Fan Chapter: Deathly Fear and Loathing

In life there are certainties and those are death, survival, or sweet delicious fear! The need to survive is a natural instinct put simply, while the desire to kill and feast on the weak is what makes humans so delicious while they are scared. In the end the Entity and I agree that fear is the best seasoning for the devouring of the flesh!” - Unknown


Killer: The Fear

Difficulty: Intermediate

Height: Tall

Gender: Unknown

Ethnicity: Unknown

Mythical Origin: Norse

Weapon: Jagged and ridged scythe dipped in Pustula Poison and severed crow heads growing on the shaft of the scythe.

Movement Speed: 115% | 4.6m/s 

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Appearance: Tall with a tattered black cloak and a plague doctor's hat. Arms, legs, and partial chest cavity made up of sewn together maggot flesh, rotten guts, straw and mutilated body parts. Orangish/yellow glowing eyes that bleed tears of blood with each beat of its decaying heart protruding from the chest cavity. Finally, the legs are made of sewing together crow corpses and feet made of rotting Oak wood.

Overview: The Fear is a diabolical killer that’s able to catch survivors off guard with its power Soil of Fear and feast upon their fear with abilities of Frightful Death. The survivors must beware of their surroundings and quick on their feet in order to survive or be devoured of fear.

The Fear’s perks are: Blood Hunger, Crucifixion, and Dead Chase. This allows it to hunt down survivors to consume the flesh, while growing fear of torment of death.


Tome Record #89:

“I was a God once long ago in ancient times until Christianity had come to purge my followers. Once that had happened I was left wondering, scavenging and starving until “It” came to me for an offer. I would serve “It” and in return I would feast to my endless desires of flesh and fear. To my surprise, I had returned to my Godly status again and these….trials served my appetite well!”

Tome Record #111:

“I was taught today how to create toxins from another time and dimension that would help increase my Fear on to others. To be able to even tenderize and seasoning of the flesh with pure Fear is something I only had dreamed of before. This Entity has proven to be a great ally but I wonder….what would the flesh and fear taste like of “It”?”

Killer’s Lore: 

The Fear was once a Pagan Norse God which in return for a sacrifice, granted the presenters with wealth, security, wisdom, and protection from all that is evil. In ancient times, the villagers would build an effigy in their fields for the god to possess. It would often resemble a scarecrow, and it was used by the god to collect its sacrifices. The Fear would hunt down its prey as long as it could during the night to extract the most amount of fear to flavor its prey’s flesh. Once Christianity had come to the Scandinavian lands, the locals had abandoned the god, converted, and instead worshiped Jesus. The Fear would battle Crusading Knights and Holy Priests of the Catholic church as well as those of the Christianity faith. The battles would always end the same way, with The Fear being victorious, while hundreds of dead Crusaders lie strewn across the floor at his feet. The Fear had first held power over all of Scandinavia until the kings secretly united under hope of defeating the god. The first loss for the Fear was in August of 1123. The loss was in Norway, by the Norwegian King, Sigurd the Crusader, with his divine weapons from the Vatican. The second loss of the Fear was the First Swedish Crusade. Finally the last loss of the Fear was the Livonian Crusade. From there, the Fear would wander at night from place to place in order to survive from starvation and extermination from Crusading Knights. One day, the Entity had come to its side for an offer. Work for “It” and the Fear shall never again know hunger or damnation. The Fear had accepted the offer and become a terrifying god again.

Killer’s Successful Hit Animation:

The Fear laughs menacingly while flicking the gory and blood off the scythe’s blade.

Pallet Breaking Animation:

The Fear begins to raise the scythe up. With the blade, the scythe goes chopping downwards through the top to bottom of the pallet. It takes two strikes to split the pallet in halves.

Breakable Wall Breaking Animation:

The Fear begins to raise the scythe up. With the blade, the scythe goes chopping downwards, diagonally, and horizontally through the breakable wall. Chops the breakable wall into multiple pieces.

