Solo Q MMR hell
So I finally hit rock bottom survivor MMR it seems. I play very altruistic in solo q. I try to get my team out even though it means I usually don't get out. At first when the new MMR rolled out, i didn't notice an impact. My solo q teammates still played well. But the past few weeks, nope. B/c i die more often than not now I get matched with new players. Last night the final few matches i played had brand new players in the game. They were too afraid of the terror radius so they hid all game while I was chased and 1-hooked. Not even camped.
I get it, new players do this. I did the same when i was new. But that was in the old system. I was paired with other new players. It made more sense.
How can the devs think this is a good match making system? I have over 2k hours in the game. There is no reason I should be paired up with other players with almost no time in game. While I do want to escape, it was never the win condition for me. Escaping still isn't my win condition. But the quality of this match making I'm in now is horrible.
So now i'm faced with a choice; continue with my playstyle of being a team player & get 1-hooked each match while i watch my teammates hide or play for myself and forget my team. Bring a hatch perk each game with a key to make sure i get that hatch escape. Team be damned. Easy choice really. Bye bye altruism
And killers demanding more buffs, more slowdowns and more survivor nerfs.
Even a killer few hours can destroy a mid to low SBMM solo team. Solo players will never escape a trial unless it's the killers first game.
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Playing altruistically is a big mistake in solo survivor queue, unless your only goal is to farm bp with we're gonna live forever. if that's not your friend on the hook and you're injured without BT, just leave and take the elo increase!
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Wow, my sympathies. But this is also a unique opportunity. You could be this high leveled character that roams the starter regions of an RPG and who helps the newbies out. Just like a saint some new players get matched with you and, just like magic, you can loop the killer for ages, help them out, show them how to unhook or hide a bit, but then you die and go off to help the next bunch of scared noobs.
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What a load of crap. When I play survivors I only play soloQ, because I got no DBD friends, and I escape more trials then not, often getting some daring escapes and rescues into the mix.
People on this forums exaggerate EVERYTHING.
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I thought so. Another proof that killer mains with no friends are locked up inside their own box. And they threw away the key.
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Dude... what?
Are you serious?
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I've been playing solo survivor for almost 3k hours. It is undoubtedly the "worst" experience in DBD, and a team full of solo queues IS almost always thrashed. It's the whole reason good solo players go on to create SWFs.
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This. Escaping 2/10 matches is success.
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I am sorry for that. I am having a lot of fun with my soloQ survivor experience. Sure, I get the occasional camper or mean Bubba, but that really nice guy up there, to whom I responded, claimed that "Solo players will never escape a trial unless it's the killers first game". NEVER is a very strong word, and when I mentioned that people like to "exaggerate EVERYTHING", I got shot down. So, is NEVER now the truth, or is it exaggerated and blown out of proportions? It can't be both :)
This one made me chuckel, but fam, are you ok? Do you wanna talk? I might be a 70/30 killer main, but I might be more sympathetic to your plight then you think, so just spill the beans :)
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I have irl and dbd friends to talk with "fam". You can just do the same by hitting the add button and talk. It's never late. We are off topic now, so see you.
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Well damn, there goes my whole plan lol
Yes, Saint Meg, the patron saint of DBD noobs 😀
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The playercount has been steadily dropping ever since MMR got introduced. Ever since this got announced, the playercount has been nosediving despite some pretty okay chapters being released. We're in our 5th month of decline, and I don't see the Ringu chapter pulling us out of this.
What you're experiencing is a direct result of MMR being introduced in a non-competitive game, and your experience speaks for itself. It's getting harder and harder for new players to get into the game, because the perks one needs to not get tunneled out of the game are locked behind some pretty unenjoyable progression. I wonder at what point BHVR, the self-proclaimed kings of "statistics", will look at the numbers and address the elephant in the room. Our player numbers are back at what they were in April 2021, and I don't see this trend stopping anytime soon.
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This is definitely an issue that needs to be urgently addressed. Multiple thousand hour players routinely get matched with completely new teammates. That should never, ever, happen and should be hotfixed. It certainly shouldn't be a "feature" of the system that lingers for months. It makes the experience for vets an awful one.
