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There's only 1 build Myers has that's fun to vs

It's J Myers Memorial/Hair Bow/Bamboozle. Longer tier 3, achieved in a reasonable amount of time, actually has control in chase without being game breaking.

Vanity Mirror turns him into an M1 killer which is too easy. If he wasn't, you'd see Legion and Pig 4King all the time because they're on the same level of M1-killerness.

Tombstone Piece and Fragrant Tuft of Hair are just cheap or, for lack of a better term, too hard.

Tombstone Piece just removes you instantly from the game, faster than old moris, faster than Sadako's mori, and the killer doesn't even have to damage you. He just has to touch you. And the "cOuNtErPlAy" is to jump in a locker and give him a free down, or see that has hand is slightly different, or somehow know exactly how much stalk he's gotten off on you and/or your teammates.

Fragrant Tuft of Hair is somewhere between Hair Bow and Tombstone Piece in terms of power. It takes competence to beat for sure, like not healing when you know the killer has instadowns the rest of the game (some haven't figured that out). So you have 1 chance in chase for the rest of the game, unless there's Dead Hard, and otherwise good survivors are comfortable staying injured and still progressing. But the fact that it's infinite, and that it's usually paired with a stalking add-on so he gets it much faster than he's supposed to, is what gets me about it.

Scratched Mirror is the most annoying thing ever, because if it's not on an indoor map, it's trash. But if it's on an indoor map, it's like Spirit with aura reading because it's like "Wow, you can see my aura but I can't even see yours with any of the perks I could equip." It honestly takes a SWF to beat unless the survivors are actually all efficient on gens.

The other insignificant add-ons like his brown tier 3 extending add-on, his aura read after stalking add-ons, and his movement speed while stalking add-ons, are too weak and again are too easy to go against.


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,139

    I love facing Mikey in all forms. The mirror builds are fun because of the jump scares. The tombstone ones put the fear of god into me.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    Yeah I love played amazingly well only to get royally screwed because Nea had to get some sick montage clips so tbagged him at the pallet and fed him 99. Five times. Three of which were popped on me.

    I really don't enjoy mysers exclusively because of the issue of solo teammates being hot garbage (and before anyone comes in with a "he's not even good-", i know he's hot trash, that doesn't make him fun for me, because fun and strength are not inversely proportional to one another)

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I love to read your post, regardless of how I personally feel.

    It's literature !

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,338

    Fragrant Tuft of Hair

    Basically Plague with survivors not cleansing.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    There's a lot of spelling mistakes that I don't spot because normally I'm too lazy but this time I can blame it on the flu making my head literal mush ✨

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    This looks like it would be fun to go against.

    ManFaceJay does some great Tier 1 Myers videos, this is one of them.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,935

    And increased movement speed and vaulting, especially with Bamboozle and/or PWYF which are popular on him.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,935

    Trust me, it's not. Especially when you're trying to get out of MMR hell.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,459
    edited March 2022

    J.Myers+Hairbow+Bamboozle is the build I use for Myers. He only has control over windows. I'd say bamboozle is generally the perk that people use to defend myer is saying he is not the worst base-kit killer. I'd say playing against it is kinda boring because it makes you not want to greed window loops as survivor and just do safe loops around pallets and shift+W.

    a large majority of window loops are fair and have mindgames to them. This is only good for the previously badly balanced windows of DBD that no longer exist, though very few remain.

    scratch mirror is weird. All you do against scratch mirror is heal under pallets because he sucks at loops. he is so slow that you can loop around pallets like 10+ times before ever putting down the pallet. Ironically, Self-care is like S-tier perk against this. Most people just camp hooks with it. You can run a nemesis+pwyf build with it to actually play the game with myers, but I do not even know why myer has tier 1 to begin with for how bad this is without those perks.

    Vanity mirror+dead rabbit is kinda a meme, just basic m1 killer. Its stronger Amanda letter due to no m/s penalties from crouching

    Tuft of hair is 3 generator add-on. the penalties of longer stalking are basically irrelevant if your just camping last 3 generators. Its overall not really good because part of myer's strength is his ability to 99 his stalk and than instantly pop his instant down. in the later part of the game, this is just insidious leatherface 2.0.

    J.Myers+Tombstone piece is strong version of myer that lame to play against. Lockers are not only counter to getting mori. Holding generator is counter. Cleansing totem is a counter. Spamming fast vaulting pallets can counter it. The aribitary problem is that this add-on either auto-win chases indirectly by survivor doing stupid things. The drawback of add-on is that he loses expose ability. Overall this add-on is just escape T2 m1 killer as 3vs1 challenge.

    I don't think any of myer's versions are interesting to play against. they're all boring for different reasons. The default is pallet break simulator. One of them is camping machine. 2 of them are just part of joke that stealth killers are. The last one is challenge but overall not a very interesting one.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Imagine thinking that a Killer's design should be built around the standpoint of how much fun it is for the SURVIVORS.

    This is why people say Killers are treated like birthday clowns.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I spent way too much BP to maintain my Vanity Mirror + Dead Rabbit + Monitor sneaky Myers. It's so much fun.

