Is there anything more satisfying in this game?

Than being blissfully unaware of entering a game with a bully squad, with a supposedly weak killer, then smashing on them despite 4 DH, 4 UB, 4 Soul Guard, built to lasts and 4 flashlights? Then only finding out how much effort they went in to bully only after the game and laugh at how it didn't work and someone DC'd on deathhook? For my money, probably the best!
Tombstoning a clicky clicky teabagger is probably it for me. Keep clicking that flashlight, you'll be dead soon.
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With that on the survivor side I would say surviving a very long chase is satisfying
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That is amazingly satisfying as well, I don't play tombstone Myers enough actually
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That's true, the better the killer, the more satisfying, I just happen to prefer killer
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4K'ing on a Survivor picked map
Did that this morning playing the Pig
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Mine is similar but Bloodwardening the Toxic Bully Squad for the 4K. ESPECIALLY if the reason I got the BW to go off was because they were still trying to be gloating jerks in the EGC and I caught one of them who flew just a little too close to the sun...
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There is something hilarious about seeing a survivor doing that typical spin + click they like to do while trying to 360 a killer; and then you just grab them and murder them lmao
Sometimes they get super cocky while you are breaking the safe pallets still, thinking that you are struggling to down them or something
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I've had alot of fun learning nurse, landing blinks are so satisfying to me!
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When you slug all 4 players from a sweaty bully squad and let them bleed out whilst puking all over them with Plague is pretty satisfying.
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Watching people fail at BMing is pretty funny.
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I don't play him much nowadays but multi-hits as PH are ππ
As are cross-map chainsaws with Billy, bonking a survivor trying to spin you, stabbing survivors as Legion, and Dream Pallet value.
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Blood warden is so difficult for me to ever pull off, but I bet it is when it ends up working, I just don't have the patience for it
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Nurse is definitely one of the most satisfying to play well. Especially if you can pull of hits on Haddonfield, I've caught a survivor on the side of the fence, then blinked and caught them inside the house in the middle of the stairs and I felt like a god nurse.... I'm not unfortunately lol I'm not consistent at all
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Lol nice, that first one had me anxious, thought she would have DS or dead-hard π°
Second was hilarious, she was scared for her life
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Successfully Blast Mining brings me great joy.
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A strong contender: seeing a toxic clicky-clickyer DC after they couldn't handle you tunneling them. If you can't handle it, don't taunt the killer.
Another one: 4K'ing a streamer's SWF squad, then opening their stream to rewatch the match and discovering they had stretched res. Of course, this doesn't happen anymore because stretched res is fixed, but it was quite satisfying when it happened.
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360 Shreds