We may be on the cusp of another DBD golden age.

With Elden Ring and many other games threatening to take a lot of DBD's player base, I'm actually starting to feel optimistic about the future of the game, and here's why:

Anyone else remember in early 2019 when Apex Legends, for a brief period, took over Fortnite. If you were in the Fortnite community at the time then you would know just how GREAT the game was. Somehow all these things that Epic said was "too hard" started magically happening. The community started rallying behind the game too, which is incredible considering how toxic the Fortnite community was at the time. For a brief moment, the devs took the feedback of the players very seriously, which was actually a good thing since the only people left were the hardcore fans. All in all, this was incidentally one of the best things that could have happened to the game, and is crucial in why the game is still sticking around half a decade later.

Now DBD is not even remotely as threatened as Fortnite was, but with a reduction in players comes a reduction of profit, and therefore is going to motivate the devs to get their act together. This is why I'm actually excited, as much as people joke about the devs being clueless, they definitely are not dumb, they know what we want and all it takes is one phone call from investors for things to suddenly start happening. The game will never roll over and die, and I'm certain the devs are far more receptive to feedback than we think.

