When are you fixing Twins devs ?
Its been months since this killer has been nerfed to the ground.
They are unplayable right now. You cant use your power where and when you want, Victor hitboxe is bugged he jump through survivors but dont hit them lol.
I used to like this killer before the nerf and the bugs. Now its unplayable.
Such a good killer, such a wasted potential.
I regret to have prestige them.
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If I recall correctly, they're next on the list after Legion and Ghostface. No actual time for when that'll be, but there is comfort in knowing they're on the radar.
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They were perfect at release, except visual bugs, I dont know why devs did that to them.
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I dont se very often Ghostface or Legion
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BHVR? Fixing something?
You ask for WAY too much. Best they can do is fix one bug and add 30 on its place.
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It´s because their main strength was to camp and slug.
They´ve kept the camping and slugging but made the power be clunky as hell so playing them isn´t worth it.
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Everything about them is a mess. The animations are long and clunky, there's cooldowns and fatigue states to everything, and the hitboxes are all out of wack. So let's nerf them, right devs?!
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I missed this information, I trust you, but can you send me a link ? I want to read the article/interview where they talk about it
Its sad because I play Legion too and I stopped playing them because they are too frustrating but less buggy than Twins.
Now I have two of my favorite killers I cant play without frustration.
I am a survivor main but I like more and more playing killer. And now I understand how this game is survivor sided.
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I don't have a link on hand, but I'm pretty sure it was in the last QnA. Twins came up at some point, and the answer as to if they plan on giving them some love was that they were next in line after Legion and Ghostface.
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Perfect is a bit of a strong word..
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Except the visual bugs with Victor. It was only killer side. This killer was very balanced and competitive at the same time.
People who blamed Twins for camping just dont know you can crouch and Victor dont detect you..
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I mean like, sure they might of been balanced and fun to play
but they are the farthest thing from fun to play against
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Its wrong. I know many dbd players who like to play against them. Its always funny to kick Victor !
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The only acceptable fix is them deleting this mess of a killer
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Wdym, killer mains enjoying playing against them. 😭 The killer main empathy you know.
Just kill switch Twins.
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Twins definitely were not perfect, but of course now they are worse to play as the killer. It’s still however very unfun and unfair to be unable to crush Victor as a survivor while he’s running away in a vulnerable state, and for him to respawn in a meager six seconds. Destroying Victor should have an at least 15 second base respawn.
But Charlotte should be able to recall idle Victor any time, and get a 2% haste when Victor is detached. Victor should not be able to be crushed after a successful pounce as well. I feel these are good changes for both sides.
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Twins will be changed after Ghostface and Legion.
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I hate that word so much. Thanks to BHVR <3