DBD Trade Block
So I want to play a game between killer mains, and survivor mains- neutrals can play too…but this is more of a therapeutic session for opposing sides. The idea came to me while joking around in another thread with @KingSiege45 shoutout to him.
So how it works is one side proposes a trade, and the opposition can either accept or make a counter offer until both sides come to an agreement. So for example, in the other thread KingSiege suggested making Corrupt Intervention base kit for killers since the devs were considering making Borrowed Time a base kit for survivors. So I jokingly proposed since he’s doing trades, Survivors will concede the RPD map to be removed if “we” can get Midwich the hell on up out of our game, in which he accepted with good humor.
Another hope I have for this game is to “put” each opposing side in “each others’ shoes.” Showing that one side is willing to accept something favoring their “team” but willing to give it up if it means removing something the opposite “team” knows favors them, may help the community to heal. It really is all in jest, but be reasonable with your trade propositions- it’s all about being fair, balance, and most importantly- compromise. The floor is now open to you guys- have fun with it!
NOED for Dead hard
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Hmmmmm interesting! Any takers?
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This is the deal
for survivors:
coh stays the same
dead hard and no mither get deleted
get 5 perks
base kit corrupt
more gen regression on kicks
hows this?
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This is fun not gonna lie
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Survivors get 4% speed increase with Dark Theory but the turning animations that got scrapped in the PTB come back.
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I thought you were a survivor main with that avatar!
what turning animations in the PTB? Did killers have something smoother?
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I play both lmao Claire is just my babe
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Ahhhh neutral ok.
Counter offer:
everything you said EXCEPT killers remain at 4perks, kindred is base kit, & survivors want barbecue in exchange for dead hard. DH is best survivor perk, so asking for barbecue is only fair.
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In the 4.5.0 ptb, there were quick turns that made the survivor turn on their heels in the other direction when done correctly. It looked really really cool but it took away 360's and people cried about it, thus removing it forever. A wasted effort...
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I will trade:
- Entirety of COH (1)
- RPD is removed from map rotation entirely and is only available in KYF (2)
- Swimsuit cosmetics for all original survivors (3)
- Self-Care's heal is now 28 seconds long (up from 32 seconds). (1)
- RPD is removed from map rotation entirely and is only available in KYF (2)
- We restore Pyramid Head's cake (3)
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CoH gets deleted
Dead Hard gets deleted
NOED gets deleted
Nurse gets nerfed to Blight level
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Remove Trickster from killer. Add him as survivor. Good trade.
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no one would play him lmao
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I would! Imagine he is laughing after stunning killer. He would be my new fav survivor.
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Eh barbecue Isn’t even that great just used for bloodpoints. No mither has to get deleted tho Terrible perk
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I trade:
No NOED and No Deadhard.
No SWF with comms and No DS and killers wont camp or slugging.
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Only his blades can be the killer. The rest of the killer as survivor lol imagine you hear his lulaby but ypu only see blades floating.
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Cool but tunnelling is staying. So you will need DS. Slugging is not that big problem.
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Okay no tunneling,no camping not slugging lets play as the game is meant to be.
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I will sacrifice half of the perks in the killers blood web(because most suck) and spirit(because i suck at playing her)
In exchange, survivors lose any and all forms of voice communication and the button to crouch :p
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I will gladly trade away comms but I still want to choose who I want to play with
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Really? This is my first time hearing about this. I’ll need to YouTuBe that. Interesting…
Lol I like this. He’s not that fun to play with or against. Deal.
Mmmm Nurse can stay as is, but give us Pop Goes the Weasel for DH instead, and you have yourselves a deal.
counter offer: PGTW instead.
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Feel free to let me know what you think of it. :>
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Counter offer:
I'll trade:
- - Shirtless cosmetics for all male survivors
- -Shirtless cosmetics for all male killers
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Why stop at the bois?
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I propose that in exchange for me hooking you, you get a fancy hat
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I trade living breathing killers for bots that are skilled but programmed not to tunnel or camp.
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Don't take my No-Mither! Instead, combine Dead Hard and No-Mither, how does that sounds.
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Throw in RPD and we have a deal
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Add in basically every janky hit box and I'll accept
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I would trade Dead Hard and CoH for no tunneling, straight up.
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i would make that trade in a heartbeat as a mostly survivor main. those animations looked way better and janky 360's are dumb
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