Bought the game Feb 15th and after 72hs of gameplay: Iridescent I

Kokujin Member Posts: 28
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

After several years without a viable gaming computer, I got one. With that, the desire to play something. After research, I decided to play DBD (I'm 40 with a toddler, so yeah, one game), I love horror movies and this was my opportunity to not make the "mistakes" killers make on movies.

After analysing the Killer pool, I noticed I would enjoy playing Deathslinger, but I wouldnt start DBD with a ranged killer. So I began to accumulate bloodpoints with Wraith, grinded til I was Silver III with it, than I changed to Legion and got Gold I, switched to Deathslinger and got Iridescet II and finaly got Iridescet I on Trickester today. In beetwen I played some games with Clown as well.

I'm having great frun with the game, even so that I bought every chapter today with the sale promotion, but getting to the highest grade so fast is kinda weird. I havent even learned all the maps yet, I dont even have a single killer at 50. It feels wrong. At the very least, incomplete. There has to be something else to measure, and display, the actual "godness" of a player, and Im far from being top tier, but I would like to actually know how good I'm compared to others, like chess ELO.

Thats it, 2c worth of opinion.


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited March 2022

    'Grade' is weird.

    As a killer, it's not hard to get Iri 1, particularly if you 'manage' your MMR. However, some killers don't grade nearly as well as others (Myers or Billy for instance are awful at grading, while Wraith and Demogorgon tend to do it easily).

    It's substantially harder to do it on survivor I find, at least past Gold 1.

    That said - grading really is more a reflection of time spent than skill.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Welcome to the Fog. Hope you enjoy your stay.

    Grades aren't used as a metric of skill, it's like a badge that shows how much you played within a limited amount of time. Grades are used to calculate how many Bloodpoints you will gain once your Grade resets

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    edited March 2022

    You don't lose Grade after a bad performance, but you still have to do decent to gain Grade at higher Grades.

    Getting there as a new player with IRL responsibilities/limited time is a great accomplishment!
