Bye bhvr
I will not be playing dbd anymore or giving them any kind of support. They way they are handling a certain problem is lazy and bs and they way they have handled other things it's just petty.
I'm going to go play elden ring it's such a better game
kbye don't let the door hit you on the way out
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oh my god they solved it, by you leaving the game, ALL problems have been solved. Thank god you made a forum post, they wouldn't be shaking in their boots any other way
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You know you being on this forum is still support right?
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Oh yes. Elden Ring, that game that has…. Nothing in common with DbD except being a video game?
you obviously can’t play both and should compare the two??
bye though. Have fun playing other games!
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I'm now leaving dbd so I can play Minecraft. When I can achieve playing two games I will return!
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Good luck and enjoy Elden Ring. I will try that game soon too.
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See ya tomorrow
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Of course they have nothing on common.
From Software is like million years ahead of Behaviour in terms of quality and Game developement, without mentioning 2 Bugs for every 50 on DBD.
They listen to community Feedback and improve the Game according to that feedback, Behaviour does what they want based on their Zero experience because they doesnt play their own game.
They doesnt have a omega giant 2000+ hours grind wall that keep new players away.
They doesnt favor any type of players just for earn more money with micro transactions or dlcs
You are right, but not because different games, is because One company is absolutely worst than the other on every comparison.
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Yes it was just reditt and I didn't have a problem with that because bhvr had no control over that but now they have moved to doing the same on the forums.
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It would certainly help your topic if you elaborated on what this 'certain problem' is.
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I know they are totally different games I never said they were the same I said one game is better then the other.
Actually I'm current playing about 3 different games but mostly ER.
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It's soooooo good it's my first real shot a from software and I'm loving it.
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I would of but it would of been deleted because I guess bhvr doesn't what the conversation on there forums either.
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How about let's not bully the people leaving the game, pushing the point of why they are leaving in the first place?
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still completely different games and genres and everything else.
BHVR is listening to their community as well. It’s just that the community consists of people completely contradicting eachother so there will always be people that feel like they don’t get heard. But those can’t see another pov but their owns.
as to quality I agree.
but in the end… I would still not play a game just because of the quality or lack of microtransactions or bugs if the game itself doesn’t interest me. And there is no reason to compare Elden Ring and DbD in this regard
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Elden Ring IS a great game.
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I'm only doing what cote suggested. I honestly don't care if people like it or not I felt like posting it so I did. If no one said anything that would of been fine to. I expect all the bs this is the dbd forms after all.
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This is not fun anymore, we see such post everyday and they are leaving for real, bhvr needs to open their eyes and do something about it, the game is not in a good state
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See I believe that is one of the biggest problems with this game. We paid for this game and alot of people still drop money after the initial purchase. We as a paying customer have the right to call the devs out and point out mistakes they make(constructively of course). But I see alot of people on both side telling people with legit complaints to stop crying and just play and to just go play something else instead of trying to help improve a game that the once enjoyed all the time and would love to see it be that once more.
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It's not I've already left this game once back in mid 2018 because I was sick of it and didn't play it for 2 years. So it's possible I'll come back in 2 years or so if the game is still around.
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See you Monday!
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Any feedback is good feedback. I look at it from a different perspective. I seen 3 threads float through here about people not enjoying the game and leaving, of 2 of the threads they were getting bullied. The third made self harm statements, and kind of got support.
I'm not about to argue if it's an issue or not, because it's very clear the game is stressful on it's players and those players are acting out in different ways. This issue needs to be fixed sooner than later, and bullying/dismissing these posts/threads only adds to the problem.
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buh bye
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Good bye.
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I agree that this is purely a rant and pretty non constructive. I normally try to be constructive with what I post or at least give my pov and listen to others but lately between people just dismissing actually problems and the dev doubling down on there mistakes instead of admiting they made a mistake (because guess what there humans and humans make mistakes) I just don't have the will to play this game anymore which is sad because I once enjoyed it so much.
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see you next week
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I wouldn't say any because I've seen it put in terrible ways. I'm pretty sure I know what post you are talking about and it didn't have any responses when I seen it but if people are promoting that action then they are disgusting people and should be banned.
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It raises the question of why.
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See the thing is that last break I took lasted w years. It was back when OG DS was a thing and BnP was instant. I wouldn't say the game is as bad as it was then but the vibe is quick going back that direction.
There I a reason I want there competitor to come out and kill it because then they have to make a choice do we let them win and keep going how we are or do we step up and make them sweat and bring people back.
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Because I wanted to.
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If the game/forum is making you this upset, I implore you to take a break.
You definitely need to put yourself first if it's causing you duress.
I genuinely try to care about the users I interact with and it makes me sad to see a lot of posts like this as of late.
If you ever need someone to SWF with or feed you tips, don't be afraid to reach out or post up in 'Looking for Players."
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Never bashed no one I said the devs are lazy and that's my opinion. Also I never compared dbd to elden ring I stated that one is better then the other but never listed reasons why to make it a comparison. This is absolutely not a constructive post and is purely a rant because I felt like speaking my mind. So if you don't like my take dint read it and don't respond problem solved.
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I appreciate at that. I know for a fact that not everyone is a jerk here we actually have a lot of known people that are really constructive and help as much as they can. I have less issues with players and more bhvr and the lack of effort. Lately it feels like they are well get to it when we get to it with alot of big issues and refusing to admit they made a mistake.
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Saying one is better than the other is comparing them. Especially if you state you are leaving the one and now play the other. And later I agreed with you on some points.
also I didn’t want to attack or bully you in the first place, just wanted to point out that it was strange to even bring up Elden Ring like that.
also I have wished you fun for playing other games, and that I meant genuinely.
don’t know how anyone would interpret that as bullying. Some people are way too sensitive.
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Oh I don't. And my bad I actually though I was responding to a different person that was just been a jerk. I expected the "see you tomorrow" responses it was more about just getting it off my chest and I have thick skin so I can take the nasty comments.
Again my bad for been a jerk your comments have been constructive and curious and appreciated. The aggression was not intended for you.
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Sure on the most basic terms I compared them. I've actually been playing ER for a good while now and then been trying to play dbd when I'm taking a break from it and not enjoying dbd because the game just feels bad especially since I'm on console and a good amount of killers don't play as smooth on console as M&K.
I thank you for your wishes.
I'm no fool I expected the see you tomorrow and a like posy I just didn't care that they were going to happen I felt like ranting and did so.
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Take care ❤️
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Elden Ring is great but I played it too much and it is boring now except helping friends.
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I bet you use moonveil or rivers of blood
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Bleed needs to be nerfed hard.
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bye Felica
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Who is Felica?
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enjoy getting hit by attacks after the boss holds up their weapon for 5 seconds straight. basically the same experience as getting dead harded.
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