Inserting the Tape in front of the killer after she lands an attack...

Seriously? I just came from a match where a Claudette got fully condemed (which is already INSANELY rare), hit her while she was trying to insert the tape, goes on cooldown and watch while she inserts it again before i get out of cooldown...
This killer is truly a joke, not only for the community, but to the devs too, idk who designed this killer and her numbers, but the person clearly doesnt play this game or just do a extremly poor job overall.
Killer cooldown is to long in general. It should be more like 4 or 5 stacks of STBFL cooldown.
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That would make hook trading and camping far too easy for killers
STBFL can make saving against camping killers almost impossible
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They should either increase the time needed to insert a tape, or remove the posibility of getting out of a full condemed estate.
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An interesting buff if she still needs one would be make fully Condemned survivors be Exposed as well. Hag would definitely ramp up the tension of getting to the TV in time!