Most of my Killer matches start and end the same way

I am a diehard Pig main, but lately I've been broadening my horizons and trying other killers. I thought I was a good killer player until I stopped playing Pig. There was a new challenge not being stealthy and I've been working with it, but still my matches seem to crumble apart.

Most of the time I don't get my first hook until the second gen is done. I try to keep the momentum of pressure but I cant usually find survivors after hooking one even when I try to patrol gens after. I get disoriented so easily when they loop around me also. The final gen gets complete with around 5-6 hooks in.

Unless if Im facing against newer survivors or get lucky all of my matches are like this and I dont know why. Sometimes I feel like I have to proxy camp or tunnel just to even stand a chance.

So what do I do? I know I need to git gud but how?


  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Do you teachable perks unlocked?? Sadly that's the answer.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    Some not all. I like to run Im All Ears and Pop. Pop carries me.

  • Dadog
    Dadog Member Posts: 3

    If I were you, I would remain playing pig and gather blood points. Watch videos on YouTube or on twitch of good streamers that you might be able to pick a few tips off of . Depending on how many perks you have unlocked I would advise you to spend your saved blood points on a non stealthy killer. Someone you think you might be able to do good with and not tottaly fail the game. Another great tip I have for you is to develop your play style, what I mean by this is once you have picked a couple killers you would like to use then try to steer your perk build and play style to how the killer is best used (if your used to playing pig all the time then you might play like a pig on another killer that would never work on which is probably why you can’t keep any pressure on gens or the survivors). And for your issue with the survivors looping around you I suggest picking a killer that is good for anti loop, for example the clown is great for anti loop and depending on how bad you struggle with looping survivors the clown could be a great choice for you. Also a great piece of advise I have for you is to stop following the survivors and just follow the loop, what I mean by this is if you have good knowledge of the game and what loop survivors are using you might be able to predict where they are going next and possibly catch them off guard.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    If you're playing against a high end team you'll lose 3 gens 2 minutes into the match and you have about 2 minutes after that to get 4 sacrifices, so don't worry about it.

    Accept that in the killer role sometimes the odds are just stacked against you and do what you can. The actual match results don't matter in the end, but you get to keep the points from it so I always recommend burning a points offering.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    This part here shouldn´t be a must. At least according to the devs. So i´d recommend to play without slowdown perks. Even when this costs you matches. Because apparently the only way for the devs to realize how busted the gen times are, is when the kill rates drops further.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    You should use 3 slow-down + 1 information perk. And if you play with anti-loop killer, probably you will be okey.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    In the current meta even top tier killers struggle againts good coordinated teams,especially swf on comp.

    Being a Pig main doesn't mean you cant do good,but it will take so much effort that its up to you if its worth it or not.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Ruin was a must. Then later Undying Ruin became a must. Now people start to recommend 3 slowdown perks.

    Does no one see the issue here? When will it be enough? When killers are forced to equip 4 slowdown perks?

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    This is same for survivors. They need to use DS & BT because you know, tunnelling and camping are popular tactics.

    But yeah, you are right. There is so much issues. Let's destroy all meta perks (both sides) and add new mechanics to fix issues. But is BHVR that brave and crazy?

  • Restrixc
    Restrixc Member Posts: 19

    ay, a fellow pig main

    Anyways, some advice from me is to run stuff like Eyes from the shadows (Crows that are alerted nearby give an alert). It is kind of a crutch, but helps you identify where survivors normally hang out; You'll eventually be able to call which generator the survivors are most likely to get. From what I've seen, if you spawn super close to a few gens. They'll probably be working on one across the map, but idk maybe just coincidence for me lol. I'm also predisposed to suggest learning trapper, who benefits from calling where the survivors will be ahead of time (Personally he's how I learned all the loops that I know how to do). Jolt is also a life saver, not the most necessary. But it's a main stay in my perk deck. But above all else, experience with whichever killer you want to learn is the best thing to improve.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    1. Play as Doc, then when you lose a survivor at a loop you can static blast to find them again. Seriously helpful.

    2. Remember the wise words of Jake the Dog. "Sucking at something is the first step to getting kinda good at something"

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    As far as i´m aware, the devs want to do something about camping/tunneling. So maybe in the future, survivors won´t feel forced to equip them. On the other hand, gen speeds don´t seem to be an issue for them. So...

  • Senpai_J
    Senpai_J Member Posts: 62

    If you want to make the first hook situation less stressful consider running corrupt intervention. Run some slowdown perk like jolt too to save yourself a lot of time. If a gen isn’t regressing while it’s in jolt range, that means there must be a surv nearby.

    When I’m searching I always randomly spin around and moon walk to check behind me for scratch marks, sometimes survs coming to save start sprinting as soon as they stealth past you.

    Otherwise you either go for the gen closest to the one done, or go for the other surv that you saw during your chase cause chances are they’re hiding around.