Killer’s Mori:

The Fear’s Mori is decapitating a downed survivor with its scythe; while, proceeds to laugh as it mutilates the corpse with its scythe and drinks the blood from the neck.

Primary Ability: Frightful Death: “The only thing to fear is fear itself!” 

Press and hold the Power Ability button to grant Undetectable status effect, generate a dense fog, and generate pockets of Fear traps around the map. While Frightful Death is active, the radius of the pockets start out at a minimum of 8 meters and become bigger in diameter by 1 meter per 0.1 seconds of charge up to a maximum of 40 meters of a 4 seconds charge. Once Frightful Death is released the pockets begin to dissipate over time by 2 meter/s maximum. Noises in pockets are amplified by 50% I.E. Repairing generators, healing, breathing, grunts and moaning of pain, entering and exiting lockers, vaulting, and footsteps. Fear generates over time while in the pockets. Fear generated up to 60 charges maximum; in which case, causes Hysteria status effect. Fear is generated at 1 charge per second.

Secondary Ability: Soil of Fear: “I’m coming to get you...and hopeful you’re scared half to death!” 

Soil of Fear is an ability to grab and hold Survivors with roots from the feet of The Fear. Soil of Fear is activated by pressing and holding the Secondary Ability button. It takes 0.5 seconds to activate Soil of Fear and The Fear’s movement speed is reduced to 105% for 10 seconds. Once Soil of Fear is activated, roots from the Killer emerge from the ground and solidify the borders of the pockets of Frightful Death. While a Survivor or Survivors are in a pocket. The Survivor or Survivors can’t not exit a pocket until it dissipates or the Killer cancels the pocket by pressing and holding the Interaction button for 1 second. If two pockets connect, the roots will not block them from connecting to each other, to a max duration of 40 seconds they will solidify together.

New Status Effect: Hysteria

Hysteria: This status effect makes it so that any Survivor inflicted with it will hear a constant laughing sound that masks all sounds from more than 12 meters away.


To lose fear, Survivors may:

  • Heal 1 health state, losing 5% of fear.
  • Stay near other Survivors outside the terror radius, losing 1% of fear each 3 seconds.
  • Being chased for more than 30 seconds straight, then starting to lose 2% of fear each 5 second.
  • Escape a chase, losing 20% of fear.
  • Pallet or blind stun, losing 5% of fear. 
  • Frightful Death triggers an HUD animation and sound when activated, meant to scare the player in real life too.

Killer Perks:

“Dead Chase”: "Time to die you annoying little pest!"

This perk becomes activated after being pallet stunned 3 times. After being stunned, the Survivor that stun you will gain the Exposed status effect of 10/15/20 seconds.

“Crucifixion”: “Where are you going? I haven’t had my fill yet!” 

Once the exit gates are powered Crucifixion is active. Progress of an unopened Exit Gate will now regress at 2% per second while not being opened and every time a survivor is hooked all unopened exit gates regress by 6/9/12%.

“Blood Hunger”: “More! More! MORE! I AM HUNGRY FOR YOUR BLOOD AND FEAR!” 

When an Injured Survivor escapes the chase, Blood Hunger reveals the aura of 1/2/3 Healthy Survivors for 4 seconds.


Decayed Wisdom Teeth: Once teeth from an adolescent couple that were sacrificed around 1,600 years ago.

  • When Soil of Fear is activated, it gains 150% Blood points in Deviousness.
  • Frightful Death active trap diameter is reduced Moderately. (-25%)

Cracked Canister: A broken biotoxin canister that leaks unknown poison.

  • Slightly increasing Frightful Death trap diameter. (+5%)
  • Slightly decreasing Soil of Fear movement speed penalty. (-2%)

Mangled Corpse: Once a lively person, now a nearly unrecognizable corpse.

  • Slightly increasing Frightful Death active ability. (+10%)

Severed Crow’s Head: A head of a decapitated crow.

