maps have been some of the worst maps added.
The hard work into making them is appreciated, but it's clear that looks were prioritized over gameplay
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2 new maps a years is fine if they are also regularly updating older maps but it feels like it's been forever since they released a reworked map.
Also RPD and Midwich suck. They look great but that's it.
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Same. Maps are the one thing I look forward to the most. New killers / survivors / perks are nice, but I end up playing against the same 4 killers all the time anyways. So it would be nice to at least have a different map to face the same 4 killers on.
I am also still pretty sore about the fact that we did not get a replacement for Hawkin's National Laboratory.
All Kill Chapter: No map.
Resident Evil: RPD.
Hellraiser: No map.
Portrait of a murderer: Eyrie of Crows
Hour of the Witch: No map.
Ringu Chapter: No map.
2 out of the last 5 DLC's had a map attached to it, the rest did not. I could honestly care less about the killers / survivors, maps are where it's at. After the first week or so, I don't think I'm going to be seeing much of the new killer, meaning it's back to facing Blight, Huntress, Bubba and Spirit on the same old, grey-bearded maps again. How about not releasing new characters, and instead dropping a map chapter? Sure, I get it, maps don't make money, so they're probably lower on the priority list than stupid recolored charms for the rift. The All-Kill chapter had huge potential for an awesome cyberpunk-themed korean city map (think an arena or something with streets on the periphery), but no, it's not meant to be.
I'd sooner pay $5 for a new map than another killer / survivor I'm going to purchase for their perks only.
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Right - new maps please.
There are many technically - but as you play the same all the time these get boring too.
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There was a new map with the artist, a new map with resident evil chapter. It’s not a drought of new maps.
That said, I’d like a map every chapter too, more variety the better. I’d be happy just with a map update. No killer no perks just a couple of new maps.
I’d like some darker maps again.
spooky docks with lighthouse
old castle
druid circle on foggy moors
Underground cave network/mines
abandoned ghost ship, modern cruiser, tanker or classic frigate… any would work, 2 level map with above and below deck.
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Me when we dodge the bullet of yet ANOTHER ######### map being added to the game:
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Yeah, i hope the next ones will be darker and scarier again. They could make so much stuff.
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I just really want an new map with the Crotus Prenn style. It could be fitting for Twins or Blights, who never got maps.
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I would like a new map with every new chapter, after all it's called a CHAPTER