The totem on the upstairs of Ironworks of Misery needs to be removed or changed in some way.

Breadn Member Posts: 203

I don't know how this hasn't been addressed yet, but it is absolutely ridiculous that there's totems up there in the first place. Even for hexes it's a little obnoxious, but for boons it's completely busted. It takes at LEAST 20 seconds for an M1 killer to run up there, find it, kick it, and drop back down to pressure again. And with the recent boon perk increasing movement speed, the potential to abuse this has gone up even more.

Boons themselves are fine and balanced in my opinion, and that's coming from a killer main. But that's when they're within reach and easily kickable, not a 50 mile walk up what feel like endless stairs.

I'm not a game designer, I don't know what you should do. Maybe make it so totems just straight up don't spawn up there? Maybe somehow make it easier for M1 killers to get up? I don't know. But it's busted.


  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    It's been clear for a long time that the base boon mechanics won't be changed and the devs either don't care about how busted second floor boons are, or more likely, it would be 'too much work' to make their radius sensible.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    It is rather annoying and unfair that there are some maps where kicking the boon is actually just as detrimental to not kicking it, ironworks is a great example, third floor library in RCPD also comes to mind.