How do you feel when you realize that the killer is pyramid head?

Trying to figure out who you are up against after spawning in is a pretty important part of the game, so I'm interested in what everyone's initial thoughts are when they see the killer, or something on the map unique to said killer. Starting with pyramid because he is my main.
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"Oh, #########, I'm playing James"
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When I see it’s a Pyramid head, I smile because I know I’m gonna be listen to his bada** chase music. He’s fun to play as and against
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I feel great
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Jaryll you said?
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"Cone Baby incoming"
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Oh man I love Pyramid Daddy so much. I'm a Cheryl main and I adore him. Every time I realize it's him I get all sorts of excited, followed immediately by my crew groaning uncomfortably at my undying thirst.
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I'm more like oh it's Pyramid Head nice let the fun begin.
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I love him and his chase music. Looping against him can be fun but my main concern with him is always: he's probably going to tunnel relentlessly 😣
Pyramid head is to tunneling as Bubba is to face camping, it's just how his torment lends well to it tbh
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Sadly, I ready for a high probability of being tunneled.
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Pyramid Head's power is amazing at tunneling so I'm fully expecting to get tunneled
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Honestly, I'm a pyramid main and I'm surprised I have never run into a player like you
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I enjoy PH. So it's a good feeling.
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Just like the Los Angeles Lakers, the rest of the league (our community/survivors) do not fear him.
All kidding aside, it really is whatever. I have no reaction. If anything sometimes I’m grateful for the “breath of fresh air” since he is rare to run into nowadays. Even the really good annoying ones.
‘Now give us someone like Trapper, Doctor, or Hag- and you can just imagine the groans coming from all four headsets. They’re a different type of annoying.
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Sucks to say but I just eyeroll and am like "oh nice here comes the tunnel off hook into cage into tunnel to death" every time I see it's him. And most times I'm not wrong (even if I don't end up being the 'chosen' one)
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"Hope I don't get found first"
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"Oh god, can't wait to be outplayed by him pressing M2."
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"Thank god its not bubba. I might actually get to play now"
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"Yay, it's not one of the token 4/5 killers I constantly see!"
"Ooh, it's muscle man"
"Yas! I love his music".
"Camp me Daddy".
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"For ######### sake, does anybody play any other killers besides him, Blight, and Nurse?"
Although to be quite fair, I enjoy going against Blight.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Are you me just on a different account, or am I you?
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I hope we're the same person, it just means more fun for Daddy. ❤️ Nice to meet you, other me!
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*gets banned for alt*
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I love facing him as Jeryl but I find him kinda boring otherwise
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He's fun, I don't mind facing him. The ones I run into these days are both rare and generally damned good.
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He's quite fun to face. Likes a tunnel but still fun.
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"... getting unhooks for my WGLF is just not happening is it?"
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"These teammates are dead."
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Better than getting twins, artist, nemicrutch, blight, huntress, nurse or wraith.
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Fine. The only time I don't like it is when I'm doing unhook challenges since cages basically screw me out of getting that challenge done.
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Laker fans can be annoying like yeh doctor lmao