2/3 weks out and nurse is back, sad times

didnt miss her never will.
Glad the best-designed and best-balanced killer is back. Missed playing as and against her.
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I'm not the biggest fan of playing her (she feels a little one-note) but I've never minded playing against her, unless she goes in hard on slugging.
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"best desgined" LOL joke right? she doesnt play dead by daylight she plays her own game breaking every single mechanic survivors can use yo defend themselves. they have nothing aside from perks like dead hard that only work once in a chase then ded. (if she is good there is nothing u can do)
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If you try to loop her like every other killer, then you're doing it wrong.
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Very glad she's back so I can play as her while hoping I don't face a good one for a while.
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We missed you ;)
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The super balanced corrupt pop pr dms with double recharge and midwhich offering, ah yes
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Oh no,a killer that actually rewards playing well is back,that means I have to get good at the game,sad times.
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I'm glad this game is now slightly less survivor sided, SWFs can actually have good opponent to play with.
Doesn't seems like a nurse problem at all.
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R.I.P my fun playing dbd for 3 weeks
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Im gonna play only Nurse the next 3 weeks for u <3
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Busted killer perk synergies exist on every higher tier killer. Not a Nurse problem. You ever run into a good Cenobite with Thanat/DMS/PR/Corrupt and Engineer's Fang?
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Learn to mindgame.
Wow, strong killer with strong build with strong add-ons on the best possible map for them is strong, ah yes. Yes, that is clearly the killer issue. You have any more wisdom like that?
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Exactly why I think she is the best designed. She is the only killer who changes the game in its entirety. And also "if she is good there is nothing u can do" yeah if you were good too you could do something...
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Start double backing in different directions instead of south, like southwest or southeast. It's easy to tell if she's blinking towards the ground, since she'll be blinking for way too long and you won't see the white trail go past you. Go in a bunch of different directions when dodging her blinks instead of the same 1 or 2 directions. You have 360 degrees movement for a reason, stop running in 2 different directions in straight lines like some bot. Move erratically.
You can also learn to double back at the perfect time, right as she blinks, but that's a bit more tricky, since you'll have to predict the exact time she lets go of right click and double back.
Early in a round, try to tell if she's a good nurse, like seeing if she doesn't fall for out of sight double backs. If she doesn't start committing instead of trying to double back all the time. When she starts realizing that you're not double backing anymore, then start to double back.
Use your surroundings a lot, like trees, rocks, and of course walls or structures. Of course don't really loop them. One thing I like to do is if I see a locker and she starts blinking or is charging it up, hop into it. She cannot open the locker unless she blinks and heads to fatigue. Of course it's not that good if she has double recharge, but most nurses run one recharge and one distance addon.
Also run dead hard, but 90 percent of survivors run it (including me), so I probably don't need to tell you that.
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Exactly thanks for exmplaining what i said and why she doesnt play dead by daylight like the rest of the cast, she plays her own game where nothing you can do to beat her IF she is decent at the game.
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not really im slowly leaving this crap game. been 3 weeks, will be more probably forever very soon, players been decreasing lately, not impressed. i hope keeps like that.
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seems u didnt read what i said. "if she is good". bad nurses never were a problem to me, i have 4k hours in this game. good nurses are the problem, agaisnt them there is nothing u can do, and holding w and press e to last 30 seconds at best is not fun.
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yeah i know. especially when i were one of those who actually payed for dlcs and skins, i hope more like me leave aswell.
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Nurse can’t be the only reason you’re leaving now, or you’d have left long ago. Nurse is fine in her current state.
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Different killers require different counterplay.
It's notthe killers fault if somebody refuses to change their play style
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yes and all of them require using game mechanics created for survivors to use and defend themselves, she is the only one who can ignore every single one of them single handedly.
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You do realize mindgaming and cutting off LOS is a mechanic that survivors have available to them too, right?
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We need more content - not less.
It is good that she is back. At mid level mmr you don´t face her often anyways.
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LOL You completely missed the point of what they were saying, possibly intentionally. If you cannot adapt to playing differently against certain killers, then the problem is with you, not the killer.
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I gave examples of what you can do against nurses that try to read your mind games since generally all good nurses know about mind games survivors do against nurses. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do "good nurses" do that there's simply absolutely nothing you can do against them?
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"I don't know how to run a Nurse, therefore Nurse has no counter-play, waaaah" 😂
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My favourite trick is when a nurse is about to blink just FOV tech her or jump into a locker out of line of sight.
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As an alleged "super killer biased player", I have to say she can be removed from the game for all I care. Awful design.
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Have you considered adapting?
Break the line of sight as often as possible. Don't try to run in circles. Be erratic and unpredictable.
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it seems u didnt see the part where i said "if she is good" have 4 thousand hours in this game... dont need people to teach me how to play the game agaisnt her. thos mindgames and tricks dont work IF IF IF IF IF (lets see if now you get it) she is good.
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I like how survivors are actually afraid of bug-free nurse.
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Fun fact, there are also god-tier survivors/squads that know how to go against also god-tier killers.
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As already mentioned, god tier nurses are extremely rare.
Since most people don't have problems against 90% of nurse players (leading to her abysmal low kill rate), I can only assume that the problem is on your side of the screen.
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If my teammates didn't instantly DC/instantly suicide against every nurse I came up against, I wouldn't mind playing against her so much. When every Nurse game is a 3v1 within a minute of the match starting, it gets old really fast.