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JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
edited December 2018 in General Discussions
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  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495

    Is Freddy OP now too?? WERE YOU ONE OF THE ONES THAT NERFED HIM?!?!? Or did you just buy the game like a month ago??

    I had game since the pig, and no Freddy isn't op, but NOED needs changes.
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @JanTheMan said:
    PhantomMask20763 said:

    Is Freddy OP now too?? WERE YOU ONE OF THE ONES THAT NERFED HIM?!?!? Or did you just buy the game like a month ago??

    I had game since the pig, and no Freddy isn't op, but NOED needs changes.

    OK, I don't like noed but when I play survivor I normally find the totem in seconds. RNG at it's finest I guess. A totem counter would be nice so survivors can see how many totems are left and maybe slow the game down a bit because they want to cleanse all the totems

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Just... cleanse the totems? The dull ones aren't any harder to find.
  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    NOED would be fine and way less frustrating without the speed boost.

    Hope was originally the counter to it but with a one shot now on tier one, well yeah.

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    If y'all let NOED itself bring about 2 kills by a Doc, well... Well.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Delete this thread, seriously if every survivor cleansed the totems they saw it is 1,10s as each takes around 14 seconds, if everyone did at least one thats no time at all, dont complain about perk you are in control of and instead of sitting afk on a gen rushing to end game, NOED was change to a totem perk for a simple reason, not to gift killers a win at the end but to take you off a gen for a few seconds to help prolong the game.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I understand your frustration, but it's a fairly easy fix. Just count the totems as you cleanse them, and make sure you get all 5. You already know that most killers run NOED nowadays, and it has a hard counter if you decide you want to counter it. So cleanse any totems you see, take note of broken ones, and make sure all 5 are taken out by the time the gates are powered. Make it a priority if you're up against a Wraith, Myers, Freddy, Nurse, or other killers who typically run NOED.

    Also, pay attention to their other perks to work out the likelihood of their having NOED. There are a lot of ways to figure out what perks the killer is running. Most killer perks which affect you directly notify you of their presence (e.g. all the other hex perks, Sloppy Butcher, Overwhelming Presence, Make Your Choice) or make themselves obvious when they activate (e.g. Iron Grasp, Bamboozle, Franklin's Demise, and to a lesser extent Tinkerer). If you're the obsession and you're not running anything like Decisive Strike that increases your chances of being the obsession, then you know that the killer is running an obsession perk like Play With Your Food, Save the Best for Last, Rancour or Dying Light (the latter two of which also make themselves obvious to the obsession in other ways - seeing the killer's aura when a generator is completed, and doing altruistic actions faster, respectively). Still others, such as BBQ & Chilli, Nurse's Calling, Bitter Murmur, or Territorial Imperative can be fairly accurately guessed at if the killer appears to know exactly where you are after someone is hooked, when you're healing, when a generator is completed, or when you enter the basement.

    All this to say that while yes, NOED is a strong perk when it works and can be a total game changer, especially for a particularly altruistic team, it's actually not overpowered when you think about the fact that it can be hard countered with a bit of effort and the killer can't really do much to protect it - not to mention you get bloodpoints for countering it - and on top of that, if you pay close enough attention sometimes you won't even need to bother with the counter because you already know they're not running it anyway.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    I believe in powerful perks, both for killers and survivors: those who choose a perk must have a tangible advantage compared to those who do not possess it; it must be something more than a simple colored icon at the bottom right of the screen, it must, in short, make the difference. In all the threads I have opened or to which I have contributed my position has always been to strengthen the perks, not to make them insignificant. :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @twistedmonkey While I agree that NOED doesn't need a nerf, I think you're seriously underestimating the cost of countering it. The time cost isn't how long it takes to cleanse all the totems, it's the time it takes to find all 5, and if multiple people are cleansing, the time it takes to say, cleanse 3 and then find the other 2 broken ones to confirm that they are, in fact, broken. Takes several minutes at least, if you're lucky. More often it takes at least half the game, assuming you don't have a perk like small game to help. Obviously it's quicker then, but most people don't run small game.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Do the totems next time

