When a baby SWF tries to bully u...

... just play clown. He's still a beast and with VHS porn he's definitely OP! As you can see from the picture, I didn't even have perks or a knife! And I don't play a lot of killer these days either.
That said, keep smiling and have a nice day :)
It was a massacre, so I don't want to go into detail. They were from the same country and switched at the last second so I'm guessing they were a SWF. Ofc they were not good. And to be fair, they brought me the coal tower as a gift. And we all know this map is clown sided. I had an early down on that Meg who didn't understand what VHS porn actually does. I hooked her into my perfect 4 gen constellation and patrolled my gens. Her matesdecided to finish 3 gens instead of unhooking her before stage 2.
I mean these guys wasted a lot of time on clicky clicky me and flashlight saves which didn't work. Even the hook sabotage didn't help them. If they only did the last 2 gens, they could have easily escaped with at least 2 mates.
Do you mind elaborating?
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3 times Self Care - I doubt those ppl knew what they were doing or even were a SWF. NO SWF would run that perk. Also one guy had COH and Self Care - I don't even....
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I do not like your in game name. No story either. None of them ran DS. One BT.
Those yellow flashlights must’ve been tough OP.
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How do you know they were SWF?
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How exactly they were bully squad? They all looks new survivors. Probably you were person who bullied them.
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Ive edited my first post for u :)
There's a reason I put "baby" in the title... I guess they were a swf because they were from the same country and switched at the last second. And they also played very offensively (flashy saves, locker and vault spamming) Sure, I don't know exactly, but solo guys don't usually play like that. They didn't answer me in the aftergame chat, otherwise I would have had to ask them.
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Sometimes I meme in DBD, play with ridiculous perk builds, and sometimes with no perks on both sides. That's why I'm also changing my ingame name. If you don't take the game too seriously, you'll have more fun :)
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its almost like.. now hear me out..
SWF... Are literally just people playing with friends???
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Even then you wouldn't run that perk. Self Care is basically the 5th killer perk. Why use SC if you can ask your friends to come meet up to heal at shack or w/e? Just makes NO sense at all.
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Because not every SWF are these death squads that every one on these forums keep talking about???
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My friends and me are everything but a death squad but NONE of us would ever even think about running SC. Stuff like No Mither for the lolz? Yeah sure but if I wanna watch ppl SC for 30 seconds, I just gonna solo q.
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Exactly, I guess a lot of SWF are not using only meta perks.
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Again, I repeat it for u - "I guess they were a swf because they were from the same country and switched at the last second. And they also played very offensively (flashy saves, locker and vault spamming) Sure, I don't know exactly, but solo guys don't usually play like that."
To selfcare - yeah, Im playing with friends which are not great at the game and still love this perk. And Im not the guy who tells his friends, what perks they have to use. I dont like selfcare, but I cannot stop people using it.
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...what does that add on do? Lol
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It makes the pee bottle clouds purple and the purple bottle clouds become yellow :)
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So you face camped the first person you downed and are bragging?
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You have never seen my swf. Killers fear us. Bown down.
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Jesus! Do you know what satire is? Read my first sentence again, you might notice something: "... just play clown. He's still a beast and with VHS porn he's definitely OP!"
And nope, against this team facecamping wasnt necessary. Also not tunneling. I was patrolling 4 gens around the hook, so u could consider it proximity camping, yes. They could have unhook Meg easily, but they didnt. 2 hooks later I met Meg again and ofc I hooked her and she died.
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As far as I know, Coal Tower is balanced (one of the few). What makes you think it's Clown sided?
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There is actually no clown sided map in dbd. Don't take me too seriously. But Coal Tower is indeed one of the better maps for killers.
Post edited by Bartlaus on0 -
The steam name is probably my favourite part of this whole thread
Thank you for the giggle