Spirit OP Add on



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Blueberry said:

    @willcenx said:
    Environment does not react to her phasing, which means that grass and other things don't move while she is walking on them using her power. You can't say if she is coming or not at all if she is using that addon. She can come to you and grab you wherever she wants, and you can do literally nothing about it. Unless you are an extrasensory.

    This is absolutely incorrect. The environment entirely does react with her during phasing. You can see grass and everything. Also on top of this you can simply run Premonition or Spine Chill to know she is coming. Iron Will also just counters her in general.

    Iron Will counters all the slow killers IMO.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @willcenx said:
    Environment does not react to her phasing, which means that grass and other things don't move while she is walking on them using her power. You can't say if she is coming or not at all if she is using that addon. She can come to you and grab you wherever she wants, and you can do literally nothing about it. Unless you are an extrasensory.

    This is absolutely incorrect. The environment entirely does react with her during phasing. You can see grass and everything. Also on top of this you can simply run Premonition or Spine Chill to know she is coming. Iron Will also just counters her in general.

    Iron Will counters all the slow killers IMO.

    It does the same against Hag, Nurse and Huntress as it does with Trapper, Hillbilly or any base movement speed killer. Spirit is especially countered by it, as opposed to others, who are just countered in a more general manner.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @powerbats said:

    @PixelatedDom said:

    You can compare to aspects on games that a fact. You can compare any game to another game if they have similar or basic things to compare. There is only 1 solid counter to this add on and you need a perk to counter it. if there is no grass you cannot see her or tell she is near you. Understand that there are so many options in this game and so many things to run and taking up 1 perk slot out of my 4 is a lot to ask. And no, dont use the dumb logic of, if its so OP then you should e able to do it. I dont play her and I dont play killers. Give me some time to practice killers and yeah I'd imagine I would do 100% better with this add on compared to not running it. Understand that there is only 1 real hard counter to this perk and that is why it is strong.

    I can compare other games to your issue and point out how other people manage in those games to adapt whereas you refuse to. There are 2 solid counters to her addon and both you refuse to use because it crimps your playstyle. The fact you refuse to run either of the 2 counters which by the way work on every killer but Myers in Evil Within I shows your the issue not ehr addon.

    Also my logic isn't dumb just because you disagree with it and don't like the fact it makes sense. You don't play killers yet say you can't compare other killers without actually having played killer. that's totally bad and contradictory logic there.

    There's 2 hard counters and most maps even Lery's have Grass and Myers in tier I can sneak up up on you when you're behind a wall. Amanda can sneak up on you behind a wall and you can't see her either. Wraith can sneak up on you behind a wall and you can't see him either.

    In fact all killers can sneak up on you behind a wall and if they have Tinkerer then you won't get a terror radius either. Your problem is and will remain the fact you refuse to change or adapt to one killer and 1 addon. I watched a streamer earlier play without either of those addon on Lery's and never get grabbed once. She wasn't near grass and couldn't see her coming nor hear her yet did just fine.

    The devs aren't going to remove an addon just because you refuse to use the available tools to counter it,e specially when that information has been given to you. If she had a 100% grab rate using this addon you'd see it get nerfed but since people adapt and learn to counter her they won't.

    IF you won't change or adapt and won't learn to play killer you'll keep getting nailed by her or any killer for that matter. It's obvious you're going to keep using the add on as an excuse for not changing instead of fixing the issue which is you.

    On wide open maps you can look and see her phase, on close maps it's all about situational awareness.

    You need to have a specific perk to counter her add on that is why it is OP, you can tell me to adapt all you want but only having 1 real hard counter to a add on is complete broken. And no you can see all of those other killers, her invisibility is just like Freddy's. You are completely invisible when you phase. therefor you cannot tell if she is near you. All of those other killers can be seen coming to your gen. You fail to see that clearly. And I can criticize killers even if I don't play them, I play against them all of the time, I understand what they do just as well as the killers themselves. Sure I can sacrifice one of my perks just in case I ever run into her with that add on again but personally I don't need that item on me 24/7 to deal with any other killer. The only time I would ever find it handy to use is against her with this add on. It needs to be nerfed.

    Yes you can see her coming via moving grass corn terrain etc. Or paying attention to where she hooks targets and predicting the behavior of the killer. Remeber she has no vision of you in sprirt world. So neither freddy or wraith are good examples. Its also a very rare add on that provides no power to her phasing minus hiding the whoosh noise so the spirits movement duration speed etc is weaker. I played against it and countered it by using my intuition and reading a killers movement via the hud health state below, bond, empathy etc. 
  • willcenx
    willcenx Member Posts: 176
    My friend and I recently tested it in kyf, and he said that he did not see grass moves on the way I was phasing. Well, thank you, now I want to check it myself.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    If she's pulling everyone off gens then I gen tap unless I know she's in a chase with someone else. If I get pulled off first well at least I know not to do it later.

    What do I do when Myers has stalked the hell out of my team, walks by me, taps M1 and instakills me?

    There are far worse things in the game.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:
    If she's pulling everyone off gens then I gen tap unless I know she's in a chase with someone else. If I get pulled off first well at least I know not to do it later.

    What do I do when Myers has stalked the hell out of my team, walks by me, taps M1 and instakills me?

    There are far worse things in the game.

    I've never been grabbed by her unless I'm trying to finish that last 1%and like you said paying attention is key to facing her. In that sense she's like both Wraith and Pig and yes Myers coming up and stalking you 1 second and hitting Evil II is just plain wrong.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    willcenx said:
    My friend and I recently tested it in kyf, and he said that he did not see grass moves on the way I was phasing. Well, thank you, now I want to check it myself.
    That shouldnt happen maybe report the bug if it persists. What about corn does it function in corn. If this is intended i would highly recomend the devs patch in this counterplay.
  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Who has a stockpile of prayer beads anyway? I dont ...

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    @DukeJukem said:
    the spirit is honestly overpowered garbage once shes mastered. her whooshing sound basically cant be heard if the chase music is blaring in your headset regardless of the no sound addon or not. and she insta un cloaks and can attack immediately with a speed boost, which is the main thing that makes the wraith suck. so basically shes everything amazing about the wraith with none of the downfalls with a slightly slower movement speed with the most insane mindgame potential plus she cant be blinded while she vaults and very rarely can u successfully blind her on pallets (same with hag)

    Boy this is a new level of salt

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    @Onionthing said:
    Who has a stockpile of prayer beads anyway? I dont ...

    tbh Im sitting on 80 of them, plus another 30 black wards...lol

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I'm a spirit main, but I do too find this addon quite strong. You can still see her scare crows or move grass, but this addon should have a down side like decreased duration.

  • aarongai
    aarongai Member Posts: 160

    It should be turned into a red add-on IMO. Not being able to see the killer, hear the terror radius, or have any indication they're approaching other than some wavy grass (which isn't even present on all maps) is pretty powerful. Only Spine Chill and Premonition really counter it, and it's impossible to know whether you'll need those perks before the game starts.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I've used it and most of the time I found the survivors they weren't on gens anyway.

    Had it used against me, I gen tapped whennI wssnt sure where she was, and did gens normally when she was in a chase.

    It's not THAT bad. Insta hatchets probably still more powerful. Sure they're but comparing ourples then tombstone piece is still far more OP. Killing healthy survivors #########?