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited November 2018

    its only 5 totems.
    most of the time very poorly hidden too.
    if you have any problems with noed, you just need to get good.

    please stop beating a dead horse, this perk is already very close to the line from "ok" to "trash". it does not need any more nerfs.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @Fibijean said:
    @twistedmonkey While I agree that NOED doesn't need a nerf, I think you're seriously underestimating the cost of countering it. The time cost isn't how long it takes to cleanse all the totems, it's the time it takes to find all 5, and if multiple people are cleansing, the time it takes to say, cleanse 3 and then find the other 2 broken ones to confirm that they are, in fact, broken. Takes several minutes at least, if you're lucky. More often it takes at least half the game, assuming you don't have a perk like small game to help. Obviously it's quicker then, but most people don't run small game.

    Personally I don't think i am underestimating anything, now if you apply it to one survivor only then yes it can take a long time and I think the case for it taking a long time with everyone looking only applies to certain maps like Lery's or the game, most other maps you will end up walking/running past a totem to get to a gen, how often have you saw someone on a gen and a totem right beside them?

    The overall problem is not everyone actually cleanses them and i find it is generally those people who don't cleanse them that complain, the only issue is if you are the only one doing them is you can not tell if others have ignored then which is probably more than likely the case, if you are running around the map the chances are you will always see one or two totems at least (again apart fro Lerys or The Game), the fact is NOED is designed to slow the game down and to stop survivors just sitting on gens or be punished at the end game which it seems to do a pretty good job of.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    Dull totems are poorly hidden, it should be in your moral code to DO THE (Censored) TOTEMS IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE KILLED INSTANTLY!!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Have you tried to... you know... destroying it yourself? 
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838
    edited November 2018

    Okay. I understand, every point of view.
    But....NOED should go back pre patch. Rank 3 NOED only for Exposed Status.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2018

    Good killers don't run NOED, because good killers don't count on you powering the gates.

    Generally speaking, my perk build is made to keep you from doing that.

    NOED works like this in red ranks:

    1: They destroy all the dull totem

    2: You down one person, they notice the insta down, and hunt down that last totem they missed. Sure you got that last hook you wanted, but now you gotta camp it, cause NOED is gone and the gates are open.

    I'll take the black pip and move to the next game. Screw NOED. on anyhting but defensive killers (hag can make good use of it) and even then, you shouldn't be counting on the end of the game like that.

  • You can delete NOED yourself. 

    Just do totems.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @JanTheMan said:
    This perk is so stupid. I had I game were a doctor was running this perk (tier 1 oc) and got an easy 2 kills because of it. I did most of the gens, when for saves, stayed stealthy, even cleansed some totems too. But nope he hits me once the whole game and I die. He wouldn't have even found me if he didn't have bitter murmured too, I was in madness 1 the whole game also. He ended up camping me and nodded his head, as well as hitting on hook, like why? Someone tried to save me and they got killed bcause of NOED too. The Devs really need to rework this perk, it allows bad killers to get kills.

    We can trade it with DS, kill them both

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Okay. I understand, every point of view.
    But....NOED should go back pre patch. Rank 3 NOED only for Exposed Status.

    Sure, but then only lvl 3 SC should give 50% heal bonus and only DS lvl 3 should enable survivors to backstab. 

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,140
    Get rid of totems then 
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    Okay. I understand, every point of view.

    But....NOED should go back pre patch. Rank 3 NOED only for Exposed Status.

    Sure, but then only lvl 3 SC should give 50% heal bonus and only DS lvl 3 should enable survivors to backstab. 


    The purpose of Decisive Strike since its start is to do what it was intended.
    NOED Rank 3 started as having the Exposed Status effect. And I don't care about Self Heal. Any self heal is better than nothing.

    But Rank 1 NOED having Exposed Status Effect?
    A bit too much.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    Okay. I understand, every point of view.

    But....NOED should go back pre patch. Rank 3 NOED only for Exposed Status.

    Sure, but then only lvl 3 SC should give 50% heal bonus and only DS lvl 3 should enable survivors to backstab. 


