Tell Your Positive Moments at DbD

Let's be positive today, tell your positive moments. I am starting.
We had hard game against Huntress. She was solid. Anyway 2 survivors died early at 3 gens. Me and Mikaela ( 😍😍😍 ) were last survivors. It was imposible to escape. But we both did not give up. Whenever killer chase one of us, other worked on gen. And we finished 3 gens with this way. But i will not lie, we had so much good loops because other 2 died so early. Map was so safe (Coldwind).
When i was on last gen, Mikaela down and hooked. I finished gen and hided. Killer did not find me. But killer also did not camp (love you Huntress). So i saved my teammate and then i opened gate while she is chasing Mikaela. And then i bodyblocked for her and we both escaped.
Huntress was so nice at end game. She said we destroyed her, called us good players. So i called her "Solid Huntress". It was fun game with nice people.
Two survivors had already escaped, my friend got downed and hooked. I go trade and tell my friend to escape. From the exit gate my friend points at me on the hook and Onryo nods, moves away and nods again from a distance
My friends comes and unhooks me, we drop our item and leave
Thanks Onryo
(She got 8 hooks total that match)
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Positive? Hmm.
My last 2 boyfriends I met through DBD lmao. One ended through rather tragic means, the other is still going (one month and we've hit a year dating !!) and I just think that's nice.
I'm excited for when covid finally ######### off and I can go visit him (or the other way round).
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5 gen chase this morning, Bubba decides to face camp w NOED, I kobe (which never happens), I DS, I escape. There goes all my luck for the next 3 years.
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You kobed first try too which is even more impressive
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When a killer drops you at the gate in soloq when all your teammates are toxic and useless.
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My friend was hooked in the middle of the map and the other two survivors had left, and with NOED up I abandoned my exit and went back in to save him.
It was a while ago so I don't remember exactly what happened, but through a mix of trickery, distraction, and pulling off plays so risky Darwin would roll in his grave we both made it out.
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Wow, this is cute. Wish my gf would like games...
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Simple, just meet them in game and they'll be guaranteed to like games ✨
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Wow, my gf has not problem to watch me while playing. Sometimes she forces me to give escape to survivors. She is like "no don't kill her, she looks so innocent, this Asian girl (Feng) is so cute, please don't hit her etc." I am not playing DbD while she is with me, she makes me lose mmr points.
Smart advice but it's too late. 🙄
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A survivor was tea-bagging me at the gate with Michael Myers because I hadn't hit tier 3 the entire game. I walked up to her, hit tier 3 and tombstoned her. LOL
Her friends were laughing at her in end game chat.
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Irl- I met all of my best friends through this game and a couple years back we all met in a state between all of us for a camping trip.
In game- Saw a pig who kept trying to do dash attacks, all while being blinded at every pallet by a random, and gens flying. I realized she probably had a daily, so I crouched up to her so she could smell my hand, she nodded and dashed attacked until I was down. My friend tbagged me (we do it to each other often) and he let her get her dashes too. She Tbags him and we were in tears. Anyways long story longer the randoms end up dying, and she lets us do a slug race, counting down from 3 with her cute pig noises, and we go on her dash. 10/10 wholesome and hilarious. Hope she got her daily ❤️
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Usually if a survivor kobes without the aid of a certain perk we will not name, I will let them go because that's a big thing and I'm happy for them....but for their friends.....DEATH RAIN DOWNS UPON THEM LIKE A PLAGUE!!!!!!
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Hmmm well I say a good moment was when I was playing Vommy Mommy and I had a SWF all with flashlights and I didn't have Lightborn yet, I was like great I'm going to get my butt handed to me....but then as I was looking for them I saw 4 flashlight beams shooting into the air as I get there they look at me click click twice then spin in the air clicking there flashlights.
I then decided to play along and look up and puke I'm a circle, after that we started farming BP off each other. Once each one got max points they dropped their flashlight and walked to a hook so I can hook them.
At the end we all started talking and laughing as we thanked each other for the laid back game.......I faced them a hour and a half later and we played for real. I got 3K and the last person I let get the hatch. They commented on how well I played and how hard I made if for them (in a good way). I played pretty hard but it was still a fun match, not filled with toxic survivors but fun ones
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DBD Dating App when? 🤣
Imagine someone being like "I camped you because no one else can have you" .... "I tunneled you because I would go anywhere as long as you're there"... "I purposely missed skill checks just so I could spend more time with you in the match"
I can see it.