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New players should never be matched against experienced ones. Period. They really need to address this, because new players won´t stay for long, when they get stomped non stop in their first 20 matches. They´ll most likely uninstall.
When instead, they should be matched only with new players and get a "soft" learning curve.
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You get new, fresh players with a single tier 1 perk going against fully loaded out squads, after 10 games of this I probably wouldn't want to come back, considering I probably earned a total of 50k BP in those 10 matches, giving me access to yet another tier 1 perk. I'm honestly amazed at the masochism of new players who decide to stick around and continue on. Loadout and perks don't get taken into consideration when matchmaking, and that results in some seriously whack lobbies.
Yesterday I ended up going against a Wraith with tier 1 deerstalker against a full meta-perk lobby, and he got relentlessly mocked by obviously much more experienced survivors, and ended up DC'ing after 0 hits and 5 gens flew by. He had 4 hours on his profile. I don't think that guy is going to play the game again anytime soon.
With the new player experience being like this, how is the game expected to grow? New players are thrown to the wolves, and the one thing that could give them an advantage is locked behind DLC's and endless hours of grind. If someone told me that I need to put in 300 hours before I even have a chance of enjoying the game, I'd probably never buy it. Yeah, you see, in order to not get stomped by the players the matchmaking system puts you up against, you need this perk from that character, this perk from that other character, and also need to buy this one character for that one perk that lessens the grind, and oh, you also need to play hundreds of hours to unlock them on the character you actually want to play to begin with! What a fun game.
I don't see how this game is attractive to new players, or how it plans to retain them. I recommended this game to one of my friends (foolish, I know), he got 8 hours into it, and we had the exact discussion as above. He said that's ridiculous, and doesn't even want to play SWF with me, because honestly, with his loadout, why would he?
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well most solo players can agree it’s a nightmare, which is why the devs are gonna buff it soon.
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The devs desperately need to address the grind in some way. Allowing the game to be given away free to players on different platforms surely does attract new players. But like you said, b/c the new player experience is so bad they won't stick around. So it ends up being a waste of $ for BHVR as well as the platform who procured those licenses.
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On friday, I had a 3 man swf just decide to murder me..
I 99% the gates (stupid) run back in, get the guy off the ground, get one hooked for my trouble, and these 3 bastards just form a conga line and t bag me for 2 min. 2 of them had bt and i had ds.
Solo q sucks even when you do power the gd gens.
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You'd have to be extremely masochistic to go through it now. At least when I started in late 2018 I was also playing with and against other noobs with one or two perks. I started from scratch about a year ago when I switched to pc and it was about 3 games before it started pairing me up with 2k+ hour reds. Which is fine for me but not an especially nice welcome for an actual new player.
Bhvr also seem to still have the impression that new players want quicker games over balanced ones. That or they prioritise quicker games for existing players who are already invested in buying DLC and cosmetics over balanced games for new players who might not stick around anyway.
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The grind is an issue, sure. What would help is an actually competent matchmaking system, but because of the low player count, fast queues are prioritized over quality lobbies, further compounding the issue. There needs to be a way of bringing new players up to the same level of the opponents they're going to be facing, without having to go through 400 unenjoyable matches. Having access to decent perks early on would go a long way towards this goal. What's the best perk a new killer can bring for example? NoED comes to mind, probably the single most helpful perk to new players. Perks like BBQ need to be base or at the very least available from the start after buying leatherface. There's just so many things that could be done to boost new players and help them out.
MMR was a mistake. I know we bitched and moaned about the old system before MMR, thinking it couldn't possibly get worse. Oh how I'm eating my words now. At least the old system just put whoever against whoever, and the resulting matches were a lot more average compared to what we have now.
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How about a "quick play" mode, where you have access to every perk on every character that you own, regardles if you have it unlocked or not, like KYF, in an unranked environment, where you can grind and earn some BP. Queues would put you in either killer or survivor role, depending on what's needed at the time. Maybe also add a 1.5x - 2x BP modifier for playing the role that's needed at the moment. Once you got some experience under your belt, goofed off in an unranked environment, had some fun and got to know the game, and leveled some characters, you can then play "ranked", and see how far you can climb.
That seems like an obvious solution, sadly this is likely never going to happen.