    The purpose of Decisive Strike since its start is to do what it was intended.
    NOED Rank 3 started as having the Exposed Status effect. And I don't care about Self Heal. Any self heal is better than nothing.

    But Rank 1 NOED having Exposed Status Effect?
    A bit too much.

    So we got a deal then?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    RuneStarr said:

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:
    Since they buffed it nearly every killer is using it. 

    If every killer is using it, doesn't that make it an even easier decision to hunt totems before the last gen pops?

    Using logic and common sense on this forum. Are you out of your mind?!
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    NOED is probably the reason why the escape rate is less than 50%.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited November 2018

    @Tsulan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    Okay. I understand, every point of view.

    But....NOED should go back pre patch. Rank 3 NOED only for Exposed Status.

    Sure, but then only lvl 3 SC should give 50% heal bonus and only DS lvl 3 should enable survivors to backstab. 


    The purpose of Decisive Strike since its start is to do what it was intended.
    NOED Rank 3 started as having the Exposed Status effect. And I don't care about Self Heal. Any self heal is better than nothing.

    But Rank 1 NOED having Exposed Status Effect?
    A bit too much.

    But....its called no one escapes death. Not hex: speed racer.

    The big point of the perk is the exposed part. The movement speed is nice...but..  yeah...that's not why killers run it XD.
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Carpemortum said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    ReneAensland said:

    Okay. I understand, every point of view.
    But....NOED should go back pre patch. Rank 3 NOED only for Exposed Status.
    Sure, but then only lvl 3 SC should give 50% heal bonus and only DS lvl 3 should enable survivors to backstab. 



    The purpose of Decisive Strike since its start is to do what it was intended.

    NOED Rank 3 started as having the Exposed Status effect. And I don't care about Self Heal. Any self heal is better than nothing.

    But Rank 1 NOED having Exposed Status Effect?

    A bit too much.

    But....its called no one escapes death. Not hex: speed racer.

    The big point of the perk is the exposed part. The movement speed is nice...but..  yeah...that's not why killers run it XD.

    I'm not saying get rid of it. But you shouldn't let a ######### Rank 20-11 carry a Level 1....oh....
    I just got it.

    It's catering to noob casual players.
    Yeah, you cater to noobs, community will get angry.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @Carpemortum said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Tsulan said:

    ReneAensland said:

    Okay. I understand, every point of view.
    But....NOED should go back pre patch. Rank 3 NOED only for Exposed Status.
    Sure, but then only lvl 3 SC should give 50% heal bonus and only DS lvl 3 should enable survivors to backstab. 



    The purpose of Decisive Strike since its start is to do what it was intended.

    NOED Rank 3 started as having the Exposed Status effect. And I don't care about Self Heal. Any self heal is better than nothing.

    But Rank 1 NOED having Exposed Status Effect?

    A bit too much.

    But....its called no one escapes death. Not hex: speed racer.

    The big point of the perk is the exposed part. The movement speed is nice...but..  yeah...that's not why killers run it XD.

    I'm not saying get rid of it. But you shouldn't let a ######### Rank 20-11 carry a Level 1....oh....
    I just got it.

    It's catering to noob casual players.
    Yeah, you cater to noobs, community will get angry.

    Fair point, but it also probably shouldnt be a universal perk either so that literally a day 1 killer can obtain it. So even if it was a t3 requirement. A rank 20 killer can still get it easily.
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    Or Dead by Daylight should start doing what most MMORPG's and FPS do.
    At higher levels unlock stronger Perks.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Funny thing.
    When you think NOED is just for bad killers.
    Why every survivors uses adrenalin?
    Adrenalin is in the meta for survivors.
    When you said NOED is for noobs, then adrenalin
    is for noobs, too.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    @ReneAensland schrieb:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Funny thing.
    When you think NOED is just for bad killers.
    Why every survivors uses adrenalin?
    Adrenalin is in the meta for survivors.
    When you said NOED is for noobs, then adrenalin
    is for noobs, too.

    You have to level up Meg for that.
    And I rarely see Adrenaline users.


