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wasting time at exit gates (aka tbagging/waiting for killer) and same meta perks that are not nerfed

Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

the health of the game is just sad that i quit so many times and even did not want to buy any of the dlcs until i got so bored of playing the free killers for 500 hours i wanted to play the others not for the perks but for a diffrent playstyle.

first off the tbagging.

like why? you are not "toxic" or "cool" or whatever the reason you are just cringe and embarrising yourself. like it hurts my soul that these guys are soooo good but 100% they on a sfw with discord and comming the whole game and just making a killer experience as depressing as possible. its so bad sportsmen ship and just makes more killers want to quit to the game.

like wasting the killers time by waiting the very last second to leave is just so annoying. i just want to move on to the next game idc if i got rolled or whatever excuse you want to say you have no right to wasting the killers time for attention being a ahole. just leave and lets move on ffs.

you are hurting your q times more by tbagging and making more killers quit the game for your toxic actions.


i am not going to be based and say OMG DH, DS, BLOOM, IW AND THAT BILL PERK IS BROKEN. yes they are broken and annoying and have been meta for so many years that if you use anything else you are hurting yourself. (i forgot BT as well). but same time we killers have ruin, noed which is not even broken because they can easily be countered by finding and cleansing and taking them out of the game. theo ther killers perks are just info/stalling perks which is just annoying but not in any change broken/game changing since looping is a think and ears/eyes.

i am at a point where i hate the game so much where every game is the same perks, we are forced to play a ranked mm in a casual game forcing us to sweet to have fun and then next thing you know we are in high elo and forced to play meta perks/killers and just full on sweet to just not get bullied and feel depressed.

i just want the game to be fun for both sides with no cheese perks, a casual gamemode and a ranked one (not forcing everyone to play ranked) and no bugs/glitchs abused. is it too much to ask for the game to be fun?

its like we are ether forced to die of old age on surv or get bullied to oblivion on killer, ether side suffers.




  • Maxitolliony
    Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2022

    forgot to add flashlights are so annoying cause as killer you ever have a chance to hide from it since well....they have feet -_-.

    like flashlight saves with the surv perks just make it even a god tier killer will have 0 hooks and most likely afk cause there is and i repeat nothing you can do against a sfw with meta perks and flashlights. nothing.

    (noed is seen as annoying and broken yet if you destroy it and/or use a flashlight it is useless for the killer)

    (also added note, "omg the killer can just down everyone" no we can't. if you are smart you legit have like a 1-3 sec window while we are stunlocked in a animation to flashlight and save AND not even that there is so many ways to loop/waste the killers time to get noed removed. survs just have a massive advantge in a 1v4 game its insane)

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Flashlights are just to make sure the survivors are guaranteed a safe escape from chase. Same goes for flashbangs now that you can't turn away to avoid them.

    But t-bagging at exit gate? Let them. They can't win every game, and I hope the devs seriously consider fixing this broken mess of a game. Playing as Survivor, no sweat. Killer, sweat just to get 1 hook... Not even kill.

    That's why people are camping and tunneling. Killers are weak.

  • Maxitolliony
    Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112

    i legit camp and tunnel and idc what people say, i try to just hook everyone like i always have but the game is getting worse and worse with each update that they are forcing us killers to camp and then survs get mad at us for having 1 hook/kill? like come one.

    ya if you are good on surv congrats i am too but stop being entitled and cocky in a 4v1 where the killer wins 1/500 games. like when i play surv i respect everyone and not act like a complete degen, i just play the game and help my teammates and do gens. yes i loop and do other things but i never flame killers for camping me or tbag the killer. like when killers camp me i feel amazing and happy that i proved to be a good player and gave them a hard time but acting toxic towards them in a 4v1 game? like that is just bad manners since killers are the only ones keeping this game alive.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772
    edited March 2022

    Lobby dodge flashlight lobbies, ttv squads, and restart the game if they last second switch to an item or put a map offering in for a gross survivor sided map.

    You won't get a DC penalty if you reboot the game from the loading screen. Pick squads that look normal and not like bully squads in the lobby. It's been working ok for me. And to the people that frown on dodging idc, I play to have fun not sweat and not to be in a bully simulator and plaything for toxic people.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I play respectfully both sides and lose a lot as killer. Once they fix some issues on Elden Ring, I'll go back and finish that, maybe do a second playthrough. The devs wanted to give us a hockey game and this is it.

    Let's troll the killer, despite the killer should be frightening and powerful, but to many survivors cried. And giving us bloodpoints or other rewards isn't going to make us play killer. I want a balanced game where I can at least get 1 kill every other game without having to sweat until I'm almost having a flipping heart attack, and just have fun. But BHVR apparently doesn't want that for any of us according to the last Q&A. Let's make the game so easy for survivors that they are more powerful than the killers. That's literally what this game has become and why people camp or tunnel. Or for me, why I play survivor. But as for end game I just ignore them. They are children.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    “The game is getting worse and worse that’s why I camp and tunnel”

    Yet the game is the easiest it has ever been for killers.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    What are you gonna do when Im not using any 2nd chance perks and the other 3 use DS,BT,DH,Unbreakable? : D

  • Maxitolliony
    Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112

    this has to be a joke since the lastest surv perks are getting stronger and stronger.

    flaslight saves, blooms that heal and remove marks plus ds,dh and iron will?

    NOT EVEN THAT toolboxes for getting hooks and gen rushing AND NOT EVNE THAT discord to make swf even stronger by comming the killer location so that if you chase one by the time you finish that chase you lose 3 gens and 1 guy unhooks while the other 2 finish's the last 2 gens and its ggs.

    noed, ruin and info perks are so garbage since looping and the perks and items/add ons make up the kliller perks so hard.

    yes killer can be annoying to verse and yes killer has ultra rare add ons that is strong but even then the game is so heavly surv sided.

    i feel like people act like they know everything when they have like 1 game on killer -_-

  • Maxitolliony
    Maxitolliony Member Posts: 112

    this should not be a thing tho and this is my point. having to dodge and put in so much effort just to have a fun game and not have it be one sided is annoying and not even that half of the time you think it would be not a bully lobby but it was a fake and then just get the flash lights from chests.

    i don't even bother dodging anymore cause people will always find a way to make killer games unfun.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    It’s not a joke.

    Did you know that flashlight blinds used to be instant?

    Did you know that DS used to work on first down? Not on first hook?

    Did you know that survivor set ups used to be a lot stronger?

    Did you know that toolboxes were nerfed in both charges and BNP add on?

    So yes, killer was horrible back then. This is the easiest you get.

    I have 6.2k hours into this game, half of which are playing killer. So no, I haven’t only played one match, but many.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited March 2022

    "DS is broken" into "I legit camp and tunnel"

    "Nothing you can do vs flashlights"

    Ehhhhhhhh my boy

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I said it once and I say it again the game surely can register if all survivor that are alive are located in the exist area if that's true and they lingering there for 20 seconds they get sucks out of the gate. Simple fix that don't hurt anyone. Sure they will still do that and wait outside of that area but that atleast gives range killer and fast killer a chance to down them for being to cocky