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That would be pretty cool
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That sucks damn. But like @prion11 said, its just a bad idea with the new system.
But until the system changes you just have to accept that the most fun part as surv imo, is not valued.
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Matchmaking is too loose to have an elo hell in this game. Or maybe you just aren't particularly great at survivor, which is fine... But you should be able to solo carry against a bad killer if you know what you are doing. I do it and I am literally one of the worst survivors around.
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If i had to start now, i probably wouldn´t buy the game, because of how much grind there is. Now stack the frustation that comes when bully squads see an oportunity to humiliate on top of that, and i would instantly uninstall the game.
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Not everyone is a lying POS just cause they have a different experience than you in this game.
I will just leave this here for the people who need it...
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Solo survivor mains are usually babies. It’s because their new or someone new is playing for them. You can buff solo to swf levels and they will still have baby survivors hiding and griefing each other lol. Might as well delete killer so it’s a free 4K escape for the baby solo survivors
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This would only work if DBD had proximity chat. I could sit there waving for 14 hours at the Claud crouched in the corner to bring her to the hook and teach, but they just crouch there, too terrified to use their 2 brain cells for anything. MMR is hell.
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This isn't a single player game. You can't solo carry the whole team, regardless of skill. If I run for ages but no gens get done, that's not carrying. If I run for ages but get left to die on first hook, that's not carrying either.
Indulge me. Explain how you would go about carrying while you're chilling on the hook for the full 2 minutes till death?
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I want to say something snarky like "lul git gud" or "do bones", but dayum ... what you describe is truly MMR Hell!! There is just no escape. You are trapped!!! :V
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Your last paragraph in particular raises a really good question. What is the plan here?
We're how many months into SBMM? It's still putting fresh accounts against players like me who have 3500 hrs. On top that, you have an absolutely monstrous grind that puts some F2P MMOs to shame and a majority of the content locked behind paywalls. So these new accounts load in with Distressing 1, Deerstalker 2, and Unrelenting against my 4 man w/ 10k hrs and full meta.
Is anyone at BHVR awake? Hello?
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I'm in this exact same boat. i want to save my teammates but the mmr system punishes us too harshly for that.
De-pip? Who cares?
Worse teammates and overall lower quality matches? That's just a kick in the teeth.
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Very true. Solos hardly ever escape as it is. All it takes is an average killer with slowdown and there's absolutely nothing the survivors can do.
Survivors need many buffs, not nerfs.
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Yep, that's the problem. Where is this going? Player count is dropping, the system throws new players to the wolves, and seemingly no plan to somehow close the gap.
Starting out as a brand new survivor is a lot more doable than starting out as a brand new killer imho. At least when you're still green you got your teammates to hopefully carry you, but as a new killer? It's you against whatever the game finds quickly, not taking things like player level, devotion, loadout, etc. into consideration. Speaking of devotion, I would much prefer to see players devotion level instead of their grade, because that gives me a much better impression of how much that particular person has played the game overall. Perhaps display them both, in some sort of combined emblem beside the player name during the endgame screen.
Anyways, what's the plan? The new player experience is worse than it has ever been, and with every chapter of content added it only gets worse, because there's that much more catching up to do. Sure, players don't need every single perk on every single character, but the staple of killer perks that is needed might as well be years away to a new player. When I think of the average player, a person who plays maybe 8 - 10 hours of video games a week, how is DBD an attractive game to them? Virtually everything cool and useful is locked behind DLC's (sure, some can be bought with shards), and even if you buy the DLC's, you still got to unlock everything.
Let's consider the "optimal" route a new killer main might want to go. First thing he needs to get after purchasing the base game is the Leatherface DLC, otherwise you'll be earning bloodpoints at 1/4 of the possible rate. That right there is a huge time saver, and should probably be the first thing you purchase, ideally along with the game. Good, now what? Play bubba for god knows how long until you hit lvl 40. Unlock BBQ. Now go play the killer you wanted to play in the first place and keep playing until you unlock BBQ. Great. Now your games will at least yield a bearable amount of bloodpoints, but probably nowhere near enough for how frustrating those matches are going to be. Then you're going to think "Hm, what other perks do I need", and before you realize it you got 6 DLC's in your shopping cart and the next few months tied up for unlocking the useful perks. Maybe you'll have enough shards along the way to buy one with in-game currency. Is this honestly okay? To me, this sounds like a chore and not like a way to forget about my day and blow off some steam.
