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The Competitive Illusion of Dead by Daylight

Today, I learned the most important lesson in DbD. You can do everything right, and still lose by a landslide. It's frustrating and sad to admit these things. Yes I know it's just a video game, but winning/losing is winning/losing no matter the game or competition. It's just natural and OK to feel upset or happy even. I like this game a lot, and maybe its time to step back honestly.

I'm nearly at my first 1k hours in this game. I just had a game as Killer (Billy) and I got absolutely destroyed. It was the whole "competitive" experience. The team played very well. Being stealthy when needed, running at any sign of my TR, and good comms on my location. 4x DH, 2x CoH, 2x Toolboxes, 1xFlashlight, & 1xMedkit.

I just learned about map RNG the other day so I'm starting to understand what's good & bad for either side. Not just map like The Game or Coldwind, but the RNG of the "Tiles". I try to learn for myself & this site is new to me and it's my only real source of learning other things about DbD.

The map is what I had a problem with. It was a decent, open map. The problem is it gave them multiple extremely safe loops--everywhere. Jungle Gyms, LT Walls, Shack, another building, and of course pallets scattered around just in-case they got caught outside of these safe areas. It was a dark foresty map. Normally there isn't as much of those things, but in this game there was too much for me to have any opportunity to catch a survivor off.

It was miserable. I was running the whole setup too, Enduring/Spirit Fury/ Bamboozle, and BBQ. They played around all of it t very well. CoH destroyed my pressure from injuring them. Dead Hard... well you know. I got 1 hook if anyone is curious. To me and what I'm familiar with, that's absolutely shocking.

I used to care about losing until today. Now I realize sometimes there's nothing you can actually do. No matter how well you do. Of course thats why Nurse, Blight, and I guess Spirit (don't see her often so maybe not) are played often. Even if you lose as those 3 killers, at least you have a CHANCE to do something. They are not as restricted to the map and/or Tile RNG compared to other killers.

I'm not gonna say it's Killers always getting the worst, because sometimes the RNG is in my favor and I enjoy it if its reasonable. For both sides though, it can lean too much in one's favor to a point of reducing your chance at winning to basically 0.

The "competitive illusion" (i dont know if theres an actual term) is what I have discovered and now that I know about it, I think I will forever see the game like Monopoly (the board game) in that it shouldn't be taken seriously because of the randomness.

PS. If you lose, as Killer OR Survivor, and you think you did well when you watch tape of yourself, take a breath from the understanding that sometimes its not up to you. Just relax! Also, I don't want the dev's to think I am talking bad about their product, its a fine game. I support them and think they are capable of fixing the game. Maybe they remove this post anyways.


  • livecola78
    livecola78 Member Posts: 36

    Just in-case anyone is wondering, & I know hours don't mean skill, but I am used to getting Survivors with several thousand hours no matte my role.