BT Becomes Base Kit Will More Follow and Reduce The Grind?

I've recently been thinking since Patrick said in the last QNA stream we have no plans to make DS base kit but, didn't mention BT not becoming base kit. That makes me wonder if they go through with this and make BT base kit would more perks follow, and this would be BHVR's way of reducing the grind, making some perks base kit for both sides rather than removing the tier's?
I would prefer removing the tier's rather than making more perks base kit as that would reduce the variety in perks you'll end up against. Granted it's most of the time usually the same perks you end up seeing nowadays with both sides so don't know if it would change much but, still would prefer tiers gone.
I don’t like the idea of more perks being basekit that’s all I can say.
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Agree with you there.
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The current state of the game favours survivors a lot, if this perk becomes basekit... I wonder there won't be any killers, since is frustrating to go against all meta and basekit bt. Gen speeds are too problematic and also big maps. We keep nerfing killers but the maps and loops we don't look at.
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It’s better not be basekit
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Survivors already have every aura perk basekit, they don't need free bt.
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I'll never understand why killers are routinely close enough to the hook to trigger BT. It's a waste of time to circle the hook unless you're chasing a survivor. If you catch a survivor running in on the approach you injure them as they get to the hooked survivor and then down them after they rescue.
The real prize is being off and doing your own thing, seeing that the hooked survivor has been rescued and returning to the hook before they can fully heal. That can be devastating.
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BT isn't distance-based anymore.
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The terror radius requirement got removed nearly a year ago in 4.7.0.
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Not technically. Any unhooked survivor will get the endurance effect when unhooked with BT.
But if the killer is six, seven seconds away from the hook, they're not catching up in time to trigger it. So in practice, BT still only works if the killer is close to the hook.
Still, BT baseline is pretty dumb, IMO. It's a perk that supports hook bombing, it shouldn't be baseline. DS would be a better pick.
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Basekit BT means all survivors have 5 meta perks instead of 4. Pretty good job so far.
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There's also so many times I'll turn around after hooking a survivor and walk 2 steps and someone has already unhooked them.
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And that's exactly what I don't want encouraged. Which is why BT shouldn't be baseline.
DS would be fine, hookbombing for that is way more punishable with a slug.
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It better not be. It’s your fault if you unhook someone with no bt and they get downed
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Camping, tunneling, gen rushing are parts that make the game unfun. Im happy if they add BT as basekit, but there should also come with something that soften gen rushing as basekit.
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Plus you can bodyblock with bt so I hope that doesn't carry over the the base kit version.
DS base kit is a little scary and possibly very abuse able as well. I know alot of times I get unhooked and the killer is close and the person that unhooked me is hiding leaving me out to be farmed.
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I don't think it will reduce the grind at all. Because if BT becomes basekit they won't just straight up remove the current one, they'll probably rework it.
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First of all, if BT becomes Basekit (I am talking about the current effect, 100% becoming basekit), then current BT would have a different effect, so the number of Perks will remain the same. You have one less reason to level Bill, but thats about it when it comes to grind reduction.
Second, you dont know what they actually will do. They can also buff camping with that, reworking BT into something entirely different and giving 5 seconds of Endurance at base would be something which would buff camping. I highly doubt they will bring BT in its current state into the Basekit, they will probably think of another way to address camping, however, we dont know yet if it will actually be good. (Remember, the same Devs bring DS as an "Anti Tunnel Perk", despite being really bad at anti-tunnel... and it is the best option to have, which is sad)
Third, in general, the idea of a built-in Anti-Camping Method is good. Because it is a bad concept that as a Survivor on the Hook you have to rely on the other person having BT in order to have a chance to get away. Something where you have 0 control over.
But for the actual question - nah, it will not reduce the grind in the slightest.
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Why is there apprehension about BT being base kit? If you insist on tunneling then wait the 12 seconds before knocking them down.
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The issue is bhvr very rarely gives killer anything to compensate a flatout survivor buff. Or itll come 6 months later. Like how they gutted ruin but left toolboxes untouched. The game was unplayable those months. Any perk that becomes basekit for survivor, thats 4 people getting a free perk. No perk they give the killer would make up the difference. I hope bt does not become basekit.
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You get Bt which is great for solo queue.
I get baseline CI
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I'm more than happy with this trade tbh.