It's nice losing sacrifice points because of bad game design
The issue of bad hook spawns + hooks breaking forever (for whatever reason) shows its face all too often. When you can't hook somebody, not because you goofed around while carrying them, but because the nearest hook was a mile away, it feels like you've been cheated. Hook spawns don't take different floors, walls, or obstacles into account. And hooks also destroy themselves upon a sacrifice, so even if it was a good hook spawn, you can't use it anymore and there's a hook deadzone. So hooking, despite being the killer's primary objective, becomes impossible to do in many scenarios. This is without body blocks, hook sabotaging, Breakout, anything.
Why is this a problem? It should be obvious, but I'll tell you anyway. If it's the last survivor and you're forced to let them bleed out, it denies you points in the sacrifice category, and therefore denies you emblems, BP, and grading up. If you really needed that hook for a Pop or a Pain Resonance, you can lose out on that. If they wiggle off, you have to chase them again, which is game-ending, or leads to them escaping if it's at the end. If you need to hook If you have a challenge to hook or sacrifice people, you lose out on that, and now have to spend more matches trying to complete it. Again, I think it's pretty obvious why this is a problem.
This is problem but not biggest one for sure. I would see re-balance broken maps, better anti-cheat and solution for grind first. This is not on top of my list. BHVR is slow even fix this issues.
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I think hooks being permanently destroyed after sacrifice is an outdated mechanic. Removing that probably fixes most of the issues. Anything left over would be a map specific problem that needs to be addressed.
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They reduced the number of hooks about 4 updates ago because survivors kept complaining about wiggle doing "nothing" even though it is only in the game to stop you going to the basement every time. They also probably did it in preparation for the wiggle buffs and boil over buff because somehow survivors need 30 second chances every game.
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Hook emblem should be removed, now every problem solved.
You don't care about hatch, you don't care about bleed-out, you don't care about kills even.
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I just got midwich where the entire bottom_ ] area had zero hooks in it. If they went down in the middle i couldn't get to a hook because it counted the one in the courtyard as being in the hallway.
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Yeah idk if anything changed about Midwich but its hook spawns seem to be particularly egregious lately. I've had bad hook spawns on that map multiple times as well and have seen several people mention this map specifically.
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Really? I didn't know this. That explains a lot. Lol
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That doesn't mean this isn't a problem.
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So you're fine with this? People bleeding out and everything?
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Why do I care? only thing I lose by bleeding out is BP and pips, if I can get it, I have no problem with it.
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I said this is problem but BHVR is ignoring even more important issues. They will fix this? Zero chance.
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But until the grind gets fixed, losing out on BP is like a crime. What about people who want to progress and don't have everything in the game yet?
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Huh? I said If I can get those I don't care, why are you losing out BP if you are getting those?
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If you don't get the sacrifice, because they bleed out, then you lose out on that BP. 32 BP is the max for a match, 8000 in each category. You could get 11 hooks, but because that person bled out, you don't get 8000. And bp offerings multiply that, so you're really losing even more. And that adds up over time. You're hundreds of thousands of bp short because of it.
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I would definitely support adding more hooks to maps maybe even removing oaks honestly just a waste of 6000 bloodpoints
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I'm ngl I run into the issue of no hooks a lot less than I run into being robbed of sacrifice points bc some salty ######### decides to dc on first down and ruin the match for everyone, but I absolutely wouldn't complain to actually improving the hook spawns (especially on maps like Lerys, Game, Midwich, RPD, and Eyerie).
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Too many issues in this game,I will drop it once a better games of the genre comes out.
Just not worth dealing with BHVR refusal of properly fixing their game.
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People started questioning it and then it died down once they got use to it. It resurfaced during the wiggle buffs. I think there was a note in patch notes about "adjusting hook spawn logic" But i could be wrong.
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Nvm. Had a quick look and they didn't say anything about changing them apart from bug fixes. But i know people started to question it around Pinhead or mikaela's release.
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I really don’t see the issue.
Part of the gameplay involves hooking strategically and denying hooks by making smart plays in chase.
Some hook spawns need to be looked at but it’s not really game breaking.
The random element of games is a healthy thing. If it was always the same all the time it would get bland very quickly.
Some hooks are very conveniently placed being able to rely on those central hooks anytime would remove a lot of the strategic decision making of where to hook.
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I'm specifically talking about a situation where they removed those things and compensated with something else, like giving more chase BP.
I know everything you talking there.
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Ah yes, arbitrary punishment for winning a game based on RNG is not "game breaking" or "the issue".
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You’re not punished for winning.
Getting a down doesn’t mean you deserve a hook.
make better decisions when choosing where to hook someone, be mindful of where chases are heading and herd survivors the other way.
It’s all part of the game.
Yes there are areas where hook spawns could be revisited but that doesn’t invalidate my point.
Also random variance and chance make up a large part of the games replay ability. Without it the game becomes a generic predictable experience.
Games that are the same every time have very little staying power because they get dull quick.
RNG isn’t the enemy and if you think it is then my advice is never play games involving dice, you’ll spit the dummy every time a roll doesn’t go your way. We all know that guy and nobody wants to play with them, don’t be that guy.
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No, it wouldn't remove strategy. If you're hooking someone on an edge hook on swamp, you're probably gonna make it, whereas if you go for a central further hook but get body blocked once, you lose the hook. And this is without any hooks being destroyed yet. Imagine when they are.
"Getting a down doesn't mean you deserve a hook." WHAT?!
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Cant manage your hooks? Sure its always the games fault.
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So if 1 or 2 of the last 3 gens survivors couldn't work on, because they didn't manage what gens they did, that's all fair and good?
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Survivor actually manage their gens to not get 3genned. Why shouldnt killer not managne their hooks to not create hook-deadzones?
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Yes but their gens don't get destroyed, especially not by something they can't control. Killers don't control where the survivors go down, the survivors do. Killers only have 16 seconds to hook someone, which is even less with Breakout, Flip-Flop, or boil over. Killers can never pick exactly which hook on the map they want to hook that person, just the ones that are nearby, so how is getting a good hook destroyed their fault? Whereas survivors are free to go do any gen at any time. And 3-gens are a bad joke; they don't even do anything for the killer against good survivors. You still haven't given a reason why hooks being destroyed is good game design, just that killers are obligated to play around it and not complain.
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Exactly what it says, just because you downed someone doesn't mean you will get to hook them, there are a bunch of mechanics that help survivors escape your grasp. All of it is legit play.
People act like not being able to hook someone after downing them or having to plan how you chase or where you hook is fun killing game breaking RNG.
Yeah there are some exploitable spots that will hopefully get patched out but hooks breaking and creating a dead space is just part of the game.
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The problem is that nothing can compete against dbd. The licenses, and the survivor bias too strong.
Propnight? 1.3 k peak players
Home Sweet Home Survive? 400 peak players
Spirit Detectives? 100 peak players
F13? 150 peak players
Last year shutdown, Deathgarden shutdown.
Upcoming games?
Vhs? Servers are down more than a month, still closed beta, hype is dead(viewers on youtube like 100-200)
Evil Dead? We know nothing, expecting it to die like Resident evil did.