  • Slightly increases generated Fear of using Frightful Death. (+5%)

Bloody Oak Leaf: A once beautiful green leaf now tainted in dried up blood.

  • Moderately increases the density of the fog while Frightful Death is activated. (+15%)

Jar of Blood: A mysterious jar of unknown origins.

  • Slightly decreasing loss of Fear overtime. (+10%)

Cursed Wooden Doll: A doll made of wood and straw from The Fear.

  • At Fear charge 60, inflicted Survivors gain the Broken status effect for 15 seconds.

Crow Stomach: The disgusting contents of a crow.

  • Moderately reducing the dissipation of time for Frightful Death trap pockets. (-15%)

Petrified Dog Ear: A petrified ear from a long dead dog.

  • Considerably decreasing loss of Fear overtime. (-25%)

Voodoo Doll: A cursed wooden doll with unknown scripture on it.

  • At Fear charge 20, inflicted Survivors gain the Hindered(-15%) status effect for 5 seconds.

Severed Children Hands: A pair of young severed children's hands.

  • Slightly reducing the dissipation of time for Frightful Death trap pockets. (-5%)
  • Considerably increases the density of the fog while Frightful Death is activated. (+30%)

Dead Slave Eyes: A pair of eyes plucked from a dead slave.

  • Slightly decreasing base movement speed. (-5%) 
  • Gains notifications from disturbed crows on the map while Frightful Death is active.

Destroyed Effigy: A destroyed Effigy celebrating the protection of The Fear.

  • At Fear charge 10, Blindness status effect is applied to afflicted Survivors.
  • Slightly increases charging speed on Frightful Death. (+10%)

Severed Human Tongue: A human tongue from a Crusading Knight.

  • Considerably increases charging speed on Frightful Death. (-30%)

Poisonous Scythe: A poisonous large scythe to be used on sacrificial victims.

  • At Fear charge 60, Hindered(-15%) status effect is applied to afflicted Survivors for 15 seconds.

Unholy Alliance: An alliance pact from the stuff of nightmares.

  • Increases the Fear gained Considerably while in Frightful Death pockets. (+30%)

Bloody Sheep Hide: A once beautiful white sheep hide reduced to a bloody mess.

  • At Fear charges 45, Survivor items are consumed faster Moderately. (+15%)

Pagan Ritual Book: A book of monstrous origin.

  • Tremendously decreasing Soil of Fear movement speed penalty. (+10%)

Scythe of Dismemberment: A scythe of pain, fear and torment.

  • Upon infliction of entrapment onto a Survivor with a Frightful Death pocket while Soil of Fear is active, all windows and pallets are blocked off within 8 meters for 15 seconds.
  • Upon infliction of damage onto a Survivor while in a Frightful Death pocket. All generators with 24 meters are regressed by 5%.

Rotten Liver: A half eaten rotten liver from a stillborn infant.

  • Once in Fear charge 15, a Survivor can no longer reduce Fear below that charge.
  • Fear charge 60, causes the Exposed status effect.


Survivor Name: Amanda Briggs

Difficulty: Easy

Survivor Appearance: 5’4”in / 1.646 meters tall, Age: 21, Female, Athletically fit with medium length Black colored hair, Brown eyes, Colorful Red skirt, Worn-out stained White shoes, torn-up dark pair of Black legging stockings, and a stained Gray shirt underneath her Brown fur jacket.


An expert magician and trickster deceiving monsters to raise hell another day. Amanda Briggs’ perks are: Lean on Me, Deception of Perception, and Now or Never, give her massive advantages in inspiration, deception and escaping.

Survivor Perks: 

“Lean on Me”: “You know how to sustain someone’s self worth.” 

When you have healed other Survivors for the equivalent of one Health State, Lean on Me activates. While Lean on Me is activated, the next time you are put into the Injured State will reveal the aura of the Killer to other Survivors for 6/8/10 seconds.