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I play as Artist on her map. Exit gates gets open and only last 2 remaining Survivors left. I catch Claudet, hook her and see Ash running to near by open exit gate.
I am trying to force him leave to secure the kill but he suddenly is not at the exit gates when I walk there (he was injured).
Then I see him going back to the Claudet and rescue her even when he could free escape, risking himself down while injured.
I was shocked and I thought he is such a cute hero that when I cought him, I pick him up and walk with him to that opened exit gate where Claudet was and let him escape.
Was a really good game.
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97% of the community like "If you don't look like Jane Romero and Kate Denson together then I will slur you" let's be honest.
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I once met a guy as survivor who gave me a pretty beefy medkit as a reward for saving him during EGC when everyone else left him. The tbags he did just before we escaped we're very heartwarming. It was like my grandma dropped me off some pie and told me that I was such a good boy.
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Yesterday I booped a survivor still (kinda) loading into the match and they ran after me to boop me back and proceeded to "stand guard" whilst I booned a totem.
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I had a Trickster excitedly hit generators that he wanted me to do and would get angry if a teammate tried to work on them with me lol. He also made everyone leave so he could lead me to hatch.
Also had a Trickster save his mori to use on me. Every time he hooked me he'd get right in my face, look at my charms and nod slowly.
Idk what's going on with me and Trickster players but we're all brofriends.
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had 2 fun matches in a row whit 2 diferent ghost face I tricked 1 to open an empty locker 1 just wanted to get hooks and let us all out
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I have a ton of positive moments in the game, more than I can give here. But recently, I was playing as The Pig, and I had a viewer request to play with the Video Tape/Rules Set combo on a favorable map (I chose Midwich). I found survivors pretty early ... and they all started booping, my one weakness as Piggie, lol. At this point, it's a farming match. At one point, three of the group ended up in one of the classrooms, with me playing the role of "teacher", smacking the chalkboard while they stayed studious behind their desks. 🤣
They were on console as I am, so I friend requested them afterwards and thanked them for the fun time. Two of them have now started playing survivor rounds with me, so I added new friends through some funny interactions in the game. With the exception of a friend I know personally, pretty much everyone I'll play SWF with has been someone I've met through a positive interaction in game (usually, with my being the killer and their being on the opposing team), so like I said, many positive moments since I started playing. As frustrating as the game can be at times, the good still outweighs the bad.
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Unfortunately it's hard to think of a positive moment right now after several solo que matches... I wish I had something positive to say.
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Positive moments? Reading your post and the responses. It's good seeing ppl share they're positive moments with the squad!
As for hexy? The time I got bullied by a blight and he messaged telling me how I was a bad made me cry, not in sadness but because I finally met someone who I was cooler than. Ever since Hexy has been bubbly and positive to those he meets in the fog:D
Signed Hexy DevotedTricksterMainExtraordinare
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I played some Nurse yesterday and felt bad that the one person that played very well (rolled me) got caught at the end, whilst the 2 SWF left. So I carried them to the exit. But before they left they showed me where the hatch was so I could close it for points I guess. Thought that was a nice gesture. Also, they sent me a friend request after the game finished.
It's small positive interactions like that which are highlights for me.
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Had a rough start at solo q, everyone died cuz the Blight had a good hook in the open and kept coming back, he eventuell hook traded with everyone till 2 ppl where dead. He got the other one and was going then to me. It was clear that my team wasnt that experienced and also he was tryharding like crazy.
The game was pretty much over but I never give up, I was giving him the loops of his life and it came to the point where this guy let me pick up the other guy and he was finishing the last gen and he made it even out, I died sadly but he only wanted me and literally ignored the meg. He got really salty after beeing looped for that long.
Here is the vod if someone is interested to see it:
I felt pretty good after this game even though I died, he was using a full anti gen sweat loadout with pretty strong addons and I managed to annoy him and make this game way rougher then it was :)
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I learned a skybilly spot during a match and the survivors were quite impressed with me.
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Every match I joined and wasn't vs a spirit or twins :)
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In general meeting nice people who don't bm, send bad messages and respect their teammates/opponents.
Some examples, teammates trying their best to keep your alive and you doing the same for them. Or when killer tries to give you a hatch and you refuse but they still keep at it until you either accept or they get a hook. It is a little bit sad but hilarious at the same time. Reminds me of the old stand offs but in a good way.
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When the RE chapter was announced. Let's not talk about the anniversary stream though