Some QOL/Buffs to Perks (Killer/Survivor)

Hello, im here again just to let you know what buffs some perks need, ones to become more used and others because is annoying to use them or need communication. Im going to describe my buff and why it needs it, lets begin

Head On - When head on is active, the locker aura becomes yellow for every survivor in a 24 meters. - Its common knowledge that head on can be one of the worst exhaustion perks (Its very fricking fun, but lets face it (HA), there are better alternatives) and it can become almost useless on Solo Q, thats why i think this buff to communication can be really good without altering the perk at all.

Repressed Alliance - After 10 seconds the gen gets blocked, if a survivor comes near the gen this will become unblocked, if this happens add 15 seconds to the necesary gen time for the perk to become active again - This perk is really underused, it can become useful for evading PGTW but in reality it can become a hinderance to use it because it can actually give more time for a killer knowing the gen cannot be repaired until 30 secs pass, so to not make it bad for the survivors, i think this is a good buff

No One Left Behind - It becomes active after the last gen is popped instead of a exit gate open, also all the other survivors can see each other auras too. - This perk can be useful, specially on solo queue to coordinate a rescue, but the condition to have a gate open kills this perk, if you are opening a gate is because all survivors are safe in the first place.

Deliverance - When deliverance is active and you are hooked, your aura is yellow instead of red - Again with solo queue, how many times you wished nobody came for you so you can use this perk but they waste time going for you and the killer is still nearby, then this way at least everyone knows you can unhook yourself

This are all the changes i have in mind for now, soon part 2 for killer perks, thanks for reading this, i want to hear what you think!


  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Wow I’m surprised. These changes are actually amazing they would really help

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I like the most changes but I disagree with Repressed alliance.

    Actually repressed alliance is one of the best perks, it can save up SO many situations where a gen would be basicly gone to 0 again. Keep in mind that its not ONLY against pop, if the killer has ruin you can also stop the regression like that. Same goes to pain resonance which got pretty popular and is actually a meta perk currently. You can just block off the gen before the killer hooks and save that gen, well yes the pain resonance will hit another gen but maybe your current gen is literally about to pop or in a very bad spot which needs to be done.

    This perk is realy heavily underused and underestimated which I totally agree with you there however if someone else can kinda "unblock" that gen that can cause some dumb moments where a survivor who doesnt know or realize it to unblock the gen for the killer again. However if you would change that to only YOU can unblock the gen like that then it would be totally fine.

  • Lucario576
    Lucario576 Member Posts: 53

    Yeah i agree but i say every survivor because there are moment where the gen is about to pop and is the last, you want to save the gen because the killer is coming but another team mate could finish it, but know you gotta wait 30 secs.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    ye true but I would say this is a very rare situation, atleast this never happened to me tbh, one other things I get this cuz its against trolling but its still dumb that you cannot block the gen when someone else is repairing on that gen, i had some situations where I would like to block the gens but the survivor didnt let go...