"It's alright, you go on ahead. I'm not gonna die on you, and leave you in a cold and cruel world!" - Amanda Briggs

“Deception of Perception”: “Your knowledge of deception is key to success.” 

You start the trial with 3/4/5 tokens. When another survivor misses a skill check within 16 meters of you the Loud Noise Indicator is ignored and you lose a token.

“Never believe your eyes, for they deceive you!” - Amanda Briggs

“Now or Never”: “Your trickster ways baffle your worst enemies.” 

When you stun the killer you leave no scratch marks for 4 seconds. Safe Bet has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds. 

“The hell with it! Let's cause some trouble.” - Amanda Briggs

Survivor's Lore: Amanda Briggs, once a troublemaker and con-artist to a poor family that lived in Paris, France. Her father would go drinking for hours on end to forget the horrors of WWI for he was a soldier of the Western Front. Her mother was a prostitute in order to put food on the table for the entire family. At age 14, Amanda would run away from her home to join a circus and become an apprentice to a very talented magician. At age 17, Amanda had mastered everything the magician could offer and how to escape any trap she would find herself in. At age 21, WWII had begun and she would become trapped in Poland during the Nazi Germany invasion with her circus in Warsaw. Fearful of her life and having seen what the Nazis did to unwanted folk back in 1938 Munich, Germany. Had caused her to run to Russian territory in hopes of escaping and fleeing back to France from Norway. During the process of running away, her magician mentor was struck down by artillery fire. Amanda had just witnessed the horrors of what to come in her life and the grief she feels for the loss of others. As Amanda had continue to evade the Nazis and made her way to Norway she would witness more of her circus die from starvation, bombings, gunfire, and of disease until she was only left alive. Amanda would indeed make her harsh, long, painful, and traumatic escape to Norway only to lose her way in the forests alone and scared. One night, Amanda would be searching for food and shelter when she would stumble upon the ruins of a village with the effigy of a scarecrow in the center of the courtyard. That’s when the air became fixed with a sickly miasma dense fog with laughter of unknown origins. Suddenly a spider-like appendages sprung forth from the pitch blackened sky forming a cage around her until they trapped her and transported her to another realm. Now by a campfire, Amanda, promises herself to help others to escape this nightmare.

Realm: Forgotten Home

Map: The Village

  • A large open field with the Killer shack in the middle with a three level church; including, a broken wooden barn, courtyard with a well, and five different village huts.

Map Lore: “Once a thriving community under the protection of The Fear is now a home of terrors of the likes never seen before. The village would suffer tremendously one day as Crusading Knights and Priests ravaged and forcefully converted the villagers to Christianity. All was dark about it, earth and sky, but it was lit with ominous dark orange lighting and severely dense fog that told doom to come. The moon ailing in some slow eclipse was the light of it now, wavering and blowing like a noisome exhalation of decay, a corpse-light, a light that illuminated nothing but dread. The sky would rain down heavily of that of blood with the laughter of a demented God like being. This realm and its putrefied effigy of decaying bodies is truly that of nightmares, and foremost the where The Fear must once dwelled here. This is what I dread the most as I see images of things that are unimaginable and also impossible to comprehend to the human mind.” - Unknown Journal #794

Map Offering: Bloodied Scythe


  • Adept Fear: Get a merciless victory with The Fear using only his unique 3 perks.
  • Adept Amanda: Escape as Amanda Briggs using only her unique 3 perks.
  • For Whom the Bell Tolls…: Repair a generator on the third level of the church and live to tell the tale.
  • Fear the Unknown: Trap one or more Survivors in a Frightful Death pocket with Soil of Fear activated 50 times.
  • Frightened to Death: Use the Fear's Mori on all Survivors in a single match.
  • No Taste Like Fear: While a Survivor is fully charged on Fear, Mori the Survivor inside a Frightful Death pocket without Soil of Fear activated.