    Definitely not the best on some maps, or versus a strong SWF, but I love the aura reading and I really do get the sense that I'm occasionally scaring the pants off people.

    Myers is just a cozy killer. He's not the best, but he's so intuitive to play.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,935

    Overall agreed. I disagree with in the idea that "this just wins if you 3-gen", as I think 3-genning is severely overrated. I've let my reasoning behind that be known in the recent discussion called "Call of Brine". There's also counterplay to Bamboozle even, because if you see that the killer is going for a window vault, or you can predict that he's gonna, you can just hold forward to the next loop. That counters Hillbilly, Leatherface, and Wraith a lot when they use Bamboozle. And yes, Myers is overall a pretty boring killer to play against. With him and Ghost Face both, they just stare at you and get instadowns. Not very engaging for either side.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,935

    I never said the game should be balanced around survivor fun. But it should be a factor. And as a mostly killer player, it's very infuriating to play your heart out at top MMR and get 0-1 kills, yet when I switch to survivor the killer who displayed zero effort or skill, aside from staring at people, gets at least as many kills as I do in my games, simply because of an add-on. And it's a bottom-mid tier killer at that, which should really be getting no kills against good teams. But being super good as survivor can only take you so far when the killer just has to look at you and press a button to kill you. Not even just an instadown; a kill. And don't get me started on those other polarizing add-ons.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,935

    I like the idea of Vanity Mirror, and consider playing it on occasion just because it was buffed a while back, just like Adrenaline Vial more recently. But it's the opposite extreme of what you normally face when you're survivor. Instead of it being too difficult or too annoying, it's just weak and you never feel like the killer is a threat, assuming your teammates aren't absolute plonkers. Trust me, the only players you're scaring with him are noobs, probably the same ones that say that "killers having aura reading of any kind is OP".

    So that build you have for it, the survivors' reaction time is just as if you were in tier 1, right? If so, I need to give it a try.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited March 2022

    The counterplay for Tombstone isn’t just “jump in a locker” … it’s also stalling his T3 as much as possible.

    I firmly believe people need to play Myers because the reason I believe many get fed on is because they underestimate his power (I.E. He iS jUST AN M1 kiLlEr) So they don’t play ‘safe’ and frolic around the map as if they are going to loop with no problem.

    I’ve been a Myers main since I can remember and I see a lot of survivors not even hiding well because they have no problem feeding him. That is until the tables turn.

    People generally like to vs Michael and I too agree with this. Because he is far from brain dead like some of the other killers. He actually feels like he earns his expose power.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Can I get an AMEN!

    exactly Myers comes in a few forms and you never know what one it is.

    Standard Myers,

    Jumpscare Myers,

    Mori Myers,

    Infinite Myers,

    Infinite MORI Myers,

    Love em all playing and facing them.

    He's a killer that's varied and threatening.

    Indoor map against jumpscare and you never know where he is and he can see you through walls with the right build terrifying.

    First person gets mori'd all of a sudden you aint playing so bold anymore you don't wanna get found because the threat is real.

    Its DBD as it should be.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,935

    It is jump in a locker if you don't want to get instantly cheesed out of the game. Are you suggesting that people just hide from him every time he gets near? I thought breaking los as often as possible would suffice, because if he's on you he's on you. You can't stop his stalking. You can only mitigate it. And he'd be dumb to just let you go, because even if he's only getting half-second glimpses on you, it's worth it because of the stalking add-on. I don't like to vs Michael unless my team is good, because he's not all that unless he uses crutch add-ons like Tombstone Piece. No, he absolutely does not earn his power, because he just stares at you.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,459

    Well for other killers, vaulting windows is still slower so moving loops is pretty good. For him, its just opportunity for him to mindgame you at a window. I do not think 3 generator are viable way to win in DBD. Even if they were, they'd be pretty unhealthy. Its more that myer's early game is somewhat poor such that he just loses a lot of generators for using inf t3(If the team is remotely good). He just wind-up being at 1-2 generators with a 3 gen by product of the add-on. Because his T3 is not much threat to loop, He just end up being as I said... a camping machine for hooks with instant down. insidious leatherface 2.0 gameplay.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Of course not. If he engages or you see him approach from afar you have to have a plan. This is where your map/LoS knowledge will shine.

    I am just emphasizing on the fact that he is not meant to be looped like a Trapper. You have to be aware on how long it is taking for him to T3. If it’s too long then you know he probably has it.

    You can say he doesn’t earn his power, yet we have killers who you literally cannot do anything against their one-shots that do not even need to “stare”. Stalking isn’t as easy if the survivor understands how he works. Just because you are getting potato survivors doesn’t make it the killer’s problem.

    Like are you complaining about Tombstone piece or Michael in general? Cuz you seem to be saying two different things.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,935

    I don't like the killer's design in general. But of all the strong add-ons people use on him, I prefer to face Hair Bow because it takes the most skill. Having tier 3 forever, stealth forever, or the ability to instantly mori someone out of the game, I don't like.