recent meta

anyone feeling like both sides are being very boring with there perk selection and play style as of recent, I thought it would be the opposite considering the new killer.
im just posting this to see if anyone else is having this because maybe its an off day
Killer perk meta has more variety than it's ever had. It's the killer variety and playstyles that might be what's causing things to feel stale or boring
As for survivor the meta hasn't budged in like 3 years. Circle of Healing is 'meta' but it's not a perk you'll see 4 survivors running like you would with DS or DH.
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The meta has been stale for forever. The only real difference lately are that perks like COH and the PR/DMS combo are now part of it.
The new killer didn't really come with anything meta changing. The best perks are parental guidance and call of brine, and they don't really compete with meta perks even if they're pretty decent.
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Recent? It's been stale for a really long time.
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Because survivors have not any meta-changer perk. BT and DS needed perks for anti-tunnel and anti-camp. Dead Hard is op and ofcourse it is most popular perk. And usually last perk is CoH or something else. Yeah survivor meta is boring but little variety. I mean how you can counter tunnelling without BT and DS. You need to put this perks on your builds.
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its just with the recent addition of the new killer, people for some reason are pre-dropping constantly, etc, which makes versing her and playing her boring af. i just dont get it tbh
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It wouldn't be a problem if the pallets were so safe. I'm just saying. Also there isn't stretched res anymore so they probably pre drop cause they don't get that extra screen. Of course, I'm not saying all of them used stretch res, just a good chunk of them.
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You mean to tell me someone complained that you WEREN'T running full meta? Smh.
I always try to mix it up as survivor and I have a lot of off-meta builds I like running. As killer it's more difficult to do that without losing.
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its just annoying when for once its not a chase killer so then people can have a different way to verse her except they have two much time to react to the tvs with the sound being directional, etc and she has a lullyby which while its not consistant thats not the point like why does she have one and then she has flickers for chase but people pre drop so your forced to break and w game with them, just sad to see
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Yeah she's a stealth killer that is lacking in the stealth aspect. I'm sure they'll buff her and remove things like the lullaby cause I can't imagine her kill rates being good.