So what can be done? Removal of perk tiers is out of the question, that's too much work. I'm a big proponent of getting rid of teachables all together, you buy the DLC and the perks automatically become available in the bloodweb of every character. There's still heavy RNG involved in getting what you want. But that only addresses the perk / loadout issue and not the new player experience. I think the game is in dire need of an alternate game-mode that's basically a free-for-all. Like kill your friends, but with strangers instead. You have access to everything you purchased, get to play the game in an unranked environment, free from whatever it is the SBMM system is trying to do, and earn some bloodpoints for when you want to play ranked mode. The bloodweb system could straight up be replaced by a shop instead, giving the devs better insight into what items / add-ons are popular and what nobody ever buys. Hey, here's a chance for some balancing / tuning of useless or never used add-ons!
Now that I have ranted about all of this, it's back to reality where nothing substantial is going to get changed, new content gets pumped out every 3 months, and maybe by pure luck, the playercount will be in the greens again some day.
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and thats why I play killer more often now..if i died protecting my teammates, mmr just gives me worse and worse teammates the more i do it.
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That has nothing to do with killers being OP and everything to do with solo queue needing serious buffs to raise it closer to SWF levels. Then killers could be buffed accordingly. As it stands, killers are too strong against solo and oftentimes too weak against SWF. When the difference between the lowest level and highest level is so huge, balancing is a nightmare. This is why stuff like Kindred needs to be base kit because it gives solo queue survivors similar information to what SWFs have. Same with little icons being on the survivor portraits to show if they’re on a gen or healing or cleansing a totem or being chased or just messing around doing nothing. This is all info SWFs already have so giving the same info to solo queue would bring them up closer to SWF and mean killers could be stronger without completely stomping solo queue.
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I'm in favor of essentially killing the grind entirely. I'm not grinding because it's fun to grind. I'm playing in spite of the grind and I'm more annoyed by it with every chapter. And there's no way I'd pick the game up now as a new player. Absolutely not.
It's a really dumb problem they've created with short term money grabs over the years instead of investing in the infrastructure of the game. It's normal for vets to get bored and move on to other games. But there's no catch up mechanic when a player returns. You simply have a ridiculous grind when you play, and if you quit, you have a ridiculous grind when you come back. No other game is like that. Not even MMOs.
Normally a game would want to bring in a consistent new player population to sustain the normal loss of vet players. But the new player experience in this game is a complete joke. You couldn't make up a worse one. You're pretty much guaranteed to face multi thousand hour players within your first week of playing. You have literally thousands of hours worth of grind.
I imagine new player retention is getting worse over time because we're in year 6 and the new player experience and grind haven't been addressed in meaningful ways.
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I strongly agree with your sentiment about a catch-up mechanic. Most long-running multiplayer or mobile games have those to get players up to a level where they can actually compete with current content, but DBD? Here's your Lvl. 1 Dwight, and you get to equip Tier 1 Leader, best of luck! It's almost schizophrenic to recommend players to buy the game, and then collect BP codes for like a year before they intent on playing the game. If I had to start playing now, from the start, I'd probably uninstall in less than 2 hours and see if I can get a refund. There's something incredibly frustrating about seeing your opponents and teammates with loadouts that are several hundreds, maybe a thousand, of hours away from you, and knowing there is nothing I can do but grin and bear it. And that sort of thing really turns people off from a game.
I'm not against grinding at all. I enjoy progressing and getting better stuff. But at least I want to have fun and a good time while I'm grinding, and that is something current DBD fails at, miserably. Access to all the perks for unlocked DLC's should be the minimum acceptable solution to level the playing field for new players, the BP grind can stay for items / add-ons / offerings / cosmetics, the things you consume when playing a game or have no influence on gameplay. One could consider perks a necessity for the game after reaching a certain threshold, without which the game is in an even more unbalanced state. To take those perks and lock them behind god knows how many hours of dread and misery is the definition of sadism on BHVR's part, and I salute all the new players who start out and stick with it. I don't have the guts for that.