The word "Rancor" is banned from the Dbd chat!?

It's real, I'm not joking.
Really Devs? You censored the name of a perk from the in game chat? WHAT?
Pretty good job so far BHVR, as always...
Please do not use banned words here on the forum, sir. We are trying to cultivate a family friendly environment in a game about brutally murdering people...
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Oh no, how dare you spot the hypocrisy of society! :D
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The censor actually proved to be completely useless and inadequate numerous times. I've had non-bad words blocked left and right, including basic in-game terminology (i.e. camping), names of characters (i.e. Smithson, which is Nurse's surname), names of perks and simply random words that can't be possibly percieved as insults or else by any single somewhat sane person on this planet as a whole.
Not to mention that you can still cuss like crazy and say all sorts of graphic stuff in any other language, most notably Russian.
So I actually just don't understand, why this censor still exists and why it isn't an optional feature.
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Yeah I actually just found this out! I was trying to tell my team that I noped out because the killer had Rancor on me and it was censored? I kind of understand names of killers because they are real names but really? Rancor?
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a lot of words are banned like names too atm its more censorship than a real filter . the real filter is : end the game and go to the next without open the chat
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I wish the censor thing was optional, some of us dont really give a ######### about bad words, also if people are using hate speech etc then that's documented in chat logs and these people are easily identified and banned by reports
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Cell is a banned word
phone is a banned word
I don't know how those are considered bad words but wow....
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A message containing nothing but the letter ‘y’ got censored for me.
It’s utterly nonsensical, is what it is.
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don't worry, german gets hit very hard when trying to talk.
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I found out yesterday that "ggswp" is also a banned word, or at least for me it is. Some words are banned for some people whilst not banned for others. It's weird.
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you can say the magic word for poop but not obliviousness or Rancor or phone. it's basically roblox logic
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guess we should change the perk name.
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Personally, I find censorship to be offensive. Is there any way to censor the censorship without censoring it?
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Yeah I think even the UK spelling of it is censored
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The number '11000' is banned from the chat.
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But at least BHVR is trying to think of the poor kids, isnt that all that matters?
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the censor is dumb, its trying to ban "buzzword" to prevent shaming and insults but it turns the chat into a mess.
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From what I know, some words seems to get censored for some but not for others.
I wonder if it has something to do with how much one uses the chat.
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Lol really? Why XD
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"GGs wp all" is censored. The chat filter makes normal communication more often than not impossible, can't even talk about the game with half the perks, survivors, maps, concepts and killers being censored words.
I don't know how you can be so bad at your job. I would be embarrassed if i was the person who programmed this or the person who approved this or the person who allows this to continue to be part of their software.
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Maybe to avoid spreading spreading personal data.Phone and cell are common banned words in games.
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Ggwp all banned.GG ezzzz not banned mmmhhhh🤔
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Really this is the first game that I have seen that blocks those words, but that makes sense.
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I did in some mmorpgs suppose its for protect childrens.Usually several numbers in succesion are also banned.
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Wow huh that's a new one for me.
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Someone needs to make a list of banned words to send to bhvr lol censorship is a bit much for so many words or They could add in a opt out feature like the new wiggle skill checks. I personally couldnt care less about how people want to insult me and would rather read it over guessing in my head what ###### was saying
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The german word for german is censored.
Which should tell you everything you need to know about the chat filter.
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Deustch is banned ? Why? I keep supposing is for avoiding giving information of you.
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ive said it multiple times before and i will say it again:
there is no reason for the chat filter to be a mandatory addition.
let. us. disable. it.
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I think it's either Michael or Myers that is also banned from the dbd chat 😂
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Don't type the name 'Jake Park' into the dbd lobby/endgame chat
Worst mistake of my life
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Yes! Deutsch and Deutschland, as well as France, uk, etc. are censored. No idea why tho.
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The adaptive nature of the filter is so very strange. Just a couple of weeks ago I said "rancor" in chat with no issue. Did things change for all, or am I in the allowed-to-say-rancor elite?
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Are you secretly a rancor? 0_0
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Maybe off topic, but anyone else run into the problem of the chat just being open randomly after a match? I sometimes put effort in closing all chats, especially if I had a run of a few bad matches, and have noticed that at times the chat just opens itself.
Like can they add a setting under settings to just disable the whole chat bubble. That way it can't open randomly or you accidently open it.
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No, I'm more of a bantha.
No, have not personally experienced that. I have chat hidden roughly half of the time but the game reliably remembers for it to stay hidden when I want it to be. I would appreciate the option to disable the whole bubble in settings though, for those times when I'm really not feeling up to it.
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If you speak of Rancor too often the beast may reveal itself.........
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The first rule of Rancor, you don't talk about Rancor.
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i swear they just randomly decide which words to censor and which not to, normally i feel like there's some explanation or reason for the various issues with the game but this is just absurd.
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The word insta is also banned for some reason. You can say kill, but not instakill because of it. It's kinda weird.
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It's just another half baked measure the devs take, like SBMM.