matchmaking makes this game unplayable

you made escaping and kills the only thing that matters in ranking, and it's been nothing but worse than pre sbmmr

all my killer games are against top level twitch streamers and swf groups. like literally all of them. wanna know how I know? because they all have ttv in their name and when I go to their stream they are all in the same lobby, either insulting me and saying horrible things because they won, or crying and complaining because they lost. i have to pull out my best game just to have a chance at breaking even, the only time i 4k is when they screw around or get too cocky than the horrible survivor balance permits

all my survivor games are with complete numb nuts, don't even have 4 perks let alone tier 3, running around like chickens with no heads, going down in 10 seconds and killing themselves on hook. then you have the killer who his sweating his nuts off for no reason, because hey lets put 1 good survivor with 3 babies and 1 good killer, that seems fair. also I have to wait 20 minutes, sometimes more for a game thats over in the first 2 minutes because 2 people suicided already.

this game is hemorrhaging players, when are you gonna listen to the community? it's not like I have a unique story here, people have been saying this stuff for years. RE chapter came out, we gained 13k players and everyone thought it was because the game is "doing so well", 30 days later we lose 12k of those players, couldn't even retain 10% of the RE fanbase because this game is just so fking unfun and stressful no matter which side you're on. seems like the only people who enjoy this game are absolute casuals and ttv swfs