    Its a meta perk.
    The others are DS, Self Care and Sprint Boost.
    And on high rank everyone used it.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited November 2018
    ShyN3ko said:

    @ReneAensland schrieb:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Funny thing.
    When you think NOED is just for bad killers.
    Why every survivors uses adrenalin?
    Adrenalin is in the meta for survivors.
    When you said NOED is for noobs, then adrenalin
    is for noobs, too.

    You have to level up Meg for that.
    And I rarely see Adrenaline users.

    Its a meta perk.
    The others are DS, Self Care and Sprint Boost.
    And on high rank everyone used it.

    No...not at all...SB OR adrenaline sure, and I think you mean crutch perks...not meta... adrenaline isnt that popular.

    Also, the same 4 perks to be used as an example? 

    Also, noed as someone else said is for bad players. Bad killers use it because bad survivors still die to it. 
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    If NOED is for bad killers...

    And you lost to a killer using NOED....

    Well, surely you can connect the dots.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Funny thing.
    When you think NOED is just for bad killers.
    Why every survivors uses adrenalin?
    Adrenalin is in the meta for survivors.
    When you said NOED is for noobs, then adrenalin
    is for noobs, too.

    You have to level up Meg for that.
    And I rarely see Adrenaline users.

    I see adrenaline a lot.

    I hate NOED as much as rhe next guy, but when you get teams with 3 DS and 3 Adrenaline it makes it fair.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited November 2018

    @ShyN3ko said:

    @ReneAensland schrieb:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Funny thing.
    When you think NOED is just for bad killers.
    Why every survivors uses adrenalin?
    Adrenalin is in the meta for survivors.
    When you said NOED is for noobs, then adrenalin
    is for noobs, too.

    You have to level up Meg for that.
    And I rarely see Adrenaline users.


    Its a meta perk.
    The others are DS, Self Care and Sprint Boost.
    And on high rank everyone used it.

    I've only used DS for teh Laurie Adept and tried it 6x before that, never used it again.
    I've never used Adrenaline except for Meg's adept, never used it after.
    I've not used Sprint Burst in over 4 months or so except on the characters that have nothing better and that was also months ago.

    So no not everyone uses all those perks, especially at rank 1.

    I've seen the following perks all the way to 1.

    Balanced Landing
    Self Care
    Sprint Burt
    Borrowed Time
    Plunderers Instinct
    Ace In The Hole
    Decisive Strike

    Those are just a few of the ones I've seen and the so called meta isn't such a meta anymore for quite a lot of ppl.

    Oh and cleanse the totems, I manage to do it all the time and the only time NOED gets me is because I'm on the hook. Because I've cleared one entire side of the map of 3-4 totems and thought the other 3 people got the last one because they were all on that side of the map entire game.

    The other times NOED has gotten me is when 1 totem is super wll hidden and or the killer protects it's area really well. This happens with a 3 gen strat and it much rarer.

    As a killer I've gotten 2-4k with it because I never ran Ruin except for the adept. and got told that I was a bad killer for using it. I responded cleanse the totem and the response I got from the tea bagging Jake was that he didn't have time to cleanse dull totems since Ruin wasn't in effect.

    Post edited by powerbats on
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    edited November 2018
    There’s a difference between which kind of killers use noed, one side is good and the others are bad...
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Vietfox said:
    Yup, that's why i always run small game.

    @JanTheMan Look, here's the solution to NOED.
    It's the perfect counter.
    Cause god forbid that you actually change your build to counter common-used abilities.
    Trust me when i say i don't like running Enduring as a standard Perk. But i gotta.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Small Game is a good perk to counter NOeD.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    not_Queen said:7

    Hello @JanTheMan !
    I can understand the frustration you experienced but we will not delete NOED. As a matter of fact, we recently changed all tiers of NOED to be consistant with the perk's main power (as we did for Self Care). If you have issues with NOED, there are lots of ways to go around it as a survivor. Good tricks have been shared to you on this post on how to fight this perk!


    I'll be sleeping well tonight, haha. 
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Its not noeds fault survivors rush a match, if it activates that is the survivors allowing the killer an advantage. Don't like it, search your corners.