Need ideas/help for Exposed perks in builds

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

Title. I mostly play Pig so ideas for M1 oriented killers would be appreciated. Usually I just throw Haunted Grounds into my usual build and call it a day because CoH users almost always bless over it / 9/10 times my haunted gets popped but I'm looking for some ideas other than that.

If you're wondering what my usual build looks like it's: Pop, Corrupt and STBFL on Pig. I switch BBQ out for Haunted.

Other killers I play as: Plague (Don't really do Exposed builds on her), Hag, Wraith and Doctor.


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Pig...yeah. She's a tough one.

    NOED is quite solid on her, provided you aren't too far behind at the endgame.

    NOED+Haunted+Undying+Devour Hope would be my build of choice if I wanted to make her an instadowner, but if you can't apply pressure early it's not going to go well.

    Currently my Pig build is Pain Resonance + Plaything + STBFL + either BBQ for BP or Pentimento. The idea is to keep them as busy as possible with side objectives, as a trap and a Plaything totem really